Starlight Necromancer

Chapter 61 - Safe Room

Foster stared forward at the corpse, as well as his hand that still had some of that slime stuck to the gauntlet, and then quickly connected the dots together, "Ah, I think I get it..."

"You get what?" Octer asked, overhearing what Foster was saying. He slowly turned around and looked at Octer with a wry smile. He stepped toward him and whispered, "My second magic spell... 'Dead sight'. Seems like I can see necromancy with it or something?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, I saw it just now. On all the slime, and that corpse? It was surrounded by black smoke when I saw it or something." Foster said. Octer raised his brows and turned his head toward the mummified body that was laying on the ground in the center of the room.

"You sure that it's necromancy, and not just 'death'? That sounds like it would make much more sense. And y'know... the corpse being dead, that also makes sense? And necromancy also makes sense to show up there, since it's death magic and all." Octer suggested, and Foster thought about it for a moment, "I mean, maybe? But how is that useful at all? If something is dead, then I'll know anyway just looking at it normally, right?"

"...Let's think about it this way. I heard healers can learn the spell 'Detect Life' sometimes, and that lets them figure out how healthy someone is. What if it's the opposite for you? Like, you can see when others are close to death and stuff?"

Foster thought about that idea for a moment, "There like a... hospice in Arcadum?"

"What's that? You mean a hospital?"

"No, no, a hospice, like... they're kinda like hospitals, but they're usually for people that are terminally ill or super old or something. People that are about to die?"

Octer quickly shook his head, since he never really heard of something like that, "Usually, churches take care of people like that. We could try and head by one for a while and ask to help out or something."

"Sounds good. Thanks for the help, big guy." Foster said with a grin on his face, before clapping his hands together. The clang of his gauntlets hitting each other quickly echoed through the room, "Let's continue, shall we? We should try to get to the end of the floor as quickly as possible, right?"

Kyla quickly stood up and wiped her hands clean on a piece of cloth hanging out of her bag, as she quickly and happily skipped over toward Foster and Octer. Still nervously looking around, Lynol joined the group as they all continued. After passing through the door on the other side of the room, the group immediately went back into their regular group setup.

Foster in the front, with the holy aura miracle cast onto him, while Octer was protecting the others right behind him. Meanwhile, both Kyla and Lynol made sure to be ready to react to anything that might happen while they were being protected by the two in front of them. Every once in a while, they would come across some 'unconscious' slimes that most likely came from the room that the group just came from, but the further they moved on, the more they were encountering groups of slimes that were still moving around.

Of course, Foster was really trying his best to make sure that he was really hitting and killing all of them. And just like that, after Foster moved on ahead to destroy one more of those monster sources on his own, just as easily as last time, the group finally reached the end of the first floor.

Curiously, Foster looked down the staircase in front of him, "Huh. So it's really 'floors'..?" He muttered, as he looked at the others, who were slowly taking a seat here in the room.

"Wait, what're you guys doing?" Foster asked, and Lynol slowly closed his eyes as he leaned back onto the wall, clutching his sword and not letting go of it even while taking a break at the moment, "This is the safe room. Dungeon Monsters can't leave the floor that they were 'created' on, and that means that they also can't step onto the staircase. This part is basically part of it, so the monsters can't come inside of this room." Lynol explained, before pointing at the open space near the long corridor that Foster was standing next to.

A small slime-rat was approaching, but it suddenly stopped moving when it came close to this room that the group was in, and was just standing there, waiting for them to come closer. Curiously, Foster stepped into the corridor, grabbing the small slime rat and trying to carry it further toward the stairs.

A few steps later, the slime's outer skin simply popped open, together with the bubble at the center of its body, simply killing it.

"Neat." Foster muttered, before he wiped his hands clean. He leaned against the wall like the others, still slightly peeking at the staircase.

After a few moments, Kyla stepped in front of the group and smiled awkwardly, "So, what do you guys think..? Should we continue down? The amount of those slimes is just going to decrease from now on, so..."

"Yes, but they will also be a lot harder to kill. What was it, they are the size of dogs on the second floor?" Lynol asked, and Kyla quickly nodded, "Yes, sure, but at the same time, there are paths we can take to nearly completely avoid them from the second floor on! Knowing what these areas with so many of the slimes are now, we can get through it super easily!"

Kyla excitedly grabbed the map that she had hanging off the side of her bag, and rolled it out on the ground, "Look, here! If we go through here, then there is a spot to rest in this corner while Foster goes off toward the monster source in this room. It's going to take out a third of the slime, since there aren't that many sources on the second floor, and then we can move on super easily right?" She explained. Foster slowly frowned as he stood up. He took a closer look at the map and at the path that Kyla was describing, and then turned toward Foster.

"We will head down to see what the regular undead and the slime are like down there. If you wouldn't be able to handle a small group of undead on your own, or if the slime are too aggressive even for you, then we come back and think about it again.." Lynol decided, since he knew that not only Foster and Kyla, but at this point even Octer felt quite excited about the idea of being the first to clear this dungeon.

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