Spring Winds

Chapter 97: Lost Love

Chapter 97: Lost Love

A lost parent, a lost love. Heh, what else have I lost in this lifetime? I can't seem to remember, nor do I think I wish to.

Falling back, I laid down on the cold stone floor as the warm breeze whistled by. The retreating sun turned the sky turned a warm orange color, a stark contrast to the bright green spring leaves.

Why did Master even take me here? And were all of those memories a part of his plan?

Ah, I can't wrap my mind around any of this. The memories of my father were a welcomed surprise as those kinds of happy forgotten moments are some that I long to return to.

However, I can't recall where I've met this "Little Fox." The name sounded familiar yet held no weight to me. Those memories seemed to be like a play playing before my eyes. It was as if I was watching someone else's life.

Those memories seemed to be mine, yet they belonged to someone else entirely.

I tried to grind my mind for any leads or clues; however, the harder I tried to remember, the more my head started to throb until it became a piercing pain.

"Ahh, forget it" Hissing through my teeth, I held my head. If it's not something that I should remember, I won't.

As quickly as it came, the pain vanished, leaving behind a cold hollow feeling. Ah, when did it become so cold?

Curling up on the ground, I rubbed my arms as I waited for Master's return. When is that old man going to return from his snack run?

Probably not for some time, considering his gluttony. Perhaps he already started to eat without me.

As the minutes ticked by, the day grew colder as the orange sky turned a deep blue hue.

Ahh, I wish Senior Sister were here.


"Why aren't you eating?" Master nodded his head over at my relatively untouched food. "You usually eat quite well.

Is something wrong?"

"Oh, I'm just not that hungry today, that's all." Moving the white grains of rice around my bowl, I tried to stir up some drop of my appetite, yet none came. "You can have my food if you want, Master. I know how much you don't like food going to waste."

Pushing the bowl and plate of food over to Master, I expected him to go for like a starved dog. After all, Master has never been one to deny free food when offered to him.

However, unexpectedly, he ignored the food as if it wasn't there at all!

"You should eat," Master said as he pushed the bowl and plate back. "You'll need your energy, and you shouldn't skip your meals."

"..." But I really don't feel like eating

Looking up at Master, I tried to read his expression. However, Master just kept his head down and kept on eating.

"Try to at least eat four mouthfuls of rice."

"..." I don't want to.

"Jing Ran." Master sighed as he set down his chopsticks.

"Fine" I'll eat, I'll eat.

Picking up my utensils, I forced the cold rice down my throat to appease Master. Showing him the empty bowl of rice, only then did he give me a nod of approval.

"See? That wasn't hard, now was it?" Master asked with a cheeky smile.

Rolling my eyes, I tried to bat off Master's teasing words to no avail. "Heh, I guess not"

"Keep eating; it's not good to do stuff on an empty stomach."

Aiyah, Master is the type to ask for a mile when given an inch. Fine, fine, I'll humor the old man.

Eating the rest of my dinner, Master finally stopped nagging me. Since when did Master become this caring about our habits?

Is this the same Master that made Senior Sister and me sleep in a shed for our first few nights after joining his peak?

"Alrighty!" Master clapped his hands together enthusiastically as a wide grin covered his face. " Time for our next course of action!"

What does Master want this time?


"Master, what are all these things for?" Carrying a large lunchbox, I lugged the massive box up the mountain path. "And are these things really necessary?"

Whatever was in here was f*cking heavy.

I'm starting to wonder if Master just likes treating me like an errand boy.

"These gifts are for people who are very important to this master."


Master barely gave any face to anyone, so who could be so important that Master would personally prepare a lunch box of food for?

"Yes, yes, very important. So hurry up!

I don't want to delay any longer."

Hah, if you want to get faster, then help this disciple carry all of this stuff! How can you ask me to hurry up while you hop free like a billy goat with no luggage!

However, being the good disciple I was, I bit my tongue and prayed that we didn't have to walk any further. These trips up and down this mountain are really taxing on this auntie's body, ah.

Luckily for me, my answer came quickly as we arrived at a plateau. Overlooking the massive valley below and surrounded by lush magnolia trees, two stone tablets sat on the edge of the cliff: a small one and a large one.

Smiling, Master made his way over to two tablets and kneeled before them. Beckoning me over, I hesitantly made my way over to Master's side.

