Spring Winds

Chapter 39: For You

Chapter 39: For You

"Senior Sister, I know this may be a bit, uh, unexpected" nervously fidgeting, I hid the sword from 'Senior Sister's' view as I tried to think of words to say. "But, um

I got you this sword! So, um, happy birthday!"

Taking out the sword, I held it out with both hands while looking at 'Senior Sister's' reaction.

'Senior Sister' looked back at me blankly as a porcelain vase would, only reflecting the image of nervousness at me.

"Ugh," dropping my arms, I straightened my back to try again. I have to get it right! ( ><)

"Uh, ahem, here. For you," holding the sword with one hand, I looked away as my face burned at how awkward this was. "I got you a sword since you're so good at it.

Did I make it myself? Pfft, hah!

Stupid, I just picked it up from the store. It's not like I forged through the wilderness to build it for the past few months! Don't be ridiculous."

What am I saying? Not this one! (')

Not to mention being so cheesy, I'm sure Senior Sister will beat my a*s if I ever insulted her like that!

How could I dare say such crass words to Senior Sister's face!

"Aiyah," I must try again. (/)/

"Senior Sister, please accept my gift," bowing at the waist, I held out the sword once more for a few seconds before my arms became tired.

Ah, it's pointless! ('`)

Tossing the sword onto the table, I jumped into my bed and rolled myself up into a cocoon with the thick quilts.

What is wrong with me? _(:)_

For the past few hours, I've been practicing on how to present my gift to Senior Sister.

Typically, I would've just handed it over to her as soon as I saw her; however, she had to leave on some family business before I could.

So, I was just pushed off to some random courtyard, waiting for Senior Sister to appear.

Burying my face in the sheets and pillows, rolled around the bed and tried to calm my nerves, yet I still find myself a bit jittery.

So strange, I've given gifts before, and I've never experienced something like this! Usually, I won't even care about saying anything fancy, just a few pleasant words, and that's it.

But with Senior Sister, I don't know what to do. It's not like I can just hand over the sword so casually.

"Wu wu wu, why didn't I think of something to say on my way here!" I was so confident before, but why now I do feel this way! (T^T)

Ah, maybe it's because I haven't had a proper conversation with Senior Sister in a while.

I mean, we have been rather busy as of late. Senior Sister was occupied with paperwork and cultivating, and I was busy trying to finish Senior Sister's sword on time.

Sitting up in bed, I raked my hand through my hair as I lamented my current predicament.

Aiyah, Naran, don't you have any ginger[1]?

Suddenly a knock came from the door. "Junior Sister? Are you awake?"

Senior Sister?

I got up to open the door, but then realized that the sword was still out in the open!

Quickly snatching off the table, I unceremoniously threw it onto the bed and pulled the covers over it.

Hmm, no good, you can still see the outline of it. ()

Laying on my side, I propped my head on my hand as I tried to hide the nervousness within me. "Ah, come in!"

Pushing the door open, Senior Sister walked in with a tray of covered dishes. "Ah? Am I disturbing you," raising a brow, she walked over to the table that sat in the middle of the room.

"Nope, hah ha, not at all!"

"Hmm," Senior Sister hummed as she set the tray of dishes on the table, "I wasn't sure if Junior Sister had eaten yet, so I made you something to eat."

At the reminder of dinner, a small growl came from my stomach. Ah, I forgot I skipped lunch today.

"Senior Sister, you can cook?" Springing out of bed, I ruffled up the covers a bit, so the outline of the sword was not as visible.

"Eh, simple dishes," uncovering the lids of dishes, there were a few vegetable dishes, a small plate of braised meat, and a bowl of soup.

It must be fresh as there was still steam rising from the bowls as well as the faint scent of seasoning on Senior Sister's clothes.

"It looks amazing!" Hehe, I can't believe Senior Sister cooked something for me.


"Em, thank you," a slight pink glow appeared on Senior Sister's face for the briefest of seconds. "Hopefully, it matches your tastes."

"Hah, you know I can eat anything. Plus, I'm sure anything Senior Sister cooks tastes amazing."

"Hah," a small smile split on her face. "Enough talking, you should eat before the dishes get cold."

"Em! I will," I nodded as I picked up the bowl of rice. "Thank you for the food!"

Picking up some leafy green leaves, I quickly ate it! "Wha! It's delicious!" ( )

Normally, I wouldn't eat the veggie dishes back at Yu Lan unless Senior Sister placed it into my bowl. However, these dishes taste surprisingly sweet!

I wonder if Senior Sister put some sugar in these or something. Maybe it's the sauce?

"I'm glad to see you like it," Senior Sister smiled before she began to walk out the door. "If you need anything else, you can ask a maidservant or come to me."

"Em," nodding, I continued to eat until I realized something.

Senior Sister's present! (;)

"Senior Sister, wait!"

