Starlight Necromancer

Chapter 28 - Secrets

The group of three, Foster, Lynol, and Octer, soon made their way back to where the caravan was before. It luckily hadn't left from this spot yet. And the other wolves had all been taken care of properly as well. The moment that they approached the caravan, a group of people came sprinting up to them. The three were barely able to still walk, after all.

Even if Octer was able to take most of the attacks with his tower-shield, all three of them had been decently injured. Of course, in no life-threatening ways, just things that might take a while to heal.

"What happened to the-" George came running up to them as well, immediately asking about the state of that monster. It was the caravan's main concern right now, after all. With a grin on his face, Foster looked back at his current employer, "Don't worry, we killed it. It's somewhere in that direction." He explained, but George just looked back at him with a frown.

"...What direction?"

"That direction."

"You're not pointing anywhere..." George pointed out, and Foster raised his brows, "What do you mean, I-" He slowly turned his head to the side, and noticed that his right arm was hanging a bit lower than his left arm.

"Ah shit, not again..." He groaned loudly, before grabbing his dislocated arm.

"Wait, don't touch that, I'll-" The mage from earlier, who could use healing magic, started telling Foster. But a moment later, a popping sound could be heard as he pushed his arm back into his socket without as much as a flinch.

"Erm... We know where you guys came from, so we'll send some people there to take the body apart... After you ended up like this, you deserve something in return." George sighed deeply, before looking at the three men in front of him, "But really, the three of you took care of that yourselves? And here ya went tellin' me that you weren't a good fighter." With a slight laugh, George hit Foster's back as he pushed him and the others forward.

Just like that, all this chaos from just half an hour ago slowly dissipated. It seemed like nobody had died, even if many of the people here had been injured quite intensely. In comparison to some others, Foster, Lynol and Octer ended up fine. So, they slowly made their way over to the side of this spot where the caravan had settled for now, and sat down on some rocks.

It was time for these guys to talk to each other for a bit.

Octer was the first to mention the elephant in the room, "Aight, so..." He let out with a loud groan, "You're a fuckin' Otherworlder? And you want us to just believe you?"

"I mean, kinda." Foster replied bluntly, "Why would I make that up?"

"There are plenty of people that do so for the possible fame that comes with that title." Lynol explained, "Of course, people are careful when it comes to them because of how dangerous they can be, and many are scared the moment that word is just used around them, but if you can show yourself to be the good sort, you will be able to rise up quite far."

Foster leaned back a bit and let out a slight hum, "Hm... Wait, title?" He said, "Is there a way to show your, like, actual titles to others?"

"...I mean yeah, but that's kinda risky. You'd have to show your whole status for that. Although it's the only way for you to prove you're really an otherworlder... I mean, you sure you wanna show us whatever stuff you accumulated during your time here?" Octer explained to Foster, who shrugged in response.

"Eh, I've been in this world for less than a month, I'm gonna be fine. And you basically know all about my skillset at this point anyway, especially after you guys saw... 'that' before." Foster explained, quite clearly referring to the fact that he used necromantic magic right in front of them.

Either way, he slowly opened up his status page and then looked back at Lynol and Octer, "So, what do I do now?"

"The simplest way is to just say 'Reveal Status' and then think about the specific people you want to show it to." Lynol instructed, and Foster quickly did as told.

"Cool. Reveal Status." He said out loud, and a moment later, the status seemed to be visible to Octer and Lynol as well. They looked at the window in front of them, and then looked past it back at their friend.

"The fuck is this?" Octer asked with a wry smile, and Foster shrugged in response as he properly looked at his status as well.


[Name: Foster Odin Locke][Age: 23]

[Race: Human][Class: Martial Necromancer][Level – 4]

[HP: 13/35][MP: 4/25][SP: 3/40]


[STR: 18][AGI: 20][END: 22]

[INT: 15][WIS: 14][CHA: 16]


-[He who is one with Death]


[Class Skills]

-[Martial Necromancy – Lvl. 2]


"You really are an Otherworlder..?" Octer asked with a wry smile, "I mean, it seems like you're the good kind..."

"Of course he is the 'good kind'... I hope." Lynol pointed out, "Although, I have to say, considering your attributes, the way you fought back there is rather impressive."

"My attributes? Wait, I think they increased since the last time I looked at them?"

"...Did you level up?" Octer asked, trying to somewhat move the conversation elsewhere as both him and Lynol were trying to figure out what to do with all this information. Although that was just the start of it.

Foster quickly nodded his head, "Yeah, I did. I was just level 1 earlier..."

"You fought that beast as a level 1? With your attributes even lower than this?" Lynol asked, for the first time really showing anything resembling surprise to Foster, and he grinned lightly as he nodded his head, "Heh, yeah... Sounds kinda impressive when you say it like that."

"It doesn't just sound impressive, it 'is' impressive..." Octer groaned loudly, but at this point, his curiosity caught up to him, and he just had to ask, "Aight, the fuck is up with this 'death' theme in your status? Necromancer? And 'He who is one with death'? I've never even heard of that title!"

"Oh, that... Erm, I'll explain the necromancer bit to you guys some other time, since I honestly don't even know that much about it myself, but as for the title... Well, I actually don't know what to say about that either, it's a unique title, y'know, cuz I practically died right when I came to this world even before this sytem stuff was put into me." Foster explained bluntly, and Octer and Lynol looked at each other surprised.

"You have a unique title?" Lynol asked as he seemed to look back at he window floating in front of him, but Octer quickly shook his head, since he was wondering about something else, "Wait, no, more importantly, why are you telling us all of this now, man?"

"Honestly... I don't know. It might be naive... no, it definitely is, but I guess just wanted to have some people around me that I didn't have to lie to about practically everything. And after we killed that thing together, I just kinda felt like I could trust you guys with that sort of thing. If that makes sense." Foster tried to put his thoughts into words for these guys, although he wasn't sure if that was enough to fully convince them.

He really had no idea how they were going to react... Although their initial reaction was already a lot better than that of Joyce and Aaron back then, so maybe things were going to be fine. That's what Foster was really hoping for. And then, Lynol did something that showed Foster that he was right. He slowly took off his mask and placed it to the side, revealing his face to Octer, who for some reason seemed even more surprised now than when Foster revealed his identity.

"I'm a Lorgran. But not the common type that you might see every once in a while. As my red skin shows, I'm a lesser Lorgran. My clan was one created by the greater Lorgrans to be their defenders. I escaped the slavery that my clan was put under, and am now here." Lynol explained, and Octer let out a loud groan as he looked to the side.

"Shit, you two are fucking annoying..." Octer grumbled, "I ain't got a secret like you two do... I'm kinda normal compared to the two of you...." He pointed out while scratching the back of his head, "But the two of you can be sure that I ain't gonna tell anyone about you two. I mean, without ya, I'd probably be dead now..."

Foster lightly smiled as he looked back at these two, "I'm glad to hear that. You know, when we reach Arcadum, what do you two think about-" He was speaking, when he suddenly felt something on top of his head. It was a weight that certainly wasn't supposed to be there.

"Erm..." He muttered, while Lynol and Octer stared at the thing on top of his head.

"This keeps getting more and more extraordinary." Lynol whispered, but Foster was still confused, when he suddenly felt two small hands press onto the sides of his head.

Before he knew it, a familiar Nature Spirit was looking down into his eyes after leaning forward from the top of his head.

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