Stealing Heroine: Honestly, I never thought this far [Smut Warning!]

Ch 168 – 14 June, Chika 04

Ch 168 – 14 June, Chika 04

Kouta did not expect that Chika would accept his hold on her hand. Even though it's a small thing, it's still progress in his relationship with Chika. He happily walked to the movie theater with her. Kouta's knowledge of Chika was limited to what he had read in the manga. However, as far as he knew, Chika was not afraid of horror movies and the like. 

Of course, there was a Hollywood superhero blockbuster in the movie that aired just now, which seems to attract a lot of audiences. Unfortunately for Kouta, the memory he had was already watching the movie. He did not find the movie exciting, and in the end, the hero would appear in the heroes' assembly movie. 

For some reason, most date scenes in manga and anime are usually watching romance or horror movies. Therefore, Kouta ended up choosing the safe option of a horror-themed movie, plus he didn't find that his past life knew about this horror movie. This movie may be an original movie in this world or a film that was released in Japan without becoming mainstream overseas. 

Kouta and Chika entered the theater and sat in the seats that Kouta had chosen. The chairs they got were really comfortable positions for watching movies in theaters. Unlike the superhero movie from Hollywood, this horror movie did not have many people watching. There were probably only twenty people in the theater. 

"I think it feels scarier when there aren't many people." Although Chika is okay with horror movies, it doesn't mean she won't feel scared or creepy about them.

"Well, it's not like this adds to the charm of horror movies," Kouta responded to Chika's words. It seemed that both of them had a tolerance for horror movies. Kouta's tolerance was arguably higher than Chika's as he sat nonchalantly and comfortably in his seat. 

"Besides, with the theater being less crowded, it will be easier to act lovey-dovey! If you feel scared, please come here." Kouta continued his words while signaling to Chika that he was ready to accept her embrace. 

"There's no way I will do that," Chika told Kouta, but her face was kinda blushing. 

"Is that so? That's too bad. Oh, then, is it okay if I do it?" 

"Please— Don't—" 

Not long after they had those conversations, the ads ended, and the movie began. Like most horror movies, it started in a dark place, and people talked in such grim voices. The story began okay, and the soundtrack gave a scary tone. 

Although Chika has a good tolerance for horror movies, sometimes she still flinches when she sees something scary. Sometimes, she also screams softly, and when she notices that Kouta doesn't look scared at all, she fans her face with her hands in embarrassment.

"Doesn't feel a bit hot here—" And she made some weird excuse.

"Well, I don't think so. But it's quite a good horror. Ah, I think I will be fine with this." Kouta responded to Chika's excuse by putting his hand near Chika and using his pinkie finger to grasp Chika's pinkie finger. Since Kouta's treatment this time was minor compared to before, Chika had no reason to resist, and she even used her own strength to make her pinky stick to him more. 

Then, the movie continues until, at some point, the main characters visit the ghost. As a horror movie, of course, it is not strange if there are jump scares. There was a time when jumpscares were quite surprising, and Kouta could feel her finger slightly trembling. So he held her pinkies stronger. 

Chika had never had an experience like this, but she felt the warmth she got from Kouta's fingers gave her a sense of comfort.

In the end, there was no "'kyaaa' and the girl hugged the guy" event that occurred in this movie. But it was a pretty standard horror movie, and it wasn't long, just over an hour then, when the two of them left the movie theater at the perfect time for dinner. 

"How do we find a place for dinner? Is it okay?"

"Well, it's fine. I told my family that I would be home late at night."  

"So— does your family know about this date?" 

"Of course, they're quite making a fuss about it. Since they never thought I would be going on a date, especially my sisters." 

"Oh, you have a sister?" 

"Yeah, I'm the middle child and have a younger sister and an older sister." 

Kouta and Chika are having a conversation while passing by the shopping center. It seemed like they were taking their time on the way to the restaurant. You could even say that they both stopped at several shops when Chika found something she was interested in. Most of what she sees are hair accessories and the like. 

Chika does buy some accessories, but most of the time, she just asks Kouta if it suits her and such. At some point, Kouta couldn't help but ask her.

"Is there anything you want? I will pay for it. It's a date, after all— I guess buying your date a small gift as a token of commemoration is a normal thing to do on a date, right?" 

"Well, that may be true. But isn't the gift usually given at the end of a date and bought secretly as a surprise? It's like in the manga— 'I saw you looking at this accessory so that you might like it, so I bought it for you' like that—" 

"I thought about that too, but I prefer to speak directly like this." 

