Spring Winds

Chapter 106: Sweet Dream

Chapter 106: Sweet Dream

"Behind you!"

"Puah!" Narrowly dodging Master's strike, I clumsily parried his attack in a desperate move to get some distance between us.

Unfortunately for me, it seemed like Master saw through my trick.

"Oof!" Falling onto my butt, I heard my sword clatter to the ground as Master grumbled in annoyance and amusement.


You're distracted again! Pay attention!"


I'll be ready this time." Getting up and picking up my fallen sword, I ignored Master's snickers I readied myself

Out of nowhere, my sword suddenly flew out of hand, and my hand started to glow red from the harsh whack.

What the f*ck?!

Glaring at Master, I picked up my fallen blade. Then, getting in a ready position, I waited for the old man to strike again like a snake in the grass. "Again!

Let's go again. I'll be ready this time around!" I'll show this old man!

However, Master just smiled as he bounced his sword in his hand.

"If you're going to continue to daze off in your head, we might as well end here.

No point in this master teaching an empty shell." He taunted as he suddenly lunged towards me.

Blocking the incoming hit, I left myself vulnerable to surprise attacks.

Argh! Get it together, Naran! (A)/

Whacking me with the flat edge of the wooden sword, Master grinned gleefully as I tried to evade his annoying blows.

For someone of his age, Master managed to dance around like a fairy, skillfully avoiding any of my parries and hits.

Heh, how is it that this man that can inhale eight whole roasted ducks in one go; be as light as a feather? (-_-)

I guess this is just Master's way of flaunting his skills and expertise.

"Oof!" Suddenly, I lost my footing as I landed on the ground with a dull thud. Sucking in the air between my teeth, I rubbed my sore and bruised behind.

This training is even worse than Senior Sister's sword practices! (#3)

Sure, I would still get my butt kicked at times, but Senior Sister wouldn't senselessly hit me for fun!

Look at that old man, gloating at his measly victories! ( - ^ - )

"Ahh, this is too much fun~!

But I think that's enough for today." Holding out his hand, Master waited for me to grab it.

"Tch. Fine." Grabbing onto Master's hand, I hoisted myself off the floor.

"Hey, why so glum, ah?

You did pretty well this time, hehe. You lasted longer than before as well.

Instead of losing half of your battles, you're only losing a third of them! Quite an improvement, haha!" Master laughed as he picked up a duck leg and started munching on it.

Herm, so much for Master promising to "restrict his diet."

It turns out, instead of eating his usual gargantuan portions, he instead reduced them into smaller bite-sized pieces that he would eat fistfuls at a time.

Aiyah, I've given up on warning Master of the consequence of his actions. But, since he insists on digging his own grave, who am I to stop him?

I'll let Senior Sister handle Master once we get back.

That is if Master will even let me go back!

It's been nearly three months since Master brought me up to this godforsaken mountain, and I suppose you could say that I have made some improvements. But, it was tough to tell because I still lost a considerable amount of my battles to Master.

However, the real kicker here is that Master said that I would last more than six blows from Master's sword if I wanted to return.

I could barely hold my own against four, and he wants me to withstand six consecutive attacks?

Tch! Talk about bullying! (@` ^ '@)

How was I supposed to beat a man who was once proclaimed as the "Dragon of Falling Stars?!"

Aiyah, I guess the only way through this is to keep training

Or pray that Senior Sister has received one of my many SOS letters. (T ^ T)

However, based on the fact that I've yet to receive a reply or even any backup, I'm sure Master has intercepted those.

"Cheer up, my disciple." Master patted my back. "One day, you'll be as great as this master, haha!"

Rolling my eyes, I brushed off Master's arm half-heartedly. "Yeah, and when that day comes, prepare yourself, Master."


Is that a challenge, my dear disciple?"

"Take it as you will, Master."


It looks like this Master hasn't done enough to break your spirit, ah. Alright, you watch yourself, for now, my disciple, hehe.

You wanna know a challenge, huh? Hehe, well, this master will teach you real good. Heuh heuh, just you wait, my dear disciple."

Suddenly a chill went down my spine; as Master chuckled darkly, a weird glint shone in his eyes.

Ehh, perhaps I might've gone too far in my taunts.


"Senior Sister!" Running over to Senior Sister, I flung myself into the air. "Wahhh! I missed you so much!"

"Ah! Be careful!" Grabbing onto the railing, Senior Sister tried to prevent us from falling to the ground.

"Oops, hehe!" Climbing off Senior Sister, I gave her some space. "Sorry, Senior Sister." Scratching my head, I watched as Senior Sister huffed under her breath and wiped the invisible dust from her clothes. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Sigh, thankfully no." Senior Sister said as she tapped my forehead. "Even after being away for three months, I'm not sure if it's a blessing or a curse that you haven't changed at all."

"Hehe, it's good to see you again, Senior Sister." Senior Sister hasn't changed at all since I've last seen her. She still looks as beautiful as ever.

"Ehm. I'm glad to see you again too." Senior Sister smiled softly. "Now, why did you tell me to meet you here?"

"Uhh well, to tell the truth." Sh*t.

Think, think, Naran!

What was the real reason that you brought Senior Sister here?!

Eh, I know it was super important because I remember feeling antsy about it, but now I can't f*cking remember!

Ah, never mind, never mind. It'll come to me later Hopefully, I'll be prepared when that happens, at least.

"I-I just wanted to catch up with you, that's all. It has been some time since the last time we've met, and I wanna know what happened in my absence."

