Spring Winds

Chapter 25: Examination

Chapter 25: Examination

"Hmm, who knew Junior Sister would be so diligent?"

Looking through a palm-sized bronze mirror, I watched as my junior sister grumble as she reluctantly did some work. "Aiyah, how does Senior Sister do all this paperwork," she whined as she flipped through the stacks of paperwork.

The corners of my mouth twitched a bit as I watched her grumble a bit more before putting away the mirror.

Well, at least I know she's not causing a mess, for now.

It has already been a few weeks since I left for this mission, and I can only hope she won't cause trouble until I get back.

However, knowing my junior sister, that would be wishful thinking for everything to go smoothly.


The bitter icy wind whistled through the air as my eyes scanned the vast tundra before us. Despite it being the beginning of autumn, as far as the eye could see, white blanketed the land with steel grey mountains in the distance. The quiet and apparent calm of the tundra gave a sense of tranquility.

Taking in a deep breath, I could feel the ice-cold qi circulating through my veins before escaping my lips as a cloud of air before me.

"Martial Aunt Jing Hua, are you cold?" A young man dressed lightly in summer robes smiled as he stood beside me on the cliff, surveying the view. "I packed an extra cloak if you need it."

"No need, Disciple Bai Yuan. The cold does not affect me, but thank you for your offer." With the warming ward around me, as well as the surplus of cold qi, I should be able to hold my own here.

This place would be an ideal place for cultivating.

"It's no problem," Disciple Bai Yuan smiled. "Should we regroup and continue?"


The snow crunched lightly with each step before we arrived at a small camp. Huddled around a small campfire, sat four outer sect disciples.

As soon as they heard us arrive, they immediately stood up from their seats and called out their greetings.

"Congratulations, outer sect disciples, for making it this far in the sect disciple field trials. As you know, it wasn't easy to get this far, especially without any handouts or advantages, so it would be a shame for any of you to drop out now or fail this next trial."

The group of four nodded to my words with fiery determination in their eyes.

They would need it, as this last test would be the determining factor on whether or not they'd become a high ranking outer sect disciple or possibly an inner sect disciple, should they catch a master or direct disciple's eye.

"Your task for this last round is to retrieve the level eight spiritual herb, the Ice Magnolia, which is guarded by the level seven spirit beast, the Six Tailed Fox Demon. Whom of which both inhabit" gesturing to the mountains peaks in the distance "Leng Feng Mountains."

At the sound of the possibility of fighting such a powerful being, undoubtedly, the group of disciples grew nervous.

"Once you retrieve the Ice Magnolia, your examination would be complete, and as for your results, that will depend on your performance."

After all, one cannot expect to reap any rewards if they were carried on by others. This last test would be the ultimate deciding factor for them. "Good luck to you all."

Once the disciples set off, we watched them head towards Leng Feng Mountains from a distance.

"Martial Aunt Jing Hua, is it safe for us to be this far behind? Won't that be a bit dangerous should something arise?"

Glancing over at Disciple Bai Yuan's concerned expression, I look back over to the fuzzy figures of the group of four.

"As proctors for this test, we cannot become directly involved with the exam. However, should something go awry and they're unable to complete this test, then it would be an automatic fail."

"Hmm, I see," Disciple Bai Yuan nodded deep in thought. "Thank you for clarifying this matter, Martial Aunt Jing Hua."


Standing on Disciple Bai Yuan's transportation beast, an enormous crane, we slowly tailed the group of disciples as they trekked through the snow. There was a clear indication as to who was the leader, as the disciple in front, carefully guided the others through the snow.

"Hmm, looks that Disciple Wen Ge could be a problem," pointing towards a smaller disciple at the back of the group, Disciple Bai Yuan frowned. "Based on his physique, he could drag the rest down, especially in this terrain."

Looking down at the disciple he mentioned, I watched the skinny preteen stumble through the snow as the other's marched on.

