Spring Winds

Chapter 32: Dragon Bone Sword

Chapter 32: Dragon Bone Sword

I seem to have found a dead body.

Under the brazing sun face down, an old man laid on the steps before the front gates of the main hall.

I couldn't identify them as they had no badges or bags on display, and they were somewhat tricky to turn over. However, based on their delicate garments, they seem to be a person of a high statue.

Just who could they be? ()

Crouching down beside the fallen form, I grabbed a nearby stick to check if the person was still breathing.

Poke, poke.

"..." The body laid unresponsive and simply rolled back into its original place after each nudge.

Hmm, nothing, huh?

Poke, poke.


Ah, still no response.

"Aiyah looks like this person is dead." Ah, how troublesome.

How am I suppose to depose of this body without some resentful ghost haunting the peak? (_)

Looking over at the pile of tools leftover from reconstruction, I spotted a shovel. I'm going to be needing that.

"Hah, to think I would be spending my day burying a body," turning to walk over to the shove, a hand reaches out and grabs the corner of my clothes.

"Eep! It's alive!" (/;;)/

Trying to yank my clothes free, the person's hand remained unyielding as it gripped on with an iron grip.

Wu wu wu, I don't know how to fight zombies! ==(*'`)

"... fo" The person moaned out an incoherent set of words, before slumping down again, setting me free.

"Ah? What did you say?" Crouching down, I poked at the man's body once more. "Hey, you still there?" He just talked a moment ago.

"...food roast duck"



Roasted duck?

An old man

"Oh, so it's just you, Master," aiyah, how did I not recognize him earlier. _

"Why are you just laying there like a dead animal?" Can't the Grandmaster of Yun Cai have some dignity around his disciples? ()

"Argh, you stinky brat!" Straining his body, Master slowly flipped himself over and propped himself against the steps. "Since you finally recognize this Master, then be a filial disciple and get me some food!

I'm starving!"

"Ah? Master seemed to demonstrate quite a bit of strength earlier. I'm sure Master could bear get up and walk a few yards-


Holding my forehead, I glared at Master with teary eyes. Did he just flick me!?

Grabbing into my sleeve, I chucked out a meat bun I saved from this morning towards him. "There! Geez, you didn't need to be so aggressive."

Sniff, I'm being bullied. I wish Senior Sister were here. (;;)

"Oi! You expect this Master to eat this bun that fell on the floor," Master grumbled, yet still picked it up and wiped it with his sleeve.

"Ai, what a waste of good food." Blowing on it once more, he took a big bite of the bun and before swallowing the rest in one gulp before letting out an enormous belch.

"..." I thought you said you wouldn't eat it, Master. _

Rubbing my forehead for a bit, the pain eventually subsided, but a red mark remained. "Master, why were you laying here this morning like a dead log.

Wait. Before you answer that, why are you dressed so


For almost a year since I've become Master's disciple, I haven't even seen him with his beard combed, so for him to dress up to the ninth, with clean sect robes, his hair combed and pinned into a silver crown, and groom his beard.

Ah, it's like I'm looking at a Qilin[1].

"Hah, you think that this Master would step outside of Yun Cai looking like a madman?"

Well, considering Master didn't care about his face during the disciple selection, it's safe to assume he doesn't care what the outside would think of him. "Ye-"

"Do not answer that question," Master grumbled before sitting upright. "But, let's just say your senior sister made sure to nag me about my appearance before she went into closed-door cultivation."

Ah, that makes a lot more sense.

"Ah, what time is it?"

"It's about two hours into the afternoon."

"Ay, no wonder I'm so weak! I need food," scuffling from his seat; Master stood up, did a few stretches before dashing towards the kitchen in perhaps the fastest speed I've ever seen Master move. (_)


"Ah, that's better," slumped in his favorite chair, Master smiled in satisfaction after eating up the majority of the kitchen's contents. In the process of doing so, Master returned into his 'original form.'

Sometimes I wonder if Master has an interspatial space in his stomach based on how much he eats regularly.

"Oi! Why are you standing there dumbly! Come here and sit down," gesturing to the chair next to him, Master took a plate of fruit began to much on them as if he didn't just eat a month's worth of food.

Obediently, sitting down, I couldn't help but continue to stare at Master. No matter how many times I see it, to see Master practically unhinge his jaw to shovel in food is still mind-blowing to me.

"You know it's rude to stare," Master frowned before popping in a piece of fruit. "Now, what was it that you wanted to show this master?"

Oh! That's right! (o)

Quickly pulling the rusted sword out if my sleeve, I placed in on the tea table between us. The sword was rather long and quite large, so it took up a good portion of the delicate table.

"I gained this sword from Kong Xian City in the North during my investigation. Strangely enough, this unassuming blade gave off the same energy as Senior Sister."

"Hmm, I see," Master stopped eating and leaned into the sword a bit with furrowed brows.

"Eh, I tried to research to see if there were any similar cases. However, I haven't found any explanation that matched.

Therefore, I was hoping that Master enlighten this disciple about this sword."

"Huh," picking up the blade by the old wooden handle with one hand, Master held it straight up in the air in front of him as his other stroked his beard in thought. "You're correct about this sword being strange," he commented before placing the sword back down. "There is indeed something mysterious about this blade."

"Does Master have an idea as to what it could be?"

"Herm, I'm not too certain about it," Master mumbled as his fingers stroked the rusted surface. "But I believe this is a dragon bone sword.

An ice dragon bone sword to be more precise. That could explain why the sword gave off similar energy."

Hmm, that explains one thing, but still, a dragon bone sword? What the heck is that?

"Dragon bone? How is it possible for a bone to become a sword?"

Moreover, the blade rusted over! As far as I know, bones don't rust.

"Erm, it's possible but scarce and challenging to achieve. Only someone who is a high-class swordsmith, along with a superior dragon bone, can create such a weapon.

Also, dragons' bones aren't easy to come by, so even finding a mere bone fragment is already pretty good."

Huh, so does that mean I found a pretty good find? "So why does it appear like this?"

"Well, it's not coming from the sword, that's for sure. Dragon bones never need to be sharpened and will always be sharp and never rust.

Therefore, this 'rust' is most likely from 'other sources' of iron."

Ugh, gross. (lll)

"Well, at least it can be cleaned," ugh, but that's still a lot of grime caked onto the sword.

"Eh, it shouldn't be an issue," Master shrugged before picking up the sword, "All you need to do is inject a little bit of qi and," the sword began to vibrate a bit before flakes of rust began to fall off the blade. Soon a gleaming silver light could be seen, revealing a dazzling sharp edge. "Boom, like new."

As he placed the sword down, I couldn't help but gasp at its transformation. How did that rusted old blade turn into this stunning shining sword!

As if realizing the attention it was given, the sword began to emit calm waves of sword qi. Not strong enough to pose a threat, but enough to become aware of it's potential.

"I must say, my disciple, this is truly a stunning find you have here."

"Eh, I was planning on giving it to Senior Sister for her birthday," looking more at the gleaming blade, my smile grew even more.

Hurray! Mystery solved!

And this sword looks great! I'm sure with some touch-ups, it would be a worthy weapon for Senior Sister!

Hehe, she might even forgive me for some, ahem, mischief if I gift her this sword. ()

The only thing though is I hope she doesn't turn around and use it on me.

Haha, then, I would have a few problems.

Ah, well! I'll deal with them when the time comes! Hahaha' hahah

[1] Qilin - a Chinese equivalent of a unicorn.

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