Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 59: You are as beautiful as always

Chapter 59: You are as beautiful as always

Somewhere in the capital stood a mansion proud and old. Though it was made a long time ago, it was still as beautiful as ever.

The big mansion was an all white and cheerful, which gave it a yet elegant look. With its extensive and superb body, it was spacious and somewhat cosy.

The venerable and somewhat crazy mansion with structure gave a hint of the huge capital invested in it.

Inside the mansion, in one of the rooms, in a chair sat an old yet prominent figure. The wrinkles that he had due to his old age twitched, as his eyes carefully scanned a picture in front of him.

Slowly yet steadily, a tear drop makes it's way through his half opened eyes and lands on the picture, but his hands instead of making way to the cheek, caressed a photo frame that was kept on the table beside a thin pile of papers.

The photo was protected by a beautiful frame made of wood which had carvings of flowers and leaves.

In the photo, there were two figures, one of a man and one of a girl.

The man looked like he was in his late forties, and resembled the old man sitting on the chair.

To be more precise, it was the old man's picture when he was younger. He looked formal in his black suit, which also made him handsome. The man had a light smile on his face.

Beside him was a girl in her early twenties, wearing a dress with floral print. The girl had bright skin and her features were soft and delicate.

She had a smile on her face, and she resembled the man.

She looked like a newly bloomed flower, and can be regarded as one, as she had just passed her adolescent age.

"Feng Mian" the old man mumbled.

His gaze moved to the picture in the tabloid he was holding.


His trail of thoughts was broken by the sudden voice, which also interrupted the impending silence in the room.

Quickly wiping his tear, he said clearing his throat, "Come in"

A man two or three years younger than the man, walked in a butler's uniform.

He walked and stood in front of the man separated by the desk.

His gaze fell upon the two photos in the old man's hands.

Sighing he said, "Master Feng, we could not find any relation of young madam with this girl."

Hearing the man, the man with the surname 'Feng' frowned.

But after a moment he regained himself and said, "But she resembles my Mian" while he again saw the two pictures.

The butler with an apologetic expression said, "I am sorry for my incompetence, Master"

The old man sighed and said, "It's okay, You can leave".

The butler left the room, after which entered the usual silence.

Midst of this, the old man said, "Su Yu Yan"


Wang Yu Yan and Wen Mei after having dinner decided to stay a night at the Wen Mansion.

The next morning, after having breakfast, both of them departed for their apartment.

After arriving at the apartment, Wen Mei was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as she jumped on the bed.


"What is it, Yan Yan" asked Wen Mei, with her eyes closed.

"I am heading out for a while" the voice of Wang Yu Yan came from outside the room.

Hearing her words, Wen Mei got up from her bed and said, "Why? Are you not tired?"

"Ah, that. I have some errands to run and they are very important. Also I have to buy some grocery" said Wang Yu Yan.

"Ok, then. But make sure to come home early" said Wen Mei.

"Yeah sure. Then I will be on my way" Wang Yu Yan's voice came along with footsteps and the sound of the door closing.

Not dwelling more on the thoughts, Wen Mei slumped on her bed, and went to her dreamland.


Wang Yu Yan successfully came out from the apartment, and taking out the car, she drove to her destination.

As it was autumn, the sun was not so bright and the wind was a bit chilly.

Wang Yu Yan parked the car at the side of the road, getting out of the car, she went to the florist shop.

"Good evening, how may I help you" the florist said with a warm smile.

As soon as she entered the shop, the odour of different types of flowers assaulted her nose.

"I want some lilies" she said.

The florist took some time, and after five minutes Wang Yu Yan was handed a bouquet of fresh lilies. Their odour as it entered Wang Yu Yan's nose, a smile came upon her lips.

After paying, Wang Yu Yan entered the car, and drove.

Finally after five minutes, her car stopped in front of the Cemetery. Peeking from the window, Wang Yu Yan took the flowers with her and entered the cemetery.

Strolling for ten minutes, Wang Yu Yan stopped in front of a tombstone.

The tombstone was different from the others.

It was beautifully carved into lilies and leaves and the stone was shinning.

It was engraved in beautiful and elegant writing, 'FENG MIAN'.

With a small picture on the side, in which a woman in her late twenties was smiling, yet her face was pale. But that did not obstruct the beauty the woman emitted.

Seeing the picture, Wang Yu Yan's timid features relaxed and her eyes became watery.

She got down to her knees with the flowers in her hand.

Gently Wang Yu Yan placed the flowers beside the stone, and a tear drop made its way and landed on the picture carved on the stone.

"How are you? It's been a long time. I am sorry I did not visit you regularly"

After a pause she continued, "I am in the capital. I found a friend and her name is Wen Mei. She is a very sweet girl and her family too. They look after me as their own.

Her mother reminds me of you.

Often I ask this question, 'That if you were here you would be doing the same things as Madam Wen does?'

Mr. Wen is a friend of father, you know.

I am very happy nowadays but your absence still saddens me. Recently, I have started to pursue my passion for being a doctor as well.

I took an exam, which is the national medical exam, and I stood first. I was truly surprised because I clearly did not want to stand out too much, so I left some questions but it seems like it did not work. So I am here, to congratulate you.

Mother," her words ended with her shaking voice and soon tears started flowing continuously.

After crying for five minutes she said, "I miss you. I am still very lonely. And see I started crying again" between her sobs.

Wang Yu Yan tried to calm herself and after some moments she got up and said, "Ok mom, I think I should go. Wen Mei must be waiting. Please be well. I will be here again when I get time"

"Bye mom" Wang Yu Yan said while she kept her eyes on the picture.

"You are beautiful as always" she said with a wry smile.

Wiping her eyes clear, Wang Yu Yan went as she bid her farewell.

Unbeknownst to her, someone was behind her, watching her.

Then someone wiped her tears and after seeing that no one was here, she went to the same tombstone as Wang Yu Yan.

With shaking legs, someone came in front of the tombstone.

Her eyes widen as someone reads the information on the tombstone.

"Nooo," she shouted as she fell down to the floor.

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