Stacking My Abilities

Chapter 80 - [Bonus ]My Stacked Abilities! (3)

Looking up at Atlas' giant glowing figure, the expressions on some people changed.

Some in the crowd lost their will to fight. ​​

Perhaps this was for the better...

At least... Having Atlas on their side felt safe...

Some in the crowd looked up at Atlas in awe and reverence.

Can't fight... Can't win...

Others were still struggling to stand up. They weren't interested in joining the void. They weren't ready to give up yet. Not without a fight.

"I know some of you saw me as your enemies. Some of you were nuisances to me." Atlas scanned through the crowd.

For an instance, Atlas' gaze paused on Liam, Magni, and that swordsman in blue battlesuit.

"However, I forgive you. Today will be a fresh start."

"After you join the void, we will be one family."

"After you join the void, I will never need to doubt your loyalty again."

"After you join the void, we will create unprecedented glory together!"

"Together, we can all grow without limits!"

"Those who work hard for the sanctuary, those little guys who'd never had a voice, those who had been silently devoting themselves to the sanctuary, without expectations for return..."

"You will not be forgotten! I, Atlas, will reward you generously!"

"From today onwards, there will be abundance!"

Hearing this, the fear in the crowd quickly faded away.

Awe. Reverence. Hot-blooded. Looking forward to a better life.

At this moment, Atlas had gained the approval from the top-tier combatants of the sanctuary.

Sensing something, Atlas looked into one direction with a faint smile.

The whistling sound in the air quickly got louder. The crowd turned their gazes to that direction as well.

A blue ray of light shot through the fogged up skies. In a blink, it was above the sanctuary storage now. It instantly stopped in air, revealing a figure inside.

Jeff looked at Atlas with a complicated expression. "You have actually made it this far..."

Atlas looked at Jeff with a victorious smile. "As expected of Jeff Norman. You have reached this realm as well..."

Seeing Jeff's entrance, the crowd stirred up. Two people of the sanctuary have reached the realm above SSS-rank?

Some people looked rather proud, proud to be a denizen of the sanctuary. After today, who can stand in the sanctuary's way?

A few people looked rather concerned though. These two didn't look exactly friendly towards each other...

"You lied to us Atlas..." Jeff squinted at Atlas.

"It wasn't your negligence. You had deeper ties with the void this entire time..." Jeff's sighed in disappointment.

"Correct Norman." Atlas's cheerful voice echoed down the sanctuary. "You people easily believed what you wanted to believe. And considering the sanctuary's public image, and how understaffed we are... Heyhey... Hahaha!"

"It's my win!" The giant Atlas extended an inviting hand at Jeff.

"Join me Norman. You will be my right hand man. I know you are not interested in management. But whatever you want, I am capable of giving it to you." Atlas' voice rumbled like a deity's command.

"Uh huh..." Jeff squinted and nodded. His grasp onto his wooden staff tightened a little.

At the same time...

[Threat Detection Toggled On]

[Beast Instinct Toggled On]

[Aura Vision Toggled On]



"In the face of unprecedented threats, will we choose to be weak, fragile, and hope to survive based off the mercy of our enemies?" Atlas continued his speech at Jeff.

"In times like this, do you really want to start an internal war!"

"Or, we can choose to make this sanctuary stronger, larger, more powerful!"

"So you accepted the void's help?" Jeff asked.

"Jeff, you should know, in times like this, the sanctuary's military strength is the only thing that matters! By any means, we must achieve that goal! We must be ready before the next disaster strikes!"

"You are jumping out of the cold pan and into the fire Atlas." Jeff shook his head.

"The void is a bigger threat than the mist." Jeff's wooden staff vibrated a little. Just a little though.

Looking at Atlas' size, Jeff decided to charge his staff for a bit longer.

"We could discuss in detail on this topic." Atlas' giant glowing figure nodded. "Very well. So we agree that the sanctuary's strength is the highest priority, if not the only core priority."

"Next, we shall centralize wealth and power. Under our leadership, the sanctuary will become more powerful than ever!" Atlas exclaimed with a wide smile. This guy was swimming in his vision of the future.

Jeff raised his brows. 'After reaching sage-tier, this *bloop*er is not even trying to hide it anymore huh...'

Hearing this, the crowd's fervent expressions cooled off a little. This didn't sound very right.

"So you are trying to convince us to sacrifice our freedoms and wealth." Jeff asked.

"Individualism and extended liberties are dangerous Norman. In trying times like this, it will only have negative effects on the sanctuary. Too much wasted efforts. Too much wasted resources."

"For now, we need unity, brotherhood, and new rules for this new world!" Atlas continued with his speech.

"Our biggest enemies are the big corporations! They horde materials and don't use them for anything! These are the leeches of our economic structure!"

"Our biggest enemies are the bureaucrats in charge of the sanctuary! They take your residence fees. But what have they done for you!"

"Under my rule, I will make things better for you!"

Hearing these claims and plans, Atlas gained some support again. Not much though...

Jeff squinted and slowly nodded. "... Do you hear what you are saying? That sounds a lot like fascism."

"It's not fascism... It's temporary martial law."

"Uh huh... Suuurreee." Jeff nodded. 'Yeah. Go ahead. Keep bullshitting.'

"So no concentration camps?" Jeff added.

"... Maybe a few."

Atlas just lost all of his supporters.

"But no more than five." Atlas quickly added.

This didn't help.

At this moment, people remembered Atlas' past records. Well. Atlas certainly wasn't the nicest guy around. More like an as*Bloop* to be honest.

Some people's faces paled. They could already see Atlas' tyranny coming.

The eyes of some glinted. They were ready to leave the sanctuary.

"I don't think the people will like that very much." Jeff raised his brows.

"That's what the concentration camps are for." Atlas replied as if that's the obvious answer.

"Yeah... I can't watch that happen here." Jeff shook his head.

"I thought you would join me." Atlas sighed in disappointment.

"Well. Someone has to stand up for the little guys. I can't just let you rob the people in the name of the sanctuary."

"Hmm... Is that so?" Atlas smirked.

Jeff raised his brows. 'Not even going to keep bullshitting?'

"You will fight me? Here? Do you seek to destroy the sanctuary?" Atlas looked down at Jeff in victory.

"You are holding these guys as your hostage?" Jeff asked.

"What if I am..." Atlas leaned back with a scornful smile.

The crowd stirred up. They looked up at Jeff and Atlas in terror. If these two deity-like beings fought here... Could they last a second?

People quickly turned to Jeff with pleading gazes.

"Well, saw it coming." Jeff slammed his staff at air.

As if being hit by an invisible strike, Atlas' giant glowing figure was knocked back. The space around this guy rippled like water surface.

In an instance, this giant glowing figure popped out of existence.

Jeff tapped his staff forward. In an instance, Jeff had disappeared as well.

With the departure of the two sage-tiers, the invisible pressure on the people here suddenly disappeared.

A cluster of sighs in relief could be heard. Before they knew it, the people here were already drenched in sweat.

Then, one after another, the crowd looked at the void servants.

"Hey." Atlas' supporters gathered up in a small group. "Atlas is invincible in this world now."

"Yeah. Sire Atlas will return in no time!" Another guy proudly warned with confidence.

"Is that so..." Wearing malicious smiles, the crowd closed in.

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