Spring Winds

Chapter 2: A Kite to the Nose

Chapter 2: A Kite to the Nose

"Oh, sh*t!"

Holding my nose in one hand and the 'weapon' that attacked me, I try to nurse my now bruised nose. Feeling my nose a bit, I find it doesn't appear to be broken, thankfully. However, it might be a bit swollen for some time. Perhaps with some ointment, it would recover faster.

Peeking through teary eyes, I make out the figure of a girl in green. Was this the person who attacked me? What was she doing flying a kite in the middle of the woods?

The young girl was around my age, maybe younger, and of similar height. With long golden-brown hair tied back into a ponytail, lightly tanned skin, and what appeared to be male clothing, she gave off a rather heroic look.

If I didn't know any better, I would've assumed she was just a pretty boy. However, her large eyes and pouty lips gave her away.

She smiled fearfully as she sheepishly hid a broken kite spool behind her back before shouting, "I'm so sorry my kite hit your face!"

Then she dashed off into the forest, her ponytail gently swaying as she escaped.

"Wait, you-" I called after her, but it appears that she has run off before she could hear me. "Ah, nevermind," I sigh as I look down at my' assailant,' a standard bird-shaped kite with a crude drawing of a red bird painted on its waxy paper surface.

Perhaps it's for the best that I don't give it back to her.

Who knows what she will do next with it.

Pulling my interspatial bag[1] out of my sleeve, I shove the kite through its mouth. I'll just hold it for the girl until I meet her again.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

Well, that was fast.

Looking over to the source of the cry, I see the girl in green hunched over and trying to catch her breath. As she surveyed the area, our eyes met once more.

"Wait, if I'm here, then," A noticeable flash of panic appears on her face as she steps back to run. "Haha, it seems I've gone to the wrong place."

Oh no, you don't.

Jumping from my spot, I used some of my qigong[2] skills to land in front of the girl.

"Uh, ha," her voice hitched a bit in fear and anxiety as she fell backward onto the ground.

Did I scare her?

She's a lot cuter than I thought. Analyzing her features in closer detail, she has the appearance of some small animal. Sweet one moment and then fierce in the next.

I wonder what kind of animal she will be.

I leaned in closer to get a better look at her.

A bunny?

A cat?

Hmm, both don't seem to match.

Perhaps a fox would be a better description.

Naughty, witty, and very fast.

But they can be adorable at times.

Hmm? What's this? The girl was looking away slightly with her eyes scrunched up as if I was going to hit her.

Seeing as there was a small twig in her hair, I gently plucked it out for her. Can't just be running around like a crazy person.

"Huh?" The girl gave me a confused look. What, did she expect me to punish her?

Hmm, tempting but maybe another time.

"Be careful while in the forest," I said, flicking the twig away. "You never know what you will encounter," and walked off.

It was almost time for the entrance exam.

I was a considerable distance away when I heard the green girl call out, "Hah! Thank you, Senior!"

You're welcome, green girl.

If fate should have it, let's meet again. But I suppose I will wait and see where the wind takes me.

"Dong! Dong!" The sound of large bronze bells rang throughout the surrounding forest.

It must be time for the entrance exam to start.

Soon enough, a large stone stood erect from a distance on an old stone platform. Around the pillar were a large number of people, each gathered in their cluster.

This must be the place.

Walking closer to the crowd, many of the participants varied in age and background. Some were at the peak of adolescence, and others were already in their late twenties and thirties. People of all walks of life seemed to have gathered here as silk robes stood next to those in their work clothes.

Regardless of age, one's potential and hard work speaks for itself.

After all, to make it this far means that none of these people here were simple.

The surrounding terrain of Yun Cai Peak was quite the sight to behold. Smaller, minor peaks surrounded the sizable central mountain as they seemed to have popped up from the forest floor. Some peaks were towering, others small. However, they all encircled the central ridge, providing a natural barrier from invasion with its numerous ravines and long winding trails.

Along the steep sides and atop of the various peaks, small structures, and manors laid camouflaged in the dense foliage, nearly out of view.

Despite how close the foothill of Yun Cai Peak appears to be, there's no indication on the terrain that we are close to the foothill of the mountain.

To pull off a full-force invasion against Yun Cai Peak would not be an easy task as it was also well known that the forest was laid with numerous traps to capture those with ill intent.

Perhaps this illusion of distance from us to the mountain could be one of those traps.

Speaking of traps, I wonder if that green girl made it out safely. Based on what I can see, I could tell that navigation wasn't her forte.

However, if she was able to make it this far, perhaps she could hold her own.

".... it's going to be difficult" someone in the crowd muttered as they spoke to their companion. "I heard this year that they have increased the difficulty of the entrance exam."

"Ahh, you're kidding!" Their companion complained. "It's already difficult enough to get here without being ensnared by forest traps, but now we might be turned away at the door?"

"So it seems," the person muttered. "Yun Cai has always been a sect that anyone could join, but it only accepts those who have the will to go through their various tests. It's not one of the Great Peaks for show."

"Aiyah," the companion sighed. "I know compared to Tian Ming and Yue Guang, Yun Cai's acceptance rate is rather high, but why does it seem like these entrance exams are getting more difficult by the year."

"Haha, perhaps my friend, it's because you're getting older! Your body isn't what it used to be, haha!"

"Hey, I'm still of marriageable age," the other defended. "Look at this face! I'm still in my prime!"

"Yeah, right!" His friend laughed. "Tell that to your gray hairs!"

"Tsk, don't be laughing too soon; you're getting old too"

I stopped listening to the pair's conversation. So, it seems like it will be rather tricky this year.

That's going to be a problem.

When I set off on this long journey, it was under the promise that I would enter into one of the Great Peaks and bring in glory and honor for the Ye Clan.

And finding a suitable marriage partner.

Although marriage isn't as important to me, I do wish to have someone accompany me on a long journey through the martial arts world. However, with an unstable family dynamic at home, and the lack of interest in bachelors back home, most likely, I'll grow to become an old maid.

"Ah! Look! Someone's coming!"

Our attention turned to the two emerging figures from the forest. Out came two men dawned in light gray robes with embroidered clouds along the collar and sleeves. And hanging from their belts was a jade waist card that read 'Yun.'

One of the men stepped forward to the crowd. Everyone remained silent as we waited from a respectful distance from them. It was a little challenging to see them over men's tall stature, but I managed to find an opening for myself to stand-in.

The man's eyes surveyed the crowd before revealing a satisfied smile.

"Welcome, everyone, to the annual Yun Cai Peak entrance exams! Shall we begin?"

[1] interspatial bag - a magic item with a pocket dimension inside it. With a mere thought, the owner can store things inside it and retrieve them at will.

[2] qigong - lightness skill. The ability to lighten the body and move with great agility and swiftness. At high proficiency, practitioners of this skill can run across water, leap to the top of trees, or even glide through the air.

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