Starting My Cultivation With Time Management

Chapter 50 - 50 My Number One Fan Turns Out to Be Myself

Chapter 50: Chapter 50 My Number One Fan Turns Out to Be Myself

“My dad said when Master Qiu first joined the Kunlun Sect, the elders almost came to blows over who would take him as a disciple.”

“Because to one with Daoist Heart Clarity, there are no obstructions on the path of cultivation, and they are naturally set on a smooth road. After several cycles, they become a Nascent Soul powerhouse.”

“So, after a fierce competition, the Head of the Kunlun Sect went to great lengths to take him under his wing.”

“Wow.” After hearing this, everyone could only sigh in admiration, their faces full of envy.

“And the rumors about his deeds are all true. There are people in both Kunlun and Penglai who can vouch for them, none of it is fabricated.”

Shi Liuli said this while pulling out a small booklet from her sleeve, and continued,

“I got this by calling in favors and paying a hefty price from a Kunlun practitioner. It’s the biography of Qiu Changtian, I can let you have a look.”

So, the crowd swiftly gathered around to look over it, heads coming together.

Luo Yan, standing outside, scratched his head in frustration, wanting to go in but not daring to, truly feeling miserable.

Inside, the discussion was vigorous:

“This cover actually has his sketch portrait! Indeed, he is handsome and stately, just my type!”

“Different from what I imagined, but the one in this picture is even more handsome! Ahh, I really want to touch his face!”

“To think there’s such a perfect man in this world! Damn it, if I had known, I would have gone to Kunlun to become a disciple!”

“Junior Sister Shi, may I borrow this little booklet to admire for a few days?” a senior sister eagerly asked.

Upon hearing this, Shi Liuli immediately took it back, clutching it to her chest and shaking her head fiercely:

“No way, no way, I must keep this booklet close to me. You can go buy it from someone in Kunlun.”

“Don’t be so stingy, Junior Sister.”

“How about I trade a Demon-Sealing Talisman for it? I’ll add two Luminous Pearls from the East Sea!”

Luo Yan left with an expressionless face.

Walking along the garden paths within the Yuqing View, he began to ponder a profound question:

Is this considered cuckolding oneself?

Of course not.

First off, Miss Shi’s view of Qiu Changtian was currently only idol worship, not actual romantic feelings.

Even if there’s a chance it could turn into a secret crush later on, that is in the future, and at least for now, it isn’t the case.

Secondly, Luo Yan himself harbored no romantic feelings towards Miss Shi.

That was the key!

Even though Miss Shi was pretty and cute enough (particularly cooperative when it came to increasing Synchronization Value), as Qiu Changtian and Xu Yinglian mentioned, her immature personality was really a turnoff.

To provoke Xu Yinglian, whom he had never met before, over such a trivial matter was indeed folly.

To put it nicely, it was being ignorant of the world; to put it bluntly, it would lead to trouble in the future!

Of course, her personality could also be attributed to an overly privileged upbringing.

Her father, Elder Shi Ding, was an important figure in the Artifact Refining Sect of the Yuqing View—not only did he command respect from the Pavilion Master, but even the Ziwei Sect Leader of Kunlun showed him courtesy.

Add to that the fact that within the Heavenly Craft Workshop, they had a family of three Golden Cores; the third senior sister, Liang Ruohua, was at the Soul Storing Rank; the second senior sister, Lei Caiyan, was at the Root Seeking Rank; and the chief disciple, Linghu Chu, had reached the Perfection level of the Obscure Weave Rank, just awaiting the final transformation into an infant spirit to become a Nascent Soul Elder.

With so many formidable senior brothers and sisters, who would dare to pick on Shi Liuli? Even if someone found her disagreeable, they’d be sure to steer clear of her.

Under such conditions, developing a self-centered character came naturally—and not to mention anything else, the fact that Shi Liuli was still somewhat caring towards her junior brothers at times already showed her intrinsic goodness.

Although Luo Yan had to attend to Miss Shi in order to boost his Synchronization Value, he honestly found her character far less appealing than that of the gentle and considerate Senior Sister An or the smart and proud Junior Sister Xu.

