Starlight Necromancer

Chapter 5 - Corrupted

Foster looked down at his now completely healed body. It was like he was never injured in the first place! Well, if you ignored the blood that he was still covered in right now.

"You have quite a few scars on your body. Were those there even before you came to this world?" Thiodrus asked in a curious tone that echoed through Foster's mind, and he quickly nodded his head.

"Yup. From those stabbings and gunshots I mentioned. Well, one of them is because of a regular surgery as well, but nevermind that." Foster explained, while Thiodrus slowly nodded his head.

"I see. From what you have told me, your life has been filled with quite some danger and misfortune as well. You seem to have a surprising affinity for drawing death to those around you as well." Thiodrus pointed out, and Foster couldn't but shrug in response.

"Eh, I guess. Not a big deal, really, but... yeah." Foster replied, unsure what he was supposed to say in response to Thiodrus' statement. He was right, Foster's life really hadn't been the easiest. But it felt weird to say it was incredibly hard as well. Foster knew plenty of people that had it a lot worse than him.

"Erm... Anyway, you don't think... I'll be able to get back home, right?" Foster asked. He was nervous, the first time in a few hours now. Despite already knowing the answer, he still had to ask, for that tiny chance.

"I am sorry, I don't think there is a way for you to return. However, I do believe that you should be able to find a place for yourself here in this world as well." In a kind tone, Thiodrus tried to cheer Foster up a bit, even realising that he didn't have the answer that Foster wanted to hear. Surprisingly enough, this animated skeleton was one of the kindest people Foster had met in a while.

"I... I guess. I mean, I feel bad for leaving Jon behind... Oh, Jon is... was... my best friend. His family took care of me for a while, you know? He got a job at a bar near where I lived, probably just so that he could come check in on me whenever he felt like it." Foster explained with a soft smile on his face, "It sucks knowing that I can't go back to talk to him again... And that I can't go to Gammy's 90th birthday party... It... it's just..." As he spoke, Foster noticed that it was getting harder and harder for him to speak.

It wasn't like he was too exhausted, or like he was in pain, it was simply getting harder.

"Huh..?" Foster let out, realizing what was happening, "What am I, fucking 12? Crying over something like this..."

He pressed his hands onto his face, trying to get rid of the tears, or at least stop them from coming out any more. It had been a while since his face felt that hot.

"Shit, sorry... I don't know what's happening... I must be looking pathetic to you, huh?" Foster asked with a wry smile, turning away from Thiodrus with embarrassment mixing into his so suddenly returning emotions.

Soon, Foster felt a cold touch on his shoulder, "There is no need to apologize. Tears are natural. You are weeping for the loss of your loved ones."

Foster turned toward Thiodrus and stared at him with a blank expression for a few moments, before suddenly breaking out into laughter, "This is so damn ridiculous... Thanks, man, I appreciate your concern. Well, is there something like a river nearby where I can wash up or something?"

"There is a river, but..." Thiodrus began, ignoring Foster's intense mood-swings for a few moments, " is not a place where you may clean yourself. It has been corrupted, like the rest of this forest, and myself, even."

Foster looked at Thiodrus confused. Of course, he had a rough idea. The further he had walked into the forest, the more the life around him seemed to disappear. As if something had drained everything it could out of the plants. Foster had just witnessed magic a few mere moments ago, and although he was unable to really see the skeleton do anything, it was a fact that his body recovered. And if healing magic existed, then maybe the opposite existed as well.

Magic that did not repair life, but damaged it instead. That might explain why exactly Thiodrus looked like this. If his 'life' was taken from him through magic, it could be possible for him to keep walking like this... Maybe.

"Could I... see the river anyway? I think I want to know more about that corruption thing..." Foster explained to Thiodrus, who immediately shook his head in response. He turned away, letting Foster calm down and fully stop crying without his admittedly creepy gaze on this young man.

The skeletal man once more used telepathy and spoke to his guest, "I am unsure if that is a wise path to take. That place is too close to the core of this accursed forest. The water is acid, and the mud will try to devour you itself. I think you should rest here for the night to recover some strength, and then leave. This is not a place for a young man like you." Thiodrus was practically pushing Foster away to try and get him to leave at this point. Although it was him that brought him deeper into this part of the forest in the first place.

'But is that really all true..? How does a river turn into acid..?' Foster thought to himself. The telepathy between him and Thiodrus wasn't active at the moment, so he didn't have to worry about the skeleton hearing his thoughts. Or so he hoped. That's how it was explained to him, least.

"I mean, I guess I am pretty tired..." While stretching a bit, Foster followed his host to the back of the cabin. There was a bed here, but it didn't seem like it has been used for quite some time. With a wave of his hand, the bugs crawling on and underneath the sheets, as well as the plants climbing up the side of the bed were swiftly disposed of by Thiodrus.

Foster wasn't able to see what exactly was happening, to him it just seemed like everything moved out of the way the moment the two of them entered the room.

"You can use this space for the night. I will give you a bucket of clean water to clean yourself, so stay in here and rest. When you wake back up, I will bring you to a safe place away from this part of the forest." Foster heard Thiodrus' voice, as calm and gentle as always, echoe through his mind. He nodded his head as he slowly dropped onto the bed. It was hard and rough. To an extent, even more so than the forest ground, although it was obviously much cleaner.

"Really, thank you." With a smile on his face, Foster looked at the skeletal man, who, without another word, turned around. Through the door, Foster could see him grab the small bucket next to the large barrel of water, filling it up with one swift movement.

Now that he got a proper look at him, Thiodrus' movements were weirdly beautiful. Somewhat janky, probably due to his skeletal body, but smooth at the same time. He didn't make the slightest of noise, and the leaves of the plants just an inch away from his body didn't wave in response to his movement.

It was like Thiodrus was no man or skeleton, but a ghost that was not even really here. He placed the bucket of water down in front of Foster's feet, but there weren't any ripples on the flat surface. That was when he managed to connect something in his mind.

"Are you... like... a really strong martial artist, or something?" Foster asked with a genuine expression. Thiodrus was wearing a martial arts uniform, but that might have been all he had to wear. But now that Foster noticed this thing that seemed to be the principle of 'no wasted movements' that's kind of cliche in a lot of martial-arts-based entertainment, it seemed like the obvious conclusion.

With his arms crossed, and his body shaking as if he was laughing, Thiodrus nodded his head, "Something like that, I assume. I combined my talents in the one way I could, studied for centuries to reach where I am.. I hope that is enough to call me a 'really strong martial artist'."

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