Stop Bothering Me, Emperor

Chapter 52 Cold War

Chapter 52 Cold War

A group of students in the corridor were immediately shocked. Senior students President came walking so coolly, and spent a long time walking just to trying to pull someone to the toilet?

Song Xiao could not say no, he had to put down his book and went out to wait for the Emperor to go out to the toilet.

Yu Tang and Song Xiao classes were separated by a corridor their seat are in opposite windows and they could see each other. They had s "Friendly Negotiation" with their table mated. However, every time Yu Tang goes to the toilet, he has to go with Song Xiao.

"Your relationship with the President is very good." The tablemate girl smiled "...and he asked you to accompany him to go back to the toilet. "

"Yeah.." Song Xiao nodded and there was not much to say.

"Are you two staying in the same dormitory?" The girl had heard of the Pudding Son and the Senior Students President were sharing the dorm room.

"... Well." Song Xiao vaguely responded and turned to the book for the next class.

The dormitories were redistributed according to the placement of the classes. However, Song Xiao still lived with his Emperor as if the class placement passed over them. The teacher and the school never mentioned changing the dormitory for them. So, they still ate together and sleep together.

The girls around the class got together as soon as he got back in the class. The girls in the front row gave him snacks. The girls behind stood on the table and talked to him. Song Xiao upheld a gentleman etiquette and will not have physical contact with these girls. However, they have questions and answers, and they are slow to understand things. He was increasingly welcomed by girls.

Contrary to girls, boys in the class did not like Song Xiao. Because Song Xiao, as a rich second generation, was a mannered boy and looked handsome, then was welcomed by girls. Originally they wanted to isolate him and bully him, but seeing the President is someone so close to him, that idea was poured out and extinguished.

"On one day someone offended him, and he was beaten to near death" The boys in the class joined together and whispered. In the eyes of high school students, the brother who is the President of the Student Union, was like the brother who become the whole school tyrant.....these two must be respected.

What's more, the president of Student Union has gathered a lot of power within a year, even the 4G have been obliged to bow down to him. The simple school tyrant aka The Headmaster with a few limbs he developed simple mind and has become The Thug's(Yu Tang) thugs.

Song Xiao did not know that the boys in the class saw him that way, but he could feel that the boys in the class had intentionally distanced themselves from him.

In the afternoon class, boys in the Science class usually rush to the playground to play football and play basketball, while boys in the Liberal Arts class play kicking the shuttlecock in the ground.

The entire liberal arts class, was more than forty people, also seven or eight boys, one of whom held a big feather shuttlecock, deliberately passing in front of the other boys went out. Song Xiao looked up at them and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Playing time" Someone knocked on the window on time, followed by three younger brothers, one holding basketball, one carrying water, and the other running to take the lead.

"Wow, we have Liberal Arts classes, and finally a guy who can play the basketball, this class we are deeply gratified!" The Class Leader Lin Wenwen looked at the back of Song Xiao's departure, mockingly wiping his tears."According to the mourner's point of view, the group of players outside should pull the sticks." The class's secretary spoke while shelled her nails.

The girls looked at the sunlit group on the playground and then looked at the group behind the classroom kicking the shuttlecock and blinking in silence.

After the evening class study, the moon was shining in the deep blue night sky. After the school bell rang, the crowd of students swarmed out. Song Xiao lifted his bag and came out to see the slender figure that stood on the corridor and was really out of place.

Yu Tang body has grown taller. Last year's school uniforms could no longer be worn and had to be replaced with new ones. He was then left standing empty-handed, and the girls around looked at him in secret, but they did not dare to approach him and the boys detoured around him.

After the Student Union President passes, they will stand upright and say: President is good looking!

With a slight daggering look, the Student Union's President left with satisfaction.

In Song Xiao eyes, even when he didn't know it, his Majesty the Emperor had already taken over the "abandoned village" of Sheng Meng School entirely in his hands, and he turned it into a state running in his hands.

