Starlight Necromancer

Chapter 82 - A Penny Or Two

Lynol grabbed Foster's arm, stopping him from just rushing out of the shop without thinking, "What are you saying? And most importantly, what are you thinking? You can't just go and mess with those sorts of people."

"'Those sorts of people' are my people, Lynol. Criminals, scum, dealers, extorters. But what they're doing here? That's the lowest of the low, trust me. People that go and mess up an old man's place like this do much, much worse than what I would've ever stooped to. And that's why I need to... deal with that." Foster explained immediately, and Lynol locked eyes with him, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, that's what I just said, right? Listen, back where I'm from, we used to do similar things. We took control of bars, clubs... you know, nightlife stuff. But every once in a while, I would also take care of regular places. Mom and pop shops, that were being bothered by other scum. We obviously wouldn't make them pay us or anything, but I would put them under my protection. To make sure that scum like me just with different priorities wouldn't end up fucking them over. That is exactly what happened here." He said immediately, "For now, you two just stay here and wait for Kyla, I'll be back in... well, give me an hour or so."

And with that, Lynol let go of his friend's arm, accepting that this was something that Foster was more than just determined to do right now. Lynol closed the door and tried climbing over the shelves, as the door was being swung open again, "By the way, Zhaine, where can I find those guys?" Foster asked with a wry smile, forgetting that he had no idea where he had to go.


Huddled around in a circle, a group of five young men and women were gathered, all around 16 or 17 years old, proudly looking down at their latest loot, "See this? It's a bit rusty, but a weapon made by that old man is really fuckin' good anyway. Oh, and this armor? Look at how fucking light it is!" One of them exclaimed, holding a chestplate in front of himself with a broad grin on his face, as the girl next to him added, "With this, those south-west fuckers have no chance against us!"

"Yo, T, how much money did you manage to grab?"

"Just finished counting, it's... one silver piece, a bronze coin, three bronze pieces, eight copper coins, and 21 copper pieces! So that's... erm... 800 val!"

"That's amazing, that's a great grab!" Another one of the group exclaimed, before they could hear a loud groan from behind them.

With an annoyed tone, the owner of the voice said, "961 val. Not 800. It's simple addition, you kids don't even know that? How are you not being scammed everywhere you go?" Foster asked, "Anyway, doesn't matter. Hand all the shit you stole from Zhaine over, right now."

The group of five turned around, seeing Foster approaching them casually. They were a bit startled at first, but it didn't take long until one of these five stepped forward, "Heh, get outta here, you bitch. You're way outta your league here!"

Foster couldn't help himself but chuckle slightly as he saw them, "Listen, you're all just kids, I'm not going to hurt you if you just give everything to me and hurry up home, alright?" He said, stretching his hand out, waiting for one of them to give everything to him. And surprisingly, one of them did actually grab one of the items laying on the ground, and was slowly reaching out to give it to Foster. But quickly, the boy's expression turned from regretful to excited and angry, as he immediately swung his arm down, ready to cut into Foster's outstretched hand.

But of course, Foster had to just pull his arm to the side and then grab the one-edged sword at its back to avoid being cut by it. With a quick tug, he pulled it out of the boy's hand, "Seriously? You don't even know how to hold it properly... Urgh, for real, I wish you hadn't done that, kid. Because now I gotta treat you like an adult, and neither of us really wants that, right?"

"Sh-shut the fuck up, you-" The boy yelled out, but wasn't able to finish his sentence in time, since he soon felt a fist hit his face. He was thrown backward and soon laid on the ground. Obviously. Foster was just using his bare fist, and didn't put on his gauntlets or use any skills or techniques he had learned here. That was just a basic street-fighter's straight. Since Foster was nice, he even avoided hitting the boy's nose. He would only end up with a black eye instead of having to rearrange his own face after this.

"Ouch. I don't think you got frozen peas here, do ya?" Foster grimaced, "Listen, I wouldn't have hit you like that had you not tried to cut my fucking hand off, aight? Dish out like an adult, get hit like an adult." He said with a deep sigh, and soon had one of the other kids running at him. He was the physically biggest one of them tall, and he was also the one that had counted the money earlier. With a big arch, he tried to swing his fist at Foster, but it wasn't a real punch. He was just trying to swing his outstretched arm at Foster, like some kid.

With a sigh, Foster stepped to the side, quickly sweeped the boy's foot away, and kicked him on the rear end, making him fall to the ground and slide over it a good few feet.

"Seeing all this shit, I doubt you five were actually the ones that trashed Zhaine's place. My guess? You were just there with the ones that did it. So go on, just tell me where I can find them, and I won't bother you anymore."

The boy that attacked Foster first slowly stood up, holding his cheek and eye with a few tears clearly gathering there, "Th-They're by the... they're by the warehouse... just walk down the alley there, can't miss it... buncha big guys fuckin' around in front of it..."

"Gotcha, thanks." Foster said, as he walked over to the spot where the big kid dropped the money, squatting down to collect it. But then, Foster took a closer look at these kids. They were clearly not doing well. They were malnourished, pale, and wearing nothing but tatters.

With a sigh, Foster picked up the silver coin, "Great fucking job, kid. You've got such a big skull that I hurt my hand when I hit you. Now I only have the strength to grab one of the coins." He sighed annoyedly, stepping away past them down the alleyway, while the five of them were standing there perplexed. Foster turned around with a slight grin, "Oh, by the way, as thanks for telling me where to go, I'll give you tip for a quick job-opportunity. I heard the shop of some old guy near here was trashed, he might need some help cleaning that up. If you ask nicely, he might even pay you a penny or two."

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