Spring Winds

Chapter 45: Palace (4)

Chapter 45: Palace (4)

"Hey! Come back here, you beast!" Huffing and puffing through the snow, Zhu Na Ran attempted to chase after a slick little snow fox.

Its mischievous black eyes twinkled against its snowy coat and, in its mouth, was a yulan hairpin. It looked back at Zhu Na Ran's heaving form, mockingly.

'Hah, I can't believe this little beast dares to steal Senior Sister's hairpin!' ()

As she continued to curse the fox mentally, it continued to hop away.

Although her poor attire of thin inner clothes and socks were thoroughly soaked and cold along with a blanket unceremoniously draped over herself like a puffy cape, she still gave chase.

Gathering up her blanket, she gripped it tightly around her neck as she picked her feet up through the thick snow. "Argh! Why does trouble love me so much!"

Half an hour ago

"Ah, I'm so bored!" Laying in bed with the piles of blankets kicked off to the side, Zhu Na Ran spread out like a starfish as she stared up at the ceiling. _(:)_

'Hmph! Senior Sister worries too much!

Can't she see that I'm fine! How could I get sick from something like a swim in an ice bath!

I'm sure that there is some cultivation technique out there that requires one to meditate in the ice water for an extended period! Heck, I'm sure Senior Sister must've done so before!' (#)

Flopping around the bed, Zhu Na Ran flopped on her stomach before a gleaming object caught her eye.

On the floor was a forgotten yulan hairpin.

'Isn't that the hairpin that Senior Sister was wearing before?' ( )?

Sliding out of bed, she tiptoed across the cold tiled floors towards the fallen object.

However, before she could pick it up, a snowy white fox suddenly appeared and snatched it up into its little mouth. As if wanting Zhu Na Ran to know that it had taken it, the fox seemed to smirk at her before slinking out the window.

'What the f*ck.' (|||)

Rushing over to the window, she saw the fluffy white tail of the fox hop over the walls of the clinic before disappearing into the night.

"Are you kidding me!" WHAT()

Scrambling out the window, Zhu Na Ran couldn't be bothered to put on her wet shoes and instead grabbed one of the blankets before wrapping it around herself.

'Aiyah, I hope I get back before anyone notices.

Tch. Stupid fox.'

Thus this chain of events leading up to her current situation as Zhu Na Ran ran through the snow and ice after this allusive fox.

'Hah! I'm almost near you little bastard,' gritting her teeth; she powered her way through the snow. She took a sudden swipe at the fox in an attempt to pry the hairpin out of its mouth.

( )


Unfortunately, all that grabbed was a bloodied claw mark on her hand and cold snow. Her wound painted the pale white snow a deep red as she tried to pick herself up.

'Argh! The f*cking fox got away!' (((;)))Fuuuuuu-!

Pounding her fist against the snow in rage, Zhu Na Ran bemoaned her misfortune. 'It was right there! Just a whisker away!

Aiyah, how did I get so rusty!?!'

"Are you alright?"

'Eh?' ()

A pale white hand extended itself towards her. Looking up at its owner, she suddenly recognized that person. 'Ah, it's that nice young maiden in red who helped me out a while back!' ()

"It's you," she smiled. "I'm surprised I managed to meet you again! Especially since our last meeting was so brief!"

Fei Fu Qu smiled as Zhu Na Ran grabbed onto her hand for support. "It seems that fate has us keep bumping into each other."

'It's nice to see you again, Xiao Ran,' Fei Fu Qu hummed with happiness. 'It's good to know that you still haven't changed.'

She enjoyed this rare quiet moment with her Xiao Ran before it was interrupted by the scarlet droplets in the snow, staining the snow like red ink on paper.

"You're hurt."

"Oh," Zhu Na Ran suddenly remembered her wound. "It's just a scratch from a naughty fox.

Ah! The fox," she suddenly remembered! "Senior Sister's hairpin!"

'I still have to chase after that little beast!' ()

"You mean this one?"

"Hah?" (o;)

Crouching down in the snow, Fei Fu Qu pulled out the hairpin from the snow before handing it over to her. "Is this the one you're looking for?"

