Spring Winds

Chapter 7: Fate

Chapter 7: Fate

"Whew," pulling myself over the edge of the cliff, I plopped my tired body onto the cold stone floor. Caressing the rocky floor with tired hands, I couldn't believe how much I missed the solid ground. "Sweet, sweet solid ground"

Who knew such a serene-looking sect[1] would have such vicious tests!

Within a day, I have fought against three monsters, climbed out of seven traps, and had to climb a cliff face just to make it to the exit finally! I'm lucky that I was able to make it out with minor injuries!

Not to mention, getting lost several times and ending up wasting a quarter of my day going in circles.

Why is my sense of direction so bad? ;__;

Ah, so tired.

Just let me die here first. Perhaps my ghost will have a better chance of making it past the third trial.

"Welcome, participant! Congratulations on getting out of the Mist Maze of Yun Cai," a middle-aged man greeted as I returned a haggard stare his way. Reluctantly fighting against fatigue and my laziness, I peel myself off the floor to return the greeting.

Looking down, I can see a small sweat puddle in the shape of my body. Using my foot, I try to rub out the outline so that no one else knows that the pool was once me.

"Uh, hello," I returned the man's greeting with a slight bow.

"Hello, participant. May I see your participant badge?"

"Sure," fumbling around, I felt for my badge before pulling it out and handing it to the man in light grey. His appearance was average, with slight wrinkles around the corners of his eyes. If anything, he sort of resembled a good uncle or something.

"Eh, you did very well, participant 302," the proctor smiled. "The third trial has yet to start, so you are free to rest for now."

"Oh, thank you."

"No issue," the proctor smiled as he handed me back my badge. "Some of the participants that finished the first two trials are inside Ning Jing Hall. However, you are free to wander this area if you are looking for a quiet place to meditate."

Looking behind the proctor, I could see a large hall sitting among the clouds and greenery. It didn't appear to be the main building of Yun Cai Peak. However, it was a decently sized one. Perhaps it is another hall for the disciples to gather and socialize.

"Thank you," I repeated before making my way over to Ning Jing Hall to see if Senior was there. Walking up the steps, I peek inside the open doors to see if I could spot Senior anywhere.

There were a few that were littered around the area, sitting on straw mats as they meditated or talked to others. Some were sleeping, and others were eating. But above all, there was a sense of jubilation in the air.

But as active as the Ning Jing Hall was, I couldn't spot the white-clothed maiden I was looking for.

"Ahh, she must have gone somewhere to meditate or something," seeing no need to stay at the hall, I went off to explore and search for Senior.

She couldn't have gone too far, so she would most likely be somewhere around here.

Wandering around Ning Jing Hall, I discovered a small set of stone stairs tucked behind some forest foliage that sat on the side of a mountain.

"Where could this lead to?" Could these be the steps leading to the top of the mountain?

Looking around to see if anyone had spotted me, I advanced towards the weather-worn steps and began my climb.

The stairs wrapped around the side of the mountain; however, the distance was shorter than I had expected.

Turning the corner, I was surprised by a hidden landing. The area was somewhat small, but it was quiet. Overlooking Ning Jing, the area remained relatively hidden by the tall trees that surrounded the platform.

However, the best part was that I found whom I was looking for.

Seated at a stone table, Senior slept as she propped her head up with her arm and her other hand placed on the table.

At first glance, she wasn't affected by the trials at all until I got a little closer. Under her eyelashes, I could see a dark shadow growing.

Despite that, she still had a tranquil calm around her.

The perfect opportunity for me to drop off this jade and run!

Before I could get closer, a calm voice made me freeze in my spot. "Don't even think about it." Slowly opening her eyes, cold eyes swept over to me.

What a light sleeper.

Raising my hands in surrender, I walk over to her and take a seat across from her. "How did you know?"

"I could sense your scheming grin looking at me," Senior responded as she sat upright and rubbed her eyes.

"Boo. And here I thought I would have a chance to return this," pulled out the jade, I placed it on the table. "And it looks like you were wrong about needing this to pass the second trial."

"Hmm," she hummed as she took out her own to place it next to mine. "If not to pass the trial, then what for?"