"Eh— But it's a bit unexciting, hm, since you're thinking of buying me something. How about buying me something that you think suits me? Not something I like, but what do you think that suit of me—" 

"It seems like this will be burdensome for me. I will not get negative points if I get you something bad, right? If I want to play a game, I like to play some rpg—" 

"Buuu— It's fine to play a game for a bit. It's a date, after all." 

"Hm—" Kouta turned towards the crowd of accessories lined up in front of him. He tried to remember something that could be a clue from past memories as well as how Chika observed the accessories so that he could guess what kind of accessories Chika would like. In the end, Kouta chose a cute ribbon, yet had a simple design because it was basically the accessory that Chika often used. He thought that he wanted the gift to be used frequently by the person he gave it to. 

"Oh, that's cute." 

Meanwhile, Chika responded that Kouta's choice was a simple word, but that was enough since she said it with a sweet smile on her face. 

Meanwhile, the restaurant where they had dinner was a restaurant that Chika would never have expected Kouta to choose. Because the place they went to was a yakiniku restaurant. 

"Hm, I never thought you would choose a place like this?" 

"Why? Yakiniku is good, right?" 

"Since you're always saying, since this is the date— so I thought you would choose something more romantic." 

"I just thought that you liked yakiniku."

"Hm, I suspect you may have heard it from Eriri, but yeah— I like eating Yakiniku." 

After that, they had dinner without anything interesting happening. The restaurant chosen by Kouta was quite delicious, and nothing could go wrong. What was a little different for Chika was that compared to her family, Kouta was arguably more skilled in cooking the yakiniku meat they ordered. It's like he knows when the meat is cooked to Chika's liking and her preference. 

"That's really delicious. I wonder if you can cook Kouta-kun?" 

"I live alone, after all. So, of course, I need to learn to cook. And surprisingly easy— I can teach you just like Eriri. I taught her, too." 

"Hm— I will think about it." 

After finishing dinner, Kouta walked Chika to the station. However, before arriving at the station, Kouta invited Chika to take a short walk to a nearby park. He was a little surprised when Chika agreed to his request, even though he realized that there was progress in the development of their relationship. He still thought that he was giving her a negative impression because he knew that Eriri always gave her their sex videos.   

Especially since Chika agreed to go to this park, which is, of course, a more secluded place around this area. 

It was like she gave him the green light— Or couldn't it just be this was a test? Well, Kouta was basically not thinking of doing anything wrong. 

They had just a tiny conversation, and Kouta could only hope to get a chance to go on a date like this. Yeah, he invited her here and hoped to make plans to see her again. That's what he thought. It was only when he saw her up close in the park that he once again realized that she was a beautiful girl. She has a childlike face, pretty pink hair, and a fantastic body.

It's just that because Chika is different from the characters he has so far slept with, such as Eriri, Utaha, and Takao, who, like the MC, make Kouta have a desire to steal them and take over their feelings from the MC to him. That's something Chika doesn't have, so he's not that interested. However, being in contact with her like this made him quite interested in her. Then, he can also utilize her connections to get acquainted with other characters from the anime Chika came from.

So Kouta felt for the first time such an urge and desire to make Chika this strong. 

"Hm, I feel like wanting to kiss you— Since it's a date, it should end with a kiss, right?"

"What— that's something out of nowhere. Are you perhaps thinking like that when you bring me here?" 

"No, of course not. I am thinking about how I invite you to another date, but when I see how beautiful you are— I can't help thinking that I want to kiss you." 

"Hyaaa— I don't know how I feel about this. Do I need to be happy you complimented me or think what a pervert you are?" Chika stepped back with a flushed face when she heard Kouta's words. 

"So, no?"

"Of course not, we're still not that close enough—" 

"Oh, so we can do that if we are close enough. Huh— Then this is okay?"

Kouta stepped closer to Chika, whose face was turning red as Kouta stepped closer. However, Chika's behavior gave the impression that she would be okay with being kissed by Kouta. Kouta felt it was better to be patient for now. He took her hand and kissed it while acting like she was a princess and asked for another date. 

"Can I ask you for another date, Chika-san?" 

"Well, this is quite embarrassing, but I'll think about it." 

"Eh, even though I try my best." 

"Ugh, fine. We can do it next week—" 

With this, Kouta and Chika's date came to an end, and it seemed that their relationship was continuing in the direction that Kouta and perhaps Eriri had hoped. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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