"Yes! Thank you!" Grabbing it, Zhu Na Ran gently brushed the ice and snow from the delicate accessory. 'Hmm, the fox must've dropped it.

Oh well! Mission complete!'()

"Well, it was nice meeting you, but I have to get going!"

"Ah wait-"

Reaching out, Fei Fu Qu only managed to catch Zhu Na Ran's fading figure as the sight of her blanket-covered back became smaller.

"Heh, how many times have seen your back, Xiao Ran... "

Seven years ago

"Xiao Ran," entering Zhu Na Ran's courtyard, Fei Fu Qu saw Zhu Na Ran climb atop the wall of the estate. "Where are you going?"

'And why was she so hasty to leave?'

"Second Sister," Zhu Na Ran called back with a smile and wave. "I'm going to go play with my fox friend!

Don't wait for me for lunch!"

"Wait, Xiao Ran!"

But, no matter how much she called, Zhu Na Ran would leave every time.

'Every time you leave, you always leave so hastily.

You never look back.

Not even once.'

Activating the array that she'd prepared, a vast illusion labyrinth surrounded the entire palace. Instantaneously the image of Zhu Na Ran through the snow appeared before Fei Fu Qu.

"Sister Qu," walking up to her, A-Tong carried a large cloak before draping it over her shoulders. "You rushed outside with a cloak. What if you get sick in this weather?"

"It's alright," patting the hand of her loyal subordinate; she smiled reassuringly. Guiding Fei Fu Qu back indoors, A-Tong began to pour Fei Fu Qu a cup of medicinal tea.

"Did everything go as planned?"

"Em," A-Tong nodded as she set down the teapot. "Ye Lian Hua should be getting the news that Zhu Na Ran is missing shortly."

"Good, then we have time then."


'Ah, Senior Sister is going to kill me,' crouching under a fake mountain, Zhu Na Ran waited for her senior sister to find her. ( ;;)

'Hah, Senior Sister should know by now that I'm missing, right? It's already pretty late, so I'm sure she's on her way back.'

"Heh, I'm dead." She could already hear her sister's lecture before it already started.

'I left the clinic recklessly without any proper attire.

I ran around the imperial palace after a fox.

And I disobeyed Senior Sister's orders of staying in bed and resting.

Aiyah, I'm never going to hear the end of this when she finds me again.

But, at least I have this!' ( )

Twirling the yulan hairpin between her thumb and forefinger, Zhu Na Ran smiled in a prayer.

'Please, heavens, let this be enough to placate my senior sister's anger.' (;)

Suddenly, the sound of crying rang through the air.

"Eh? Who could that be?" Slinking out from her hiding spot, she peered around the area before the sound of crying brought her to a giant stone statue.

Peering behind it, she saw a young girl crying. "Wu wu, wu"

Crystalline tears poured from the girl's eyes as she pitifully wept by herself.

"Hey girly, why are you crying?" Trying to not to scare the girl off with her crazed appearance, Zhu Na Ran plastered on a harmless smile.

Although her smile might just have the opposite effect with her current appearance.

( ;)

"I-I," the girl cried before moving her skirt to show what was wrong: a badly sprained ankle.

"Oh," cringing at how bad it was, Zhu Na Ran crouched down and gently moved the girl's leg so she could get a better look at it.

'How could she get such a horrible wound out here?'()

Gingerly touching the bloodied wound, the girl winched as she felt around the ankle to see if it's broken. "Well, the good news is that it's just a sprain. You should be able to recover with some treatment."

Ripping the bottom hem of her inner clothing, Zhu Na Ran wrapped the white cloth around the injured area. "There, that should do for now until we get to the clinic.

Lucky for you, little lady, I'm headed there right now. Hop on!" **)

Crouching down, Zhu Na Ran gestured for the girl to climb onto her back. Although a bit reluctant at first, a pair of thin arms wrapped around Zhu Na Ran's neck before she stood up.

"Alrighty, hold on! We'll be there shortly!" ( )

"Em," the girl hummed as she laid her head on Zhu Na Ran's shoulder.

'You're right, Sister Qu.

Sister Ran didn't change at all.

She's still the kind sister that I remember from before.'

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