Deep eyes crossed Song Xiao and saw Song Xiao's seat which he had just left. It was secretly smuggled with pink letters by several girls.

"Let's go." Song Xiao went to his side.

"Yeah.." He took Song Xiao's schoolbag off and casually leaned over his shoulder and took the lead to pull him downstairs.

"I can carry my own bag" Song Xiao quickly followed up, how could the Emperor carry his backpack?

Behind Gu An, the Shadow Guard who generally accompanies Yu Tang to the window of the Liberal Arts class. When Song Xiao remembered him, he looked back and saw that the Shadow behind him was Gu An. He was just walking behind them and he had a one pink letter song Xiao had discarded.

Back to the dormitory, Song Xiao bathed in the bathroom and Yu Tang was lying on the bed to read the letter.

This is a love letter written by a girl named Song Xin. The inside words are very beautiful. It is usually the high school student who thinks their writing is good.

"When someone asked me why I wrote this letter, I slowly raised my head and watched the sky bloom like a phoenix-like sunset. The student who is as gorgeous as summer flowers. If I don't write this letter today, This sixteen-year-old flower season will be like the old lady who was remembering the past. She looks old, empty and full of resentment, and withered when she was not blooming..."

Song Xiao took a shower, wiped his hair, and pulled a reference book. Going to bed and look at the head. Seeing the pink letter, he was slowly licking lips. Yu Tang knows pink letters are used to write love letters, modern people are more open than in ancient times, love letters can be blatantly given to each other. In the past, they had to be collected and then thrown in, and the students would seize the penalty points.

"You received a love letter?" Song Xiao looked like he didn't carelessly glanced at it.

"Yeah," Yu Tang looked at him. "What do you want to say?"

Song Xiao was angry at the unbearable eyes of the Emperor: "There is nothing for me to say."

The other girls wrote love letters for him and Yu Tang saw it with relish to also ask him what they meant.

When they had just married, the courtiers forced the election. Perhaps because it was a newly-married couple, the Emperor was happy looking forward to seeing him, he took him for a walk without anyone seeing, and he gave the Empress the right to stay.Song Xiao inherited the principle of priority of power and left several women with high family status behind. However, the daughters of the ministers in the Kingdom were all not very good. Other women wanted to study the school poetry and calligraphy, the decree was later issued by the Emperor to women to be allowed learning they felt that the goods would be presented to the Emperor.

The women of the Dynasty also studied books, but they read only a small amount. Usually, women in the school will produce some poems for the court. However, Song Xiao did not understand these things. He took a pen and wrote out a "mountain and river theory", letting them talk about the impact of women's behavior in the harem on the affairs of the state.

The result can be imagined... When the Emperor sees only the remaining daughters of the ministers as plotters their appearances were not better as that of the palace woman, and he was impatient to blast people out.

In an election, a talented person was not chosen in the harem. The Emperor looked back and daughters blamed to each other. This was nothing. Emperor Yu Tang had his whole life, dedicated to this Empress. Therefore, Song Xiao should not be paying attention to other women whether in the harem or not.

"Hey!" Yu Tang heard a cold snort. He smashed Song Xiao and shook his handwriting. "But when I wasn't with you for a few days, did you think of seducing another woman. Hmm?"

Song Xiao squinted his eyes....... Ah?

"Look at it clearly, you two can not get married." Yu Tang pointed to the name of Song Xin above. In ancient times, the people with the same surname would not married. This girl is also surnamed Song, so this is destined to be hopeless.

Song Xiao realized that this love letter was addressed to him. Why did the love letter he gave to the Emperor ended up to be in his name "How did this... oh..."

Before he could ask, he was turned over by the Emperor and pulled to the bed. Yu Tang grabbed the struggling Song Xiao's hands and pressed them to the pillow he gazed him over and kissed Song Xiao's neck " Don't forget the contract you signed with me".

Song Xiao couldn't help but laugh: "In the contract, I didn't write anywhere that you are allowed to read the letters given to me by others."

