Spring Winds

Chapter 19: Library

Chapter 19: Library

"Ah, let's see, let's see," scanning my eyes down the row of scrolls and books, I pulled out a few manuscripts and books that interested me.

Opening up one of them, I read its contents. "Hmm, Thousand Wind's Blade? Might be interesting to try," closing it, I placed it on my library table before moving back to the bookshelf.

Having been to Yong Shi Library for almost all morning, I began to accumulate a pile of books. So much so, that some began to slip off the table and onto the floor.

Hmm, perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself. Seeing as there were no more books of interest, I went back to my desk of books and started to get a crack at them.

Now usually, I wouldn't say I like to read, however with these martial arts books, the majority of its content is illustrations and very minimal text.

And that's the book that I can get behind.

"Hm, now what is this Thousand Wind's Blade about," unrolling the scroll, my eyes scanned the page as it slowly revealed a sequence of movements.

This technique might be fun to try, and it doesn't seem too difficult, either. Well, in the to-do pile, it is.

Setting down the scroll onto one side of I picked up another book. "Huh, the Ten Buddha Palm Strike," seems cool.

"That's some heavy reading you got there, lass." Looking up, I see a familiar jolly face and beard.

"Ah, Master Qing Su," standing up, I greeted the jolly man. "What brings you here?"

"No need for such formality," he laughed. "You're one of the martial aunts of Yun Cai, Jing Ran."

"Heh, still, it's proper etiquette to respect one's elders. Would you like to sit?" I gestured to a nearby chair beside my table. I couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed about how much stuff was on my desk at the moment, leaving little space to do anything else but read.

"Sure, since Martial Aunt is so kind," Master Qing Su smiled as he pulled the chair over and sat down. "Has Martial Aunt adjusted to life here at Yun Cai Peak?"

"Uh, very much so, I suppose. It's been a bit rocky at the beginning."

"Hah! Has Martial Aunt gotten lost around here?"

"More than I would like to admit."

"Heh, don't beat yourself up. You're not the only one."

"I suppose not," I smiled. "So what brings you to Yong Shi Library?"

"Eh, I've been looking for some methods my disciples could use."

"I see," I wonder if Master ever dropped by here after taking us in.

But considering as he is letting us take control of practice, that seems unlikely.

"So, enough about me," Master Qing Su cut in. "What are all these books about?"

"Oh, I'm just trying to figure out which cultivation method I should try," so far, I've gotten along fine with jumping from different techniques. However, that method is a slippery slope, as it's becoming harder to make it past the bottleneck at this point. "Master said that we should pick something that clicks with us. However, so far, I've got a few, but none of them seem to match completely."

"Hmm, is that so," he smiled as he scratched his beard. "Has Martial Aunt checked out the other floors of this library?"

Wait, there are more floors? Why didn't anyone tell me! "What?"

"Eh? Martial Aunt didn't know that there were more floors," Master Qing Su titled his head, perplexed. "I thought that was common knowledge."

"No, I wasn't aware. I figured there were only two levels." Two very massive levels I might add.

"Well, since Martial Aunt is unaware, allow this master to help," he started. "The current two levels Martial Aunt is referring to are indicating to the cultivation levels Martial Aunt currently mastered.

From what I can tell, Martial Aunt is almost going to advance into Peak Foundation Establishment."

"Uh, that's correct," I nodded with furrowed brows as my mind wrapped around what Master Su just said. "So, in theory, there will be more levels if I advance higher?"

"Eh, correct," he nodded. "When Martial Aunt makes it into Core Formation, there will be another level available."

"Huh, but if there are more levels, how come I can't see them?" I would see another set of stairs leading up to levels Core Formation, Nascent Soul, Spirit Severing, etc., right?"

"Remember how Martial Aunt got inside?"

"Eh, I scanned my badge on this crystal thingy, and the doors opened up, and that was about it."

"Heh," Master Qing Su smiled. "The key is in the badge. Since it's on your person the whole time, natural, it can detect what cultivation level Martial Aunt is currently on. Therefore, when given that information, the doors will reveal only the levels that Martial Aunt can access."

"Hah, really now," so it was the badge, huh. Hmm, to think that there would be such a complicated array for a library. "But why would Yong Shi Library have this array in the first place?"

"Ah, from what I know, it's to ensure disciples don't acquire techniques that may be too advanced for them yet, as some stored in the library can be rather dangerous."

"That method seems a bit flawed." There seems to be a few loopholes in which one could abuse.

"Yes, but remember the fact that its owner can only use the badge. Therefore, it holds anyone with ill intentions for accountability."

"I see," I'm not sure if the current method was a hundred percent, however, based on Master Qing Su's attitude, I can assume that no one has perverted the system, yet.

"So can Master Qing Su see the other floors of this place?"

"Yep," he nodded. "About three at the moment."

"So, I can assume that Master Qing Su is somewhere on Core Formation."

"That would correct, yes," he smiled.

"Aiyah," slumping against my chair, I moped that my cultivation was so low. "That means I have to work hard to see that other parts of Yong Shi Library."

Ah, I can see the work already.

Maybe I can ask Senior Sister for some help. I did manage to find this one little book that was wedged in a corner titled, 'The Fastest Way to Cultivate' with a note on the back that read:

'Try not to fail in five minutes!'

As well as, 'Don't tell your partner about this method!'

I'm not sure why this note wouldn't want one's partner to know about this method. If it's so beneficial, why wouldn't one share this information?

Also, what do they mean that one shouldn't fail in five minutes? Is this method so intense that it makes it difficult to make it past five minutes?

Oh well, I haven't been able to open yet, so I guess I can ask Senior Sister later.

I'm sure she should appreciate a method that could help speed up one's cultivation.

"Ah, it's getting late," Master Qing Su looked towards a nearby window. And sure enough, the sun indicated it was already the late afternoon.

Huh, did I spend half my day here?

"Well, lass," he stretched as he stood up from his seat before moving the chair back to its original position. "It was great talking with you."

"The pleasure was mine," I should probably head back as well. Who knows how long it will take me to return. Hopefully, I get back before it gets dark.

After bidding farewell to Master Qing Su, I collected the techniques I wished to take back with me and returned the rest to their general area.

I ended up leaving with about five techniques that seemed quite promising.

Quite a productive day.

"Ah, now to get back."

Okay, you can do this, Naran. Senior Sister already did some practice walks with you! You can do this!


"I can't do this," ah, I thought I had it this time. Squatting beside the road, I waited for someone to walk past. However, the roads appeared empty.

Can't someone help this martial aunt out, ah? Where is everyone?

"Ah, Senior Sister is going to be mad," well, she can't blame me, right?

It's not my fault that these roads all meld together into a melting pot of lines.

Aiyah, it's getting pretty dark too.

"Hey, do you need help?"

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