Spring lovers: We who are inseperable

Chapter 93: A not so usual day (2)

Chapter 93: A not so usual day (2)

Ignoring all the glares and all the stares, Wang Yu Yan proceeded towards the reception desk where Lie Jiya was waiting for her nervously.

Seeing her, Lie Jiya gave Wang Yu Yan a huge smile and said, "Dr. Su, I saw your surgery recording. You were amazing," excitedly.

"Recording?" Wang Yu Yan was dumbfounded.

From where did this recording thing come from?

And this marked the start of the unusualness of Wang Yu Yan's not so usual day.

"Yes, the recording of the surgery that you conducted was seen by many senior doctors and they were so surprised, I also took a sneak peek at the recording," said Lie Jiya giggling.

At that time, Wang Yu Yan wanted to facepalm herself, for not paying attention to the surroundings.

If she had, she would have the recording deleted.

Wang Yu Yan sighed inwardly and biting her lip, she made a mental note not to repeat this mistake ever again.

"Is something the matter?" asked Lie Jiya on seeing Wang Yu Yan's silence.

Nodding her head in negative, Wang Yu Yan proceeded towards her department, and mentally preparing herself for some bigger surprises ahead.

Until she reached her department, everything was normal, except the glares and stares.

Outside the department, Wang Yu Yan took a deep breath and with her usual expressionless face, she proceeded inside the department office.

The department was as usual in chaos due to the energetic doctors, but as soon as Wang Yu Yan took a step inside the chaos converted into silence.

Seeing awkward silence, Wang Yu Yan's instincts flared up, and warned her that something was up.

"Dr. Su, you are here!" said Wan Meili as she got up from her seat and rushed towards Wang Yu Yan, pulling her inside.

Suddenly pulled, Wang Yu Yan was defenseless and thus, was dragged to her seat, like a lifeless doll.

Taking a seat beside her, Wan Meili, gestured, and in no time all the doctors of the cardiology department surrounded, Wang Yu Yan.


For at least five minutes, Wang Yu Yan was stared with curious eyes, making her highly uncomfortable.

Sensing her being uncomfortable, Wan Meili said, "How did you do it?"

"Huh? What?" asked Wang Yu Yan waiting for some hard questions, and her words were on the tip of her tongue to shut those questions up.

"Explain to them the procedure for the surgery," said Wan Meili.


Wang Yu Yan was dumbfounded at the unexpected question.

She was expecting some harsh questions but this was unexpected.

"Yes, please Dr. Su," said someone from the crowd surrounding Wang Yu Yan.

"Dr. Su, please"

"Dr. Su, yes please"

"Dr. Su, hurry"

Suddenly, Wang Yu Yan who had always remain calmed and poised, felt that everything was a mess.

Before she could say anything, a voice came from behind, startling everyone.

"Are you having so much free time?"

Hearing a familiar voice, all the people there, looked towards the door, only to see Pei Lin standing there.

His attitude was more strict than usual.

Sensing this, all the crowd dispersed and Wang Yu Yan could now take a relaxed breath.

And before she could relax further, Pei Lin asked her to come to his cabin.

Sighing, Wang Yu Yan followed Pei Lin to his cabin where the Pei Lin shocked Wang Yu Yan by giving her a letter.

Wang Yu Yan opened the letter and was dumbfounded.

"You are being promoted as my Assistant surgeon," said Pei Lin.

Assistant Surgeon?

Wang Yu Yan was as always calm but her insides were starting to worry.

The hospital had the seniors and more experienced doctors as the VIP doctors. They were counted not of any department.

Usually, the head of the departments was promoted to this position after they had enough experience.

Every department in the first hospital had two main positions, Head surgeon and his assistant, meaning the assistant surgeon.

In the head's absence, the assistant surgeon had full control over the department and could freely conduct the complicated surgeries in the absence of the head.

For to be promoted to this position, doctors had to go through many troubles, and yet, Wang Yu Yan being promoted to this position being a newbie and in just a month is too suspicious.

Now, Wang Yu Yan understood why the glares of the people were so intense.

They must've got the news as these things spread like fire and she was pretty sure that must've come up with there own assumptions, good or bad or even worse.

But Wang Yu Yan was not someone to be scared of these things.

Her only concern was the suspicion that would arise, and would eventually reach to the ears of people, she does not want to reach to.

"But Head Doc, you also know the consequences of this step, don't you?" said Wang Yu Yan coldly.

"I know, Dr. Su. But I think that by not giving you this position, I will be doing injustice to future patients, who come to find great doctors," answered Pei Lin with a smirk.

Wang Yu Yan felt like she will be having a headache with all these things that she is going through.

"I-" Wang Yu Yan wanted to say something but was cut off by Pei Lin who said, " This is the order from the C.E.O., so you can't decline it."

C.E.O? heh sure!

Wang Yu Yan smirked at this, she knew that this order was not from C.E.O. but him, but the motive was still unknown.

"Then I will take my leave," said Wang Yu Yan as she left the office.

Seeing her leaving, Pei Lin laid back on his seat and deep in thought.


"Are you kidding me?" said C.E.O. on hearing Pei Lin's request.

"This is very dangerous, you know it right?" said C.E.O. Chu to him, annoyed.

Pei Lin did not say anything, and his silence, irritated the old man more.

"Why do you want me to promote her to Assistant Surgeon? You know that if we do this, the people will become suspicious, and it will tarnish her reputation."

"She can handle it," said Pei Lin.

"Dr. Pei, I don't know on what bases you are saying this. But I can't do it. You know people will talk and it will be a disadvantage to the hospital and her," said C.E.O.

"I don't care, and if we do not do this, talent like hers will go waste. And I don't want it. For me more important are the patients, than anyone's reputation," said Pei Lin as he got up from his seat.

C.E.O. felt an urge to bang his head on the table, on hearing Pei Lin's ridiculous explanation.

Who was he trying to convince?

"Please make sure you do it, C.E.O. Chu," said Pei Lin as he took his leave.

[Flashback end]


Starlight Entertainment



"Enter," said Li Wei, his eyes still fixated on the document he was reading.

"C.E.O. Li, these files need your signature and there is an update on Dr. Su," said Mu Shufen.

On hearing this, Li Wei raised his head and keeping the document aside he said, "Tell me."

"It looks like Dr. Su did a surgery that was very complicated and was suddenly promoted to a higher position, it is causing all kinds of rumors and it will create trouble," said Mu Shufen.

"Make sure that this not goes out of the hospital," said Li Wei as he reached towards the document and started reading it again.

"Yes C.E.O.," said Mu Shufen waiting for another order.

Seeing him not leaving, Li Wei said, "Anything else?"

"You are not going to do anything else?" asked Mu Shufen confused.

"No, you can leave," said Li Wei.

"B-But this will cause great trouble for Dr. Su in the hospital," said Mu Shufen hesitantly.

"Are you the boss, here?" said Li Wei annoyed.

"N-No C.E.O. I will take my leave," said Mu Shufen as he left the office in a hurry, not wanting to annoy Li Wei anymore.

After Mu Shufen left, Li Wei mumbled, "She does not need my help."

Till now Li Wei had known that Wang Yu Yan was not the person who will need others' help, she is someone who could handle this.

Deep down he knew, that this matter was very small for her. She had dealt with matter more dangerous and heartwrenching than this.

She is a capable phoenix queen, and is strong more than himself.

Others may think, that he does not care for her, but according to Li Wei, this was a way for respecting Wang Yu Yan's pride.

If he helped her, Wang Yu Yan would not like it, because she was a person who is far more capable and strong that she may appear.

But he will be always behind her, helping her behind the scenes.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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