Hmm, I would guess that Senior Sister just went into closed-door cultivation. However, even if that might be the case, it's nice to hear Senior Sister talk.

Well, as long as the topic doesn't involve talking about my lack of discipline', of course, hehe.

"Oh? Is that so?"

"Yes, yes!"

"Very well.

That reminds me.

How was your training with Master? Do you learn anything from your time in seclusion?"

Eh? Do you mean that old geezer that tortured me for the last three months?!

Yeah, I learned that the old man is a freaking sadist with his workouts and training methods! Hehe, oh, I'll tell you what happened, Senior Sister.

"Wahhh! Senior Sister!" Leaning into Senior Sister more, I flashed my signature combo of puppy eyes and a pout. "Sniff You have to bring justice to this junior!" (QAQ)

"Eh? What happened?"

"Master is a monster, and you must help me, Senior Sister!"

"Sigh. What trouble did you get yourself into this time?"

"Ehhh? Why do you assume that I did something bad, huh?"

"Force of habit."

Sniff, how could Senior Sister not believe me this time, ah? "Truly, Senior Sister, I did nothing to deserve the harsh treatment that I have received.

Honestly!" (';w;`)



Why are you raising your brow, Senior Sister?

How could you not believe this junior! (T A T)

"I'm telling the truth!"

"Hah." Senior Sister sighed and smiled helplessly. "Alright, let's hear what you have to say, hmm?"

"Hehe, now lemme tell you, Senior Sister."

You're going f*cking down, Master!


This must be a dream, right? It has to be.

There's no way that any of this is real.

The moon above is too beautiful to be real and the crystal waters too calm. The soft chirps of crickets seem too melodic, and the sparkling dance of fireflies seemed too dazzling.

"Is something wrong?"

Looking at the source of the voice, Senior Sister looked at me, concerned. Smiling, I shook my head before hugging her arm. "Ehmm, no.

Nothings wrong. I

I just miss you, that's all." Ehmm, this is a dream; I just know it.

After all, Senior Sister doesn't look to be bothered or flustered at all!

However, it's good to dream once in a while, right? At least then, I can indulge in my vain hopes in peace.

Picking up my cup of wine, I savored the cool flavor burning down my throat. I gotta say, no wine tastes sweeter than stolen wine, hehe.

Who knew that Master kept his wine cellar in such an interesting location. I just so happened to find it after falling through a hole while exploring the mountains I was banished to.

Hmph. (- 3-)

Serves you right, Master. Plus, who would notice one bottle of wine missing?

"Where did you get this wine, Junior Sister?"

"Hehe, it's a secret~."

"You didn't steal it, did you?"

"Hmm" My brain started to become foggy as I tried to think of an answer. Damn, this wine is some strong stuff. "No~...."

Tugging at my collar, I felt my clothes become a bit damp from my sweat.

Maybe I should ease up on the drinking for a bit, although that was a bit difficult. The wine is simply too good!

What the heck did Master put in this stuff?

Eh whatever

Whatever it was, it sure is tasty. (*^ ^*)

"Sigh." Senior Sister shook her head. "Just tell me who I should pay back later."

"Ehmm it's fine" Feeling my bones turn into noodles, I leaned more onto Senior Sister for support. "It's not like they're gonna know hehe."

"Sigh. You silly girl."

The two of us state in silence for a bit more, admiring the bright moon above that cool water that tickled our feet.

"Senior Sister."


"Senior Sister."


"Senior Sister."

"Eh." Senior Sister lightly pinched my hand in annoyance. "What is it?"

"Heh, nothing.

You know, Senior Sister. I heard a rumor about etiquette here in these central plains."

"Oh? Hah, and what might that be?"

"Emm." Nuzzling my head onto Senior Sister's shoulder, my head felt dizzy. "I heard that women here cherish their feet like their lives.

Except for her husband, no one else can see them."

"Hahaha." Senior Sister's melodic laughter rang in my ears like small silver bells. "Oh? And what happens when someone does see her feet, hmm?"

"Em, they have to marry her."

"Hahaha! Where in the world did you hear such a thing?"

"Is it true, though?"

"Hahaha, w-well" Senior Sister's cheeks started to glow pink under the pale glow of the moon. "I-I mean"

Feeling the drunkenness of mine fade away, I sat upright to get a better look at Senior Sister's face.

"I-I mean, faced with the possibility of, ahem, m-marriage, t-this, this senior isn't unwilling


"But what?"

"But, o-of course, that's hypothetical!

T-there's no way that that could ever happen." Senior Sister sputtered as the tips of her ears started to turn red, and her neck became flushed in color.

"Say it again."


Leaning in closer, I had to see for myself if what I was seeing was true. "Say it again.


"T-there's no way-"

"Before that."

"T-this senior isn't unwilling."

"So given the opportunity, Senior Sister isn't unwilling to marry this junior?" I asked as Senior Sister's face reddened even further at our closeness.

As I waited for Senior Sister to answer, my heart started to throb in anticipation.



Jolting up, the chill of night raked over my body as a sheen of sweat covered my body. My clothes clung to my body as my quilt laid on the ground, probably kicked off at some point in my dream.

Heaving, I felt as if I were dragged through water before being thrown back onto my bed. Raking my fingers through my sweaty hair, I tried to gather my surroundings. Looking out the window, I saw the moon slowly retreating behind the hillside.


Collapsing back into my bed, I let the cold wind sober me up again.

So... it was just a dream?

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