Starlight Necromancer

Chapter 67 - Jump

Foster looked at the undead that was currently walking toward him with heavy steps, and was utterly confused. It wasn't wearing any armor, but just thin, cheap, and ripped clothes. It didn't have any sort of weapon either, excluding those lumps of metal that were its feet now.

This undead simply didn't fit into the theme of this place. All the others, even the other monster-source undead that Foster had seen were fighters to some extent.

But this one wasn't, 'It looks more like a prisoner', Foster thought to himself, as he pushed his hand into his chestplate and tried to push against it from the inside. Luckily, it seemed like he was somehow able to push it back a little bit so that it didn't constantly push against his chest now. The moment he could move and breathe properly again, Foster jumped up and looked at the undead that he had to fight now. He still wasn't able to spot that crystal ball on this one. Since he was apparently still faster than that undead, he figured he would try to run around it for a bit, until he spotted the crystal ball. Without finding it beforehand, Foster didn't know if he could beat it as easily as the others he had killed so far.

And then, he did actually spot something that seemed to be the crystal ball in question. The back of the undead's skull was cracked open, and Foster saw a light glimmer reflect off something in there. And when he saw some slime pour out of it, he realized that this was the orb that he was looking for.

However, this undead was moving around too fast for Foster to be able to get a good angle, and he couldn't move in too close like this either, considering that the undead was clearly going to kick him the moment that he got into range.

"Hm... at the back of the eyesocket should be a small hole... if I can hit its eye, then maybe I can pierce the orb like that..." Foster muttered to himself as he was running around the room, trying to deal with the death slimes and other weaker undead that were gathered in here, so that he could focus on that stronger undead.

Foster ran around for a while, trying to dodge the undead whenever it tried to attack him. Luckily, he always had something near him that he could throw, whether it was a mostly-rotten chair or table, another weaker undead, or even some of the death slimes. It actually sped the whole thing up quite a bit, since the undead could destroy them completely with just a single attack, and that with ease.

That meant that it didn't take long for the room to be mostly empty, except for the death slimes that were still continuosly being created from the undead's head, pouring down its neck and appearing from underneath its clothes. It was actually quite disturbing. Foster pushed his hand into his bag and pulled out some of the throwing-knives. He concentrated, and held one of them tightly inbetween his fingers.

Foster threw the knife, activating his new martial skill 'Empowered Throw'. A sharp whistle was heard as it flew through the air in a straight line. It seemed like the knife was going to hit the undead's eye perfectly, but in just the last second, it turned its head downward. As such, instead of hitting the eye, the knife hit the undead's forehead, getting stuck in the thick bone. Without even being bothered by this fact, the undead simply continued running at Foster, the ground underneath its feet nearly cracking at the sheer weight of the impact of those two huge lumps of metal.

Grinding his teeth together annoyed, Foster jumped out of the way to try and dodge the attack, just barely avoiding one of the lumps of metal. But the surprisingly agile undead managed to twist its body around using the momentum of its weighed-down foot, and once more hit Foster's chest. Once more, he was thrown through the room, but this time made impact with the wall instead.

The damage from both his front and back definitely hurt Foster quite a bit. But he didn't have any time to recover, since the undead still came rushing at him.

"Urgh... let's hope this works... It worked with something much faster than this, at least..." He muttered to himself with a wry smile, as Foster forced himself to move forward, he prepared to do something insane. The undead in front of him pushed its right foot forward. At the speed that both of them were going, just a single impact would take Foster out immediately.

But even so, while that large lump of metal moved toward him at an incredible speed, Foster jumped up and pulled his feet as close toward him as he could. And predicting the moment that the metal was going to be underneath him, Foster pushed his feet down as fast as he could. Like that, he jumped off once more, using that metal as a platform.

Of course, due to the sheer speed that they were both already going, Foster's feet were now slowed down while his torso kept its momentum, meaning that he flipped over wildly. It's what happened last time as well, so he was expecting this.

The good thing, however, was that he just barely jumped over the undead's head. The rotation actually helped him just barely avoid impact. And as Foster flipped over his opponent, he struck down at the back of the undead's head with a single-strike.

The impact was strong enough to not only crack the crystal orb into pieces, but also to completely ruin the way that Foster was twisting around into an uncontrollable mess. He fell to the ground and was just barely able to turn his shoulder, so that he wouldn't fall down face-first, but couldn't stop himself from rolling over a couple of times, denting the metal even more.

Even so, Foster turned his head, seeing the undead keel over foward, while the death slimes that were still in this room stopped moving and turned into flat discs. Slowly, Aster climbed out of Foster's clothes, since he found it safer in there than on his head during all this, and sat down on top of the dents of the chestplate.

"Hah... Zhaine is gonna kill me for ruining this armor like that..." He muttered to himself, before looking at the undead again, "But seriously... how was this harder than doing the same thing with a moving car...?"

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