Looking over at the two tablets, the large one read:

"Here lies the spirit of Li Xue Qiu."

While the smaller one read:

"Here lies the spirit of Luo Xi Wang.[1]"

This is

"Hello, dear," Master greeted tenderly. "It's been some time since I've last visited, haha.

I know how anxious you get when I don't visit, and even more so when I make the trip here. Haha, but don't worry, these old bones can keep me going.

What about you? What do you think about this year's weather? It's been quite windy, yes?

Ah, such a shame.

Xiao Wang would've loved this weather. It's the perfect type of weather to go kite flying.

You know how much of a wild child that girl isalways running around.

Haha, my wife, you claim that Xiao Wang got her energy from me, but I'm certain it was from you!

Remember that time that we raced up Mount Fuhua? Haha, I don't know where you got the sudden boost of energy, but you managed to beat me to the top!

Oh, hush! I didn't go easy on you that time!"

Master continued his back and forth with his wife. Although I was a bit confused about what was going on, I didn't wish to disturb Master's good mood.

"Ah, you're asking about the one that I brought with me?

How could I forget! This girl right here," patting my shoulder, Master smiled at the two tablets. "Is my second disciple, Jing Ran!

Em, Jing Ran, greet your master's wife and daughter."

"Uh it's an honor to meet you, Madam Luo and Young Miss Luo." Bowing my head, I went along with Master's orders.

"Haha, see what good disciple I got? I bet you're jealous right now, aren't you, wife?

You always favored little girls who matched your energy."

After chatting a bit longer with his wife, Master gave her offerings of sweet flower wine and cakes while bringing out a platter of roasted duck and mantao for his daughter.

Father and daughter seem to have similar tastes.

After offering some incense and bowing our farewell, Master and I started our quiet journey back to the mountain shack.

"You're probably wondering why I brought you here, right?"

I watched Master's back as he guided us back to the house. I was curious to know why he brought me here. However, I felt like I was intruding on something very personal and private.

"It's fine to ask questions.

You'll never know if you never ask."

Well, here goes nothing. "Why did you bring me here, Master?"

Master stopped walking before he turned around. "Why don't we sit down first? I know a good spot where we can sit and chat."


Sitting on a cold stone bench, Master and I sat side by side as we looked over the quiet valley as I munched on some jerky that Master gave me while Master sipped some of the leftover flower wine. The soft chirps of crickets and the luminescent glow of the moon were our only company.

"As cultivators," Master started. "We're forbidden from having worldly attachments as it could hinder us from ascending to a realm.

However, there are a few exceptions to that rule.

When one ascends to the higher realm, there will only be three things a cultivator will regret parting with.

The first is your sect.

The second is your children.

And the third is your partner." Master took a heavy sip of wine while I waited for him to continue. "And let me tell you, there's nothing more painful than venturing in this world alone, Jing Ran."

Under the white light of the moon, I swore that I could see a few tears in Master's eyes, but yet they didn't fall. Reaching out, I patted Master's back, unsure of how to comfort him.

This was the first time that I've seen Master like this.

"Heh, thank you for your pity, my disciple.

However, my pain has since dulled over the years."

"That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt at all. You still feel something, Master."

"... heh." Master smiled as he took another drink of wine. "I suppose I still do"

After a few more slips of wine, Master's mouth seemed to unhinge as words poured out. "You know," Master slurred out. "There's a lady I know, Li Xue Qiu

Have you heard of her?"

"Em. Isn't that the name of your wife, Master?"

"Ehmm, she is.

A fine lady. From the outside, one would think of her as a docile noble lady, heh

I sure thought so when I laid my eyes on her. Smooth and pale skin, and fine black hair, she was beautiful.

The kind of beauty that would knock you off your feet.

Heh, quite literally!

When I tried to approach her, she kicked me off my feet in a fell swoop!

I swear after that I fell in love with her, aha!" Master's laughter started to die down as it was slowly replaced with a drunk sob. Rubbing his back, it was the only consolation I could think of giving right now.

I hated to see Master so down.

"Ah, my little snowball[2]. I wish I could've spent more time with you and Xiao Wang. If only I weren't so foolish so arrogant.

Maybe then, things would be different"

[1] Xi Wang - hope, wish, expectations. For a name like this, I'm sure that Master Luo had high hopes for his daughter. ;-;

[2] Xue Qiu - snowball.

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