Spring Winds

Chapter 42: Palace (1)

Chapter 42: Palace (1)

"Woah! This place is huge!" Intricate gold designs and jade inlays in the walls, and a vibrant array of flowers and greenery amongst pale white snow, this place might be a garden from heaven!

Hehe, as expected from one of the most significant nations of this land, every nook and cranny practically dripped with money and wealth! ()

This place is incredible!

"Don't run off; it's dangerous for you to wander through the palace aimlessly," Senior Sister warned as she walked up from behind.

"Eh, I won't!" Traveling as Senior Sister's maidservants had some perks. For one, I didn't need to bother to make conservation with anyone, just keep my head down.

And after I attend my 'duties', I can roam the area! Well, as long as I don't cause any trouble, of course.

"Hmm, hmm, hmm!" It was a relatively peaceful walk with Senior Sister as we took in the sights before until we were suddenly interrupted.

"Second Young Miss Ye," a palace maid bowed gracefully before Senior Sister. "The empress would like to see you.

Eh? The empress?

Why would the empress want Senior Sister's presence? ()

Looking to Senior Sister for answers, she seemed as calm as ever.

"Alright," Senior Sister nodded. "Bring us to the empress."

"Second Young Miss Ye," the maidservant smiled softly, "the empress requests that the young miss comes alone."

Eh? Alone? ???

Is this going to be some court drama that I'm missing out!

Wait, why can't I be there! I want to watch Senior Sister do some face-slapping or something! How unfair! ( ><)

"Senior Sister" tugging on her sleeve, I pouted. Don't leave me alone!

Senior Sister looked at me before sighing. "Give me a moment alone for a second," grabbing my arm, Senior Sister pulled into a gazebo overlooking a frozen lake. "I'm going to be gone for a bit, stay here and don't cause trouble and wait for me to come and get you," Senior Sister ordered, slowly.

"Alright, alright," pouting, I couldn't believe that Senior Sister wasn't going to take me along. <(^')>

Another sigh escaped Senior Sister's lips. "Now, repeat to this senior what I said."

"Hmph," what did Senior Sister think I wasn, a child who can't obey simple instructions? "Stay here in this place until Senior Sister comes back."


"Hah," crossing my arms, I mumbled, "and don't cause trouble." (_ _|||)

"Good," patting my head, she smiled. "You're learning."

"Hmph" sticking out my tongue, it was returned by a pinch to my nose "Okay, okay! I'll be good! I'll be good!"

"I'm serious, Junior Sister," Senior Sister crossed her arms with narrowed eyes. "This place is not somewhere where you can run around.

It's dangerous."

"Okay, okay," covering my ears, Senior Sister's words practically rang through my head in an endless echo. "I'll obey Senior Sister's orders. This junior will not cause any trouble for Senior Sister or anyone."

After a few more reprimands and head pats, Senior Sister walked off with the palace maid.

"Ah," leaning back against the railing, I can't believe that Senior Sister had so little trust in this junior. "Aiyah, I guess I'll just wait here for Senior Sister."

At least it wasn't cold as the midday sun shone down in the garden, illuminating the snow and ice.

Tsk, tsk, and so the wait begins. ('.) *sniff*


"Argh, I'm so bored," it's been at least a few hours since Senior Sister left, and she hadn't returned yet.

What is taking so long? _(:)_

Ah! Could it be that the empress is forcing Senior Sister to kneel in the snow or wash clothes with ice water?

Or maybe, she is keeping until Senior Sister finishes copying scriptures several times! (;)

Although I doubt Senior Sister will let such things happen to her, based on the plays that I watched, I would say otherwise!

"Aiyah! What is happening!" Wah, I want to be there! I'm so bored that I'm even willing to copy scriptures with Senior Sister! "Wu wu, Senior Sister, come and pick up this junior already!" QAQ

"Ah!" A sudden splash brought me out of my momentary melodrama.

