Starlight Necromancer

Chapter 139 - New Skill

Foster walked out of Zhaine's shop after the two of them spoke for a little while longer. Zhaine explained the benefits of the cesti that he had given him in a bit more detail. Really, Foster wasn't even sure if switching to the cesti was necessary at first, but after that explanation, he had been convinced. He sort of felt bad about leaving the gauntlets behind, though. He had quite literally stolen them from a dead guy, whose death he practically caused himself.

Until now, he had used them in every proper fight he was in. They were scratched up and dented, but Foster still felt bad about it, "Doesn't mean I have to throw them away, I guess." He figured, looking down at his bag that was now holding the cesti, while he made his way back to the Red Riverside Inn. Since it wasn't even all that late yet, and neither Octer nor Lynol were the type to laze around especially after this sort of first-time dungeon experience, Foster figured that they were sitting in their rooms evaluating the way they fought in the dungeon.

He made his way over to Lynol's room, since it was the closest to his own, and knocked on the door. From beyond it, the swordsman's slight grunts could be heard. Lynol was probably working out right now. Soon, Foster heard footsteps, before the door opened up in front of him, "What?" Lynol asked with a slightly annoyed expression, his upper body exposed and drenched in sweat.

"We're heading to Octer's room, come on." Foster said, and Lynol looked his friend up and down, seeing that he was wearing his suit, "Did you go on a date again?"

"What, no, I went to get the items appraised. But we've got something to talk about. I'd like Kyla to be there, but we'll just have to talk to her about it tomorrow I guess." Foster explained with a sigh, watching as Lynol went inside to grab a shirt so that he wouldn't walk around bare-chested. He was clearly annoyed that his training was interrupted, but he still followed along without another word. The two of them soon arrived at Octer's room, and waited for him to open the door.

"'Sup, big guy? What were you doing just now?" Foster asked, and Octer rubbed the back of his own neck awkwardly, "I was trying to use your meditation method again, but I just can't get a proper grasp of it. Can't really move my mana that well, I guess."

"Great." He replied with a grin, confusing not only Octer, but Lynol as well. Foster walked into the room, and sat down on a chair, "Close the door."

Octer shut and locked the door once Lynol and Foster were both inside, and the three of them sat around the table in the corner of the room, "What is it you want to talk about?" Lynol finally asked, and Foster looked at the two of them with a serious expression.

"First of all, I want to ask... what do you two think about Shamanism?" He asked, and his friends looked at each other confused. Octer was the first to reply, "Shamanism is a bit... well, I'd prefer not to have to deal with it, I guess."

"And I have only heard the name, I don't really know what it is." Lynol then said, "Is it something troublesome?"

"Not troublesome, it's just... pretty sinister, I guess." Octer explained, and Foster immediately let out a deep groan, "At least you're not super anti-shamanism. But just let me tell you, shamanism isn't any more sinister than any other religion. It's just that most people don't get it, I guess. Basically, shamanism is a religious practice through which people sort of communicate with spiritual energies... or something like that. It's nothing evil or sinister at all. Apparently, shamans in this world can just sort of talk to mana." Foster told them, and Octer looked back a bit confused.

"Yeah, but isn't that sort of... weird?"

"Any weirder than the otherworlder sitting in front of you?" Foster sighed, "Listen, shamanism isn't anything bad, trust me. Either way, the reason I'm asking you this is because I got our magic items appraised by a shaman."

Lynol raised a brow, "They can do that?"

"Apparently. I told you guys about the Hogmir dude from before, right? An Orc that works for him is a shaman." Foster explained, "We can probably get anything else we need appraised by him as well. But, well... in return for appraising these items, Himkijl, the hogmir, asked me to... well, to look into founding a guild and taking them under me. They want to go legit, so they were hoping to do that with my help."

Octer looked at Foster with a deep frown, "You can't be serious. Foster, they're criminals, why-"

"They're criminals of circumstance, not of choice." Foster interrupted him, "Himkijl was an adventurer, but his arms are now petrified and unusable because of magic feedback. He couldn't get any other work. And that Orc? Obviously a shaman wouldn't be able to find any legitimate work in this city. Himkijl told me he got rid of people he can't trust, and I believe him when he says that. They're criminals because they had to be. Meanwhile, I was one because I chose that path. You accept me in your party, so at least consider it, alright?"

With a conflicted expression, Octer sat back down. Foster was right, and all three of them knew it, "However, that's exactly why I can't help them. I chose to be scum, so how could I help others not be scum? That's why I want the choice to be up to our party leader here. If anyone forms a guild, I'd want it to be you." Foster said, looking at Lynol, who seemed a little surprised, "And why would I do that?"

"I don't know, but it's not like you didn't consider forming a guild anyway, right? Just... consider it. That's all they asked for, for us to consider the idea."

"...I will think about it." Lynol replied, slightly averting his gaze, "Is that all?" He asked, clearly wanting to leave again. But Foster quickly shook his head, "No, it's not. Now we're getting to the good part. The cloak has 'low-level blunt force resistance' and gives you better grip as long as you're standing on solid rock. I figured this might be good for Lynol." 

The swordsman raised his brow and looked at the folded-up cloak that Foster was holding. Octer quickly agreed as well, "It does sound useful, yeah. Either him or me, but it shrunk down a lot after the boss died, and it doesn't look like it would fit me anymore, so..."

"Yeah, I thought the same." Foster said with a wry smile, "But there is something for you as well. This thing, as it turns out, is actually a pill." He explained, holding the small purple marble toward Octer. He quickly started to explain the dangers and benefits of taking the pill, and that the only one in the party even capable of taking it was Octer.

The shield bearer looked at the purple marble for a few moments, as his breathing became heavier, "Obviously, if you don't want to take the risk, don't take it. We can probably figure out a way to use it otherwise, or sell it to the magic tower. It seems like something they'd be interested in." Foster suggested, but Octer quickly shook his head, "No... I'm taking the risk." He said, immediately pushing the pill into his mouth. Foster and Lynol both jumped up, surprised, looking at their friend.

"Take some more time to think about this, man! You don't have to do this right now!" Foster yelled out, "Fucking idiot, I told you this could kill you!" He pointed out, realizing that the pill still seemed to be laying in Octer's mouth, since he didn't get the courage to swallow it yet.

Octer looked at his friends, and shook his head. He closed his eyes, and with a loud gulping sound, forced the pill down his throat. Immediately, Octer started coughing loudly, and just a few moments later, his eyes started giving off a slightly purple light. The color became more and more intense, and the light became more radiantly bright, until suddenly, in a wave starting from the center of Octer's chest, his body turned into solid rock. And then, his body stopped moving completely, and his coughing ended as well.

"Octer..?" Foster asked with a wry smile, "You alright, man?" Quickly, he placed his hand onto his friend's shoulder, trying to figure out what was going on. But no matter what happened, Octer didn't react. Or at least, not for a few moments.

The layer of rock suddenly disappeared, and Octer dropped onto Foster who was trying his best to hold his friend up, "Urgh... that..." He let out, "That was fucking horrible..." 

Foster let out a sigh of relief as he looked at his friend, helping him to sit back down on a chair, "Did it work?" He asked, and Octer slowly nodded his head, "Yeah, it did..." He replied, looking down at his arm, "I have another new defensive martial skill."

"Good." Foster said with a deep glare, "If that's the case, let's test it out, shall we?" He suggested, pulling his new cesti out of his bag and putting them onto his fists.. This seemed like a good enough way to relieve himself of his anger. 

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