"Disciple Wen Ge made it this far; he can't be a simple boy." Besides, there were other factors to take into account other than strength.

Based on Disciple Wen Ge's previous examinations, he's in scholarly tasks as he was able to memorize several cultivation manuals and recite them precisely. Also, he seems especially gifted in decrypting arrays and traps.

No doubt, he would be helpful in the group's survival, should they recognize his abilities and talents.

But, I suppose we would have to see what's to come.

"Besides, he is still young, who knows what he'll grow into in the future."

"Hmm, I suppose Martial Aunt Jing Hua is right," Disciple Bai Yuan laughed. "Only Heaven may know what will become of him."

The group of disciples finally arrived at the foot of the Leng Feng Mountains and started the uphill climb.

Fighting through the icy winds and slippery slopes, the group reached a landing, battered and cold.

However, there wasn't much time to rest before seven white flashes shot towards the group.

"Scatter," once cried as the disciples dashed away and sought shelter from the oncoming attacks.

The white flashes eventually retreated before the long pale snout of the Seven Tailed Arctic Fox revealed itself, growling. Once more, the seven tails of the fox sprang out in various directions in an attempt to capture one of the disciples.

"This could be challenging."

"Em," faced against seven snaking tails at strike at incredible speed, it's a challenging opponent to face. Not to mention, two of the four disciples have fire attributes, and their qi was dwindling quickly.

However, in the corner of my eye, I see Disciple Wen Ge crouched behind a rock and furiously writing something on a strip of cloth.

Hmm, what is he up to?

The demon looked around the surrounding area before rearing its large head towards the group of three huddled together.

The leader of the group broke from the group as they unsheathed their sword, followed by the other before charging directly towards the demon.

Meanwhile, Disciple Wen Ge worked quickly as his writing started to light up, illuminating his face.

"Oof!" The last disciple slammed against the wall of the mountain as the rest laid around the area, battered and beaten. "Damn it, Wen Ge! Do something!"

Suddenly, a flaming cage wrapped tightly around the demon's massive body, binding it into a fluffy ball as it attempted to break free.

Seeing the demon down, the leader smiled as they picked up their sword before stalking over to the beast with a menacing smile.

"Wait!" Disciple Wen Ge put himself between the trapped fox demon and the leader.

"What are you doing Wen Ge! Get out of my way!"

"There's no need to kill it; it's already defenseless!"

"Yeah, right," the leader sneered as they jabbed their sword towards the demon. "Do you think the demon would have the same thoughts towards us?"

"Argh, we don't have time for this," another disciple grumbled. "Let's just go and get the Ice Magnolia and go home."

"Hmph," flicking their sleeve, the leader stalked away with the rest of the group.

Disciple Wen Ge looked back at the struggling demon once before running off to catch up with the rest of the group.

"Hmm, trouble amongst the ranks," Disciple Bai Yuan mused with a smile. "Let's continue to watch."

Following the group up the mountain, they soon arrived at another landing.

"Look, there it is," pointing above, the group looked up to see the ice magnolia serenely perched at the edge of a cliff, as it's delicate flowers swayed above a steep drop.

Scrambling up the cliff, the group stood before the tree, hesitant to make any sudden movements.

"You go first," pushing Disciple Wen Ge forward; he stood a bit before the tree. Ignoring the snickers from behind, he dusted off his clothes before marching towards the tree.

Disciple Wen Ge's eye scanned up and down the tree before making his move. Taking out a talisman, he mumbles a spell as it transformed into a bubble. Maneuvering the bubble slowly over to a flower, it carefully encased the bulb before plucking it off the branch.

Soon enough, a delicate flower was in his hands.

"Congratulations, Disciple Wen Ge," Disciple Bai Yuan smiled. "You've passed the final exam."

"Thank you for your praise, Disciple Bai Yuan," Disciple Wen Ge bowed before regrouping with the rest.

One after another, the other three quickly retrieved their flowers, thus concluding the examination.

Sigh, finally, I can go home.

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