The two of us looked at the two jade pieces for a while. They both had a weird shape to them, and they didn't exactly fit together.

"Perhaps, they could be a key?"


The two of us sat in awkward silence until my stomach broke it.

"Heh, sorry," blushing slightly in embarrassment, Senior watched me with a tilted head as I pulled out some rations. "Do you want some?"

Placing down my small bundle of food on the table, I opened the package up to reveal some slightly squashed steamed buns that I had bought from a town outside of Yun Cai Peak. If my memory is correct, these are just plain buns without any filling. I didn't want to risk them getting spoiled before I could eat them.

Picking up one of the buns, I began to gnaw on it. It was a little hard, but it was edible enough. "Not going to eat?"

"I don't know if there's poison or not."

"Wah? Don't you see me eating them right now?" Tsk, does Senior think I will kill her with steamed buns? "Tsk, do you think of me as such a terrible person to want to poison you?"

"Who knows"

"Ah! I'm hurt," I cried with an exasperated sigh. "That Senior would see me in such a negative light."

Well, she has a right to see me in a somewhat bad light, but didn't I right my wrongs in our last interactions!

Senior didn't answer me as she had a blank expression on her face. But then she slowly reached out to grab one.

Wow! Has Senior accepted my peace offering?

Senior then brought the bun up to her face and checked it, perhaps looking for mold. She then tore off a small piece before sniffing it.

As if satisfied with her check, she plopped the small piece into her mouth.

"Heh," I chuckled as I stopped eating to watch Senior slowly eat her bun piece by piece.

"What's so funny?" She looked up from her food and gave me inquisitive eyes.

"Nothing," I grinned. "It's just that despite your cold demeanor, you look like a small animal eating food."

"Hmm," Senior hummed as she slowed tore off a piece of the bun before placing it in her mouth.

The two of us ate in silence as the few buns soon disappeared.

"Thank you," Senior said. "For the food."

"No problem," I smiled. "It's my pleasure."

Suddenly a bell rang through the area, signaling the start of the third trial.

"We should go," Senior got up from her seat and brushing off the dust and some crumbs from her white clothes.

"Ah, wait for me, Senior," quickly packing up my things, I chase after Senior's fleeting figure.

Senior paused for a moment as if waiting for me to catch up before continuing to walk down the steps.

Jumping down a few steps, I caught up to Senior. "You know, Senior, I realized we didn't exchange names."

Senior paused again and looked at me from the corner of her eye before continuing to walk. "Surname, Ye[2] from Ye Li, zibei[3] Lian, and given name Hua[4]."

"Hmm, Ye Lian Hua," I tested the name on my tongue. "What a good name." Night lotus flower, huh.

"Hmm," Ye Lian Hua hummed as she stopped walking and waited for me to give her my name.

"Well, for me, surname, Zhu[5] from Zhu Hong, zibei, Na and given name, Ran[6] from Ran Shao."

"Well, Zhu Na Ran," Ye Lian Hua cupped her hands. "It must be fate that we met," and bowed towards me.

"Eh," returning the favor, I smiled as I cupped my hands as well and bowed, "It must be fate."

[1] sect - an organization dedicated to the practice of cultivation and martial arts. Typically led by a Sect Leader or Patriarch. With the help of Sect Elders, they instruct Disciples in the proper methods of cultivation or training in the martial arts styles of the Sect. The Disciples live in the Sect, which provides for their daily needs. There is practically always a strict hierarchy amongst members of a Sect, and respect for the older generations is demanded.

[2] Ye - night.

[3] zibei - Generation name. It's one of the characters in a traditional Chinese given name. It is so-called because each member of a generation (i.e., siblings and paternal cousins of the same generation) share that character.

[4] Hua - flower. Combine with 'lian,' which means lotus, and you get lotus flower.

[5] Zhu - vermillion; bright red.

[6] Ran - burn; ignite. The 'na' in her name doesn't have a meaning as it serves as a place holder of sorts. However, in Mongolian, which is the language ZNR grew up with, Naran means sun. The name Naran is often attached to other words to change its meaning (i.e., Narangerel means "sunlight")

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