" Ah, whatever letter given to the courtiers has to be seen by the Emperor" Yu Tang looked down at him. The word is..... a letter between the palace officials. Yu Tang certainly has to read them to prevent those people from plotting and rebelling.

"Yeah..." Song Xiao looked at the Emperor with a serious look and couldn't help laughing.

The Emperor was very dissatisfied with this, and he pulled him and spanked him again. It was only that the two were all red and warm and when he barely stopped and put the disobedient Empress in his arms and spanked him again.

"Aah..." In the cold night, the Emperor spanked his butt. Song Xiao stiffened and began to spank the Emperor head.

When Yu Tang saw him paralyzed, he was satisfied. He also warned Song Xiao against allowing other girls to get too close to him.

Song Xiao stumbled to sleep, feeling like he had forgotten something to do before going to bed. The next day he opened him eyes and saw the reference books that he had thrown on the bed. He didn't think of doing his homework. Suddenly, he sat up and looked at the done and completed homework, and then looked at the sweet person that slept with him side by side and went back to sleep.

1]...... Aaaw the Emperor did Empress homework....??

Because the wake up time was adjusted, now the two can sleep till the sun rises. The morning sun shines on the delicate face. Long eyelashes cast a shadow. The light-colored, thin lips glowed with healthy pinks as they slept. The slender arms still held him in a cuddling position. At first glance, he knew that lying down would be comfortable he couldn't help but want to lay back down again.

Song Xiao shook his head, took the reference book getting up, sleeping more is wrong!.

The time in high school always went fast, and in the blink of an eye, high school passed. When the final exam was finished, Song Xiao passed the first grade in Liberal Arts and received 5000 RMB in scholarship......

Yu Tang was reprimanded by his wife, and he also knew that he had to work hard. He did not have to take exams in the Politics or History that ran against him. The Emperor passed his first grade in Science Subjects and he also received 5000 RMB in award money.

Together they have 10,000 RMB money and they decided to travel like other couples. To say that it is a trip it would be wrong it is actually that they went to stay at the seaside villa owned by Yu family for one month.

This villa is located on a clean and inaccessible beach, with a floor-to-ceiling glass curtain wall. You can see the vast sea from the house, a beautiful wooden bridge, and you can see it from the front of the house or the sea.

"In August, there will be a university entrance exam for the Universities in the States. You have to come with me to go to the exam."

When they arrived at the villa, Yu Tang handed a set of reference books to Song Xiao This is an exercise for the American entrance examination. The questions in this exam are particularly simple. For example, in mathematics, there will be triangles with known sides and angles. The only difficulty is that the whole problem solving one has to use English.

However, language and this kind of thing is not a problem at all for Song Xiao who has never been forgotten.

"I..." Song Xiao licked his lips. "I won't go."

"Why?" Yu Tang handed something to the servant and turned to look at him.

"I thought that I would go to college right here in China." Song Xiao lowered his head and said with a mumbling word.

Yu Tang's face instantly chilled and he quietly watched Song Xiao's low head. As he said earlier, he didn't expect Song Xiao to refuse going abroad with him. This made the Emperor feel unprepared. After ten minutes of stalemate, he bunched his fists and turned to the building without saying a word.

The two people were caught in an inexplicable Cold War. Song Xiao wanted to explain it to him. He did not know what to say.

"Tomorrow is the young man's birthday, shouldn't you take the opportunity to reconcile him?" The maid in the villa saw the two children arguing and quietly advised Song Xiao.

"Tomorrow?" Song confided. If he is not mistaken, this should be Yu Tang 18th birthday.

The author has something to say: Small theater:

Song Xiao: Emperor, tomorrow is your birthday

Yu Tang: Then?

Song Xiao: What kind of gift do you want?

Yu Tang: An adult version ceremony

Song Xiao: What is an adult~... Ooh

~ Someone takes a pen and paper and draws a penis ~


Don't forget to comment and vote..... And please do note that this is not proofread..... all mistakes lies with no-one......stay still.... Emperor Stop Annying The Empress.

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