Whatever, let her fancy whoever she wants.

After all, Qiu Changtian is me, and Luo Yan is also me; as long as I don’t like her, it doesn’t matter who she likes.

After returning to his workspace, Luo Yan continued to tackle his assignments.

Elder Shi Ding had given him three tasks:

First, to study the ways of Formation and Cauldron Casting.

Second, to practice Qi Refinement and enhance his Cultivation Level.

Third, to take good care of Miss Shi.

Of course, that was not how it was originally phrased; the actual words were “take the opportunity to consult your Senior Sister more.”

With the talent of “comprehending a thousand things upon a single hearing,” how could Luo Yan not understand the hidden meaning in his master’s words? He was always ready to fulfill Shi Liuli’s every request, which conveniently allowed him to boost his Synchronization Value for maintaining a false facade.

As for practicing Qi Refinement and enhancing his Cultivation Level, there was no need to be too obsessed.

After all, the Qi Refining Technique of the Heavenly Craft Sect was “Three Flowers Gathering Spirit,” which had very average efficiency. Practicing it was fruitless; it was better to wait for an opportunity to advance ranks at the Pavilion.

After a few more days of study, Luo Yan finally caught up with Qiu Changtian’s schedule on the day the Kunlun delegation arrived.

At that time, Qiu Changtian was accompanying the Ziwei Master and others into the main hall for the welcome banquet, with Elder Shi Ding also in attendance to show support.

Unexpectedly, the fellow senior and junior disciples were not keen on networking with people from Kunlun. Aside from Shi Liuli, who was eager to meet her idolized elder brother, only the eldest disciple Linghu Chu was reluctantly brought along.

The rest stayed in their workspaces, which spared Luo Yan the trouble of making up excuses.

In the evening, after the banquet ended, Shi Liuli came barging into his workshop in a flurry.

“Junior Brother, Junior Brother!” she complained as soon as she entered, “Ugh, that Xu Yinglian is so disgusting, let me tell you!”

She rattled off a string of complaints about Xu Yinglian, rendering Luo Yan utterly speechless.

Mhm, in addition to her princess syndrome, add vengefulness, pettiness, and gossiping to the list.

“Junior Brother! What do you think?” Shi Liuli said, puffing up angrily.

Luo Yan:

“Are you saying it’s my fault?!” Shi Liuli immediately flared up, eyebrows inverted and hands on her hips, presenting a look that said, “If you don’t explain this clearly, I’ll bite you to death.”

“It’s not,” Luo Yan could only sigh and say, “I was just thinking, Qiu Changtian of the Kunlun Sect is such a dashing figure, how come his Junior Sister happens to be so uncivilized?”

[Falsehood Persona, Synchronization Value +1]

Despite not finishing the sentence, Shi Liuli understood what he meant and immediately beamed with delight, “Well said! You’re worthy of being my Junior Brother. Indeed, if Xu Yinglian were just an ordinary disciple, I wouldn’t bother with her, but as Qiu Changtian’s Junior Sister, she doesn’t strive for progress and instead spends her days fantasizing about scandals with her Senior Brother—that, I cannot tolerate!”

Luo Yan had already become utterly numb to it and simply nodded, acquiescing to Shi Liuli’s continued denigration of Xu Yinglian, throwing around phrases like “faking aloofness” and “molted phoenix.” As he did so, his Synchronization Value soared, Miss Shi’s heart burgeoned with joy, and the anger she harbored from her verbal skirmish with Xu Yinglian finally dissipated completely.

“You really do understand, Junior Brother,” Shi Liuli said cheerfully. “Oh right, I’ve got to tell you, a few Senior and Junior Sisters and I have formed a club. Do you want to join?”

“What club?”

“It’s a fan club to support and learn from the esteemed Senior Brother Qiu, tentatively named ‘Zhang Tian Club’.”

Luo Yan almost spat out blood. You want me to join my own fan club?

But on second thought, it wasn’t such a bad idea.

If left unchecked, who knows what kind of trouble Shi Liuli and her group of Senior and Junior Sisters might stir up against Qiu Changtian!

I can’t just stand by and do nothing!

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