Looking out at the frozen lake, a group of women cried for help as they surrounded the area where someone fell in! ;

Peeking through the frozen waves of water, I noticed a pair of pale hands reach out of the water, while another woman, at the banks of the lake, dramatically called for help.

A few maids and eunuchs tried to wade into the water, but it seemed that they couldn't do much.

Argh! I know that Senior Sister told me not to cause any trouble, but someone could be seriously hurt if I don't help out!

"Ah, forget it! I'll deal with Senior Sister wrath later!" ()

Jumping over the railing, I used some qigong to jump across broken pieces of ice to the fallen person's location.

Diving into the bone-chilling waters, I tried to find the fallen person through squinted eyes.

There, deep below the surface, was a young girl, entangled with the reeds. Swimming closer to her, as I came closer, she didn't notice my presence, as she faintly struggled as air bubbles escaped her mouth.

No good, I'll have to hurry.

Breaking the reeds that tethered her to the lake, I grabbed onto the girl's waist and tried to swim up to the surface.

Ugh, just a little bit more! `'

Breaking through the lake's surface, I gasp out for air as I wade my way to the shore as a few eunuchs along with a medic. The wet clothes combined with the icy air around us, weighed us down slightly as we returned to dry land.

"Ah, young miss," a bunch of maids rushed over to us, as I carried the young girl to the shore.

"Thank you for saving our mistress," they cried as they tried to wake up the young girl. "Where's the medic?"

"He's on his way!"

The surrounding ladies all huddle around, anxious about the girl in my arms. Hmm, no good, it's best that we try and revive this girl as soon as possible, lest she may die.

Laying her down on a cloak that someone lent, I turned her on her side, letting some of the water dripped out from her nose and mouth.

Turning her back over onto her back, I looked down at the young girl's pale face before letting out a small sigh.

Sorry, young miss. This auntie will take responsibility if you need me to.

Pinching her nose, I placed my lips on hers and began to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

I heard some gasp and muttered something behind their long sleeves, but I ignored them as I focused on reviving the young girl.

As I pulled back, the girl suddenly started a fit of coughs as the water poured out of her mouth.

"Young miss, you're alive!"

"Wah," she muttered as she looked around before her eyes landed on me. "Y-you," she stuttered as her face began to glow red despite the cold.

"Apologizes, young missy," I bowed slightly. "I tried my best with the given situation."

"Ah- hum," she continued to stutter with clattering teeth. Maybe she's cold?

Grabbing the cloak, one of the maids was holding; I wrapped it around her shoulders, which only made her redden more.

There we go. (' ` )b

"Junior Sister!" Looking up in the distance, I saw Senior Sister run over, followed by who appears to be the medic with a few maids.

The medic with a few maidservants rushed over to attend to the young woman, while Senior Sister pulled me aside from the crowd.

"Senior Sister," I couldn't help but let out a sheepish smile as she began to fuss over me while she lightly pinched my nose.

"What did I tell you about waiting for me, huh," draping her cloak over me, I didn't realize how cold I was until I wrapped in the warmth of Senior Sister's wool cloak. "Goodness and your clothes are all soaked too aiyah in this weather."

"Heh, sorry, Senior Sister, but there was someone who was in need, so I couldn't just stand by and do nothing."

"I know," Senior Sister sighed as she grabbed my shoulders. "But what if you got hurt? Hmm, how would you answer me then?"

"Heh, I'll be fine," I'm a lot tougher than you think, Senior Sister. ( v )

"Hah, still"

"Excuse me," a somewhat raspy voice cut into our conversation. It was the girl I just pulled out of the water. "T-thank you, for saving me," she bowed, followed by a few of her servants who called out their thanks.

"Em, it's no issue," glad to know that the young missy lo0oks fine now, except for being a bit pale.

After exchanging a few more thanks, the young missy was ushered away by a fleet of servants to go back inside.

"You should go back inside, too," Senior Sister frowned as she began to pull me towards the paved pathway. "We can't have you getting sick in this weather."

"Haha, I'll be fine," I'm as healthy as a horse! "It's just a little- Achoo!"


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