"Em? What is it," stopping in her tracks, Senior Sister looked back at me.

"Ah, I um," the words seemed to be stuck at my throat as no matter what I did, I couldn't say the words that needed to be said.

Senior Sister continued to look at me, her head slightly tilted to the side.

"Ah, Thank you for the food. And, um, goodnight, Senior Sister."

"Em, goodnight," nodding Senior Sister, left quietly, leaving me alone once more.

Ah! I can't believe you, Naran! ()

Grabbing my head, I couldn't believe how stupid I was to let the opportunity slip away!

Why couldn't you just spit your those simple words!

"Argh! Enough of this!

First thing in the morning, I'll give Senior Sister her birthday present, and that will be it!" (**)


Two days and three nights have passed, and I have yet to give my gift to Senior Sister.

When have I become such a coward! (`' )

Today is the day Naran! It's finally Senior Sister's birthday, and you've already wasted half the day! That means you have to give your gift to Senior Sister tonight, or else it would be too late!

Sniff, I have no reason to be nervous, right? It's not like Senior Sister would reject my gift or anything, so why am I still so freaked out?

"Alright! Let's do this!"

Slamming my door open, I appeared to have startled the young maid that was walking up to the door.

Haha, oops. (/)

"Um, Miss Zhu, the Second Young Miss is calling for you," the young maid bowed after collecting herself.

Ah? Is Senior Sister calling for me? Perfect!

It's now or never, Naran! ()

"Great, bring me over to her!"

"Right this way, Miss Zhu."


Following the maidservant through the large estate, we arrived at the moon door[2] of a vast garden.

Despite it being the middle of winter, the snow from the day before couldn't hide the colors of the pink plum blossoms surrounding the area.

"Miss Zhu, the Second Miss, is up ahead," gesturing to the distant figure of a gazebo, the maidservant bowed once more before leaving.

Whelp, I can't keep Senior Sister waiting.

Walking through the path cleared of snow, I slowly approached the gazebo, where I could see the figure of Senior Sister, sitting by herself.

I should've worn gloves as my hands began to tremble slightly. Rubbing my hands together, I tried to warm them until they turned red.

As I came closer, Senior Sister's image seemed to have come from that of a painting as she sat alone, basked in the moon's soft light.

"Senior Sister."

Looking up from her teacup, Senior Sister faintly smiled. "Junior Sister, I'm glad you could join me."

"Em, of course!"

Senior Sister looked as if she were going to say something, but held it in. "Would you like some tea?"


While Senior Sister poured me a cup of tea, I nervously drummed my finger on the stone table, waiting for the right moment to say something.

"Junior Sister."


"How have you been?"

"Oh, um," I've been, well, alright, I suppose. "I've been okay. What about you, Senior Sister? How has closed-door cultivation been?"

Wow, some smooth words coming from you, Naran. (')

"It's been adequate," slowly pouring herself a fresh cup of tea, Senior Sister took a sip. "I've managed to advance to breakthrough into Core Foundation, and now I'm on my way to Mid Core Formation."

"Wow!" Only eighteen and Senior Sister is already at this level? She's already almost on equaling footing with some sect elders years above her age!

Hehe, my Senior Sister, is truly a once in a million genius!

"Em, so Junior Sister, what have you been up to?"

Alright, Naran! Now or never! ((( )o

Placing the sword onto the table, I took in a deep breath.

"I, um, have been working on this sword for the past few months and figured that it would be an excellent gift for Senior Sister because when I first laid eyes on it, it had the same energy as you.

And um, I know how good Senior Sister is with swords, so I thought it would only make sense," taking in another deep breath, I tried to calm my jitters.

"I'm not sure if Senior Sister has any swords like this. I'm sure Senior Sister probably does, since Senior Sister is amazing at swordplay and super-rich, so someone must have made Senior Sister another sword by now, right?

Haha, anyways," I began to trail off as Senior Sister didn't say anything, just staring at the sword. Bowing my head, I didn't want to see Senior Sister's reaction, "I hope Senior Sister will accept this junior's gift, as I worked hard on it.

So happy birthday, Senior Sister!"

I waited a few seconds for Senior Sister to say something, but as the next few seconds ticked by, Senior Sister said nothing.

Ah, so she doesn't like it ( )

"... I love it" Looking up, I see Senior Sister look at me with an awestruck expression I haven't seen before. "Thank you, Zhu Na Ran."

"W-wha- what really?" Relief swelled in my chest as I began to tear up a bit as the weight of the last few days seemed to have floated off my shoulders.

"Em," a rare smile appeared on Senior Sister's face. "It's beautiful."

"Em! I'm glad Senior Sister likes it!" Hehe, success!~()/~

[1] any ginger - canto slang that means to have guts/ courage. To be spicy or zesty enough.

[2] moon door - a circular door standard in traditional Chinese gardens.

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