Starlight Necromancer

Chapter 72 - Shattered Eyes

"I-I'm sorry, I-" Kyla stuttered, but Lynol and Foster were too busy to take notice of what she was trying to say. Foster immediately tried to rub away as much of the slime from Lynol's sword as possible, "Should be fine, but be careful." Foster warned the swordsman, who quickly nodded his head, before turning toward Octer, "Make sure that she's behind you at all times, alright? She's not dying on us." He said with a deep frown, and immediately, the shield bearer and the cleric stuck closer together, just in case.

However, there was another issue. Due to the nature of Lynol's weapon, there were plenty of gaps in the blade itself, and the slime seeped into those gaps, slowly pentrating further toward the handle, "A lot of my sword is made of wood, it's just going to rot away at this rate. We need to hurry."

"Aight, I think I know what that means. Let's go for its eyes right away."

"Way ahead of you." Lynol replied, as the two quickly continued to attack the skeletal frog. It was tough to find a way to reach them, but they had to figure it out. Breaking the bones clearly wasn't an option anymore. But at the very least, now that the tongue wasn't a danger anymore, Foster could quickly try to climb onto its head by pressing its foot into its jaw, while the slime was still trying to regenerate inside of the frog's mouth.

He jumped up and kicked down onto the jawbone, making the frog immediately close its mouth. But before then, Foster had already reached forward and grabbed onto a small edge on the skull, pulling himself up.

Immediately, he pushed his hand forward and tried to crush the first of the two crystal orbs. Although the ones from before broke so easily, this one barely cracked at all.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..!" Foster yelled out, as he continued trying to break one of the crystal orbs, simply by continuosly hitting it with 'single strike', until it seemed like it was finally close to breaking. However, as Foster tried to push one of his knives into the deep crack that had formed, the frog suddenly started to move. It squatted down, making Foster's stomach cave in.

A moment later, the frog jumped up high inside of this room, nearly hitting the ceiling. Foster was just barely able to hold on to the frog's skull, and tried to pull himself as close to the undead's body as possible so that he didn't hurt himself too much. However, that only really worked for the first time. It didn't take long until the frog repeated this same thing, jumping up and down multiple times, hurting Foster quite a bit every time. And the frog never held still for long enough to let him properly hit the crystal orbs.

But then, suddenly, the frog didn't jump back up again, and Foster could hear loud straining noises from underneath him. As he turned his head, he spotted the edges of Octer's shield peaking out from underneath the frog's skeletal body, as the boss was held up on it.

"Hurry the fuck up!" Octer yelled out from underneath the frog, and Foster immediately did as prompted. He stabbed the knife into the crack in the crystal orb, and pushed harder once more by punching the handle of the knife with a 'single strike'.

The black gemstone in the center of the crystal orb shattered apart, and the skeletal frog seemed to scream out in pain, even if that didn't directly seem possible, being a skeleton and all.

Either way, Foster quickly hurried and started attacking the other crystal orb as well, all the whilst the undead frog continued its attacks. Instead of using the slime to form a tongue again, now, it seemed to just shoot out large balls of black slime at whatever was nearby. Since it was still on top of Octer's shield, it wasn't able to turn around, so for now, Lynol and Kyla were safe, but it didn't take long for this to change either. Octer was already struggling earlier, and with the frog flailing around even more wildly than before, it was just a matter of time for one of its feet to touch the ground again.

The moment that it did, the frog jumped away from the center of the room, throwing Foster off of its head in the process while knocking Octer over onto the ground.

The frog turned around, and shot even more balls of slime at the group. Octer propped the shield up and pulled Kyla toward him immediately, while Lynol hid behind the width of his sword. Meanwhile, Foster threw Aster behind Octer's shield immediately and did his best to block as many of the slime balls with his body, so that they wouldn't hit the others.

Of course, it dealt some damage, but at the very least Foster wouldn't die from it. As for the others... it would have been instant death, basically. Foster saw what this sort of thing could do to people, and he certianly wouldn't let that happen to his friends.


[Warning! Your health has dropped below the 5 point threshold]


A message window popped up in front of Foster's eyes, but he could only scoff, "What, you think this is enough to take me out?! Come at me, you big fucking frog bast-"

"Ah, fuck it." Foster heard from behind him the moment that the attack using balls of slime stopped, and watched Lynol's sword fly toward the frog in its compact form. However, as it was moving through the air, Foster could practically see its wooden parts rot away, causing it to fully open up again. But even then, it fell apart into its separate parts in the middle of the air. Part of the large blade landed in its mouth, while most of the sword just landed on the ground. Another part of it, however, struck the remaining crystal orb stuck in its eye-socket, causing it to crack open.

Immediately, Foster saw the chance, and quickly ran toward the frog that was now going haywire after being injured like this, holding one of his throwing-knives tightly in his hand. He ran at the skeletal frog, once more using the frog's lower jaw, which was now being forced to stay open by the part of the blade that landed in it awkwardly, to jump up, quickly using his new 'empowered throw' ability to throw the knife straight at the second crystal orb.

The knife slid through the crack as if they were made for each other, and shattered apart the gemstone in its center.

The slime inside of the frog's mouth immediately turned liquid and flowed out of it, as the frog shook its body and threw Foster away. Quickly, he tried to twist his body around, and luckily didn't seem to have taken any further damage.

Foster got ready, with a broad grin on his face, excited to just break apart this freaking frog's body.

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