Stranger Danger

Chapter 693: Ye Qing’s Plan

Chapter 693: Ye Qing’s Plan

Assuming that their fears were reality, assuming that every scarecrow was formerly a human, then something terrible must be lurking in this paddy field.

“Let’s leave immediately,” Shangguan Hongjin declared.

“Very well.”

Pedant Earth shot Six Fingers a glance, sighed, and got ready to leave.

This was no time to be hesitant. The sooner they left this dangerous place, the better.

However, a voice entered their ears before they could take a single step. “You better not step on the wheat and damage them.”

“Who are you?!”

Pedant Earth was already like a startled bird ready to take flight at the slightest noise due to the horror that overtook his companion. As soon as he heard the unfamiliar voice, he shivered and subconsciously tried to back away from the source.

The next moment, he felt a hand grabbing his shoulder and keeping him in place.

“Who are you?”

Shangguan Hongjin asked as she looked behind Pedant Earth. A young man had appeared out of seemingly nowhere and grabbed the old man before she could do anything. Her expression hardening into steel, she draped her hand loosely over the hilt of her sabers and gathered her energies. If the young man tried anything, then she would act immediately.

“Who... who are you, scion?”

Cold sweat poured down Pedant Earth’s forehead as he kept as still as possible, not daring to draw even a big breath. He could feel the strength coming from the hand grabbing his shoulder. Like a mountain, it pinned him in place and even choked out his spirit and energies.

He might not be a good direct combatant, but that didn’t mean he was weak in the slightest. In fact, he possessed an outstanding spirit and energy sense thanks to his unique area of expertise. In fact, he was better than many Grandmasters in terms of danger sense.

However, he hadn’t detected any unusual change in the air from the start until the end. He never noticed when or how the young man had appeared behind his back until it was too late. This could not have been possible unless his opponent far outclassed him.

That was why he didn’t dare to move a muscle, much less plot a retaliation.

“Calm down, you two. I bear no ill will toward you.” A clear chuckle rang behind Pedant Earth. “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Joyless Ye.”

The young man was, of course, Ye Qing. He meant to assuage the duo with his words, but they only grew more wary and nervous.

“Relax. If I wanted to kill you both, I would’ve done so already. There is no need for me to wait, is there?”

Ye Qing loosened his grip on Pedant Earth’s shoulder. As soon as he regained control of his body, the old man immediately tried to dodge sideways. However, he was just starting to channel his energy when a weight settled down on his shoulder and crushed his resistance once more.

Seeing this, Shangguan Hongjin pulled her sabers half an inch out of their hilt; the cold gleam of the blades a clear warning of her intent.

“Calm down. I was just saving his life.”

Ye Qing explained to Shangguan Hongjin before looking down on Pedant Earth once more. “I’m going to let you go, but for heavens’ sake, steer clear from the wheat. Otherwise, not even an almighty god would be able to save your life, understand?”

Ye Qing let go of Pedant Earth after he gave an affirmative response, and this time, the old man did not try to dash off like a rabbit. Instead, he carefully set his foot on an empty clearing and strode away.

When Pedant Earth confirmed that Ye Qing did not try to restrain him a third time, he finally let out a sigh of relief and believed Ye Qing’s claim that he did not mean any ill will.

Shangguan Hongjin too sheathed her sabers—though the wariness in her eyes remained strong—and asked, “Why did you tell us to steer clear of the wheat, warrior?”

Ye Qing answered, “That is because I believe that anyone who tramples or damages the wheat would transform into a scarecrow.”

“What?” Pedant Earth exclaimed in shock, “Are you saying that Six Fingers transformed into a scarecrow because he damaged these wheat?”

“Most likely!” Ye Qing nodded affirmatively.

“And what makes you say that?” Shangguan Hongjin asked.

“Because both of you are fine, while your friend is not.”

Ye Qing explained, “Earlier, I saw him trampling over the wheat and stealing some of them while you weren’t looking.”

“Let me get this straight: You’re saying that Six Fingers transformed into a scarecrow because he trampled over the wheat and stole them?”

Pedant Earth believed Ye Qing’s words instantly. “Damn it all! I told him to be careful and keep his hands to himself! Just why won’t he listen to me?!”

“The fool! The fool!”

He had worked together with Six Fingers for many years, so he was well aware of the man’s vices. Six Fingers was a selfish, greedy man who, during their expeditions together, had accidentally triggered some traps or alerted some enemies because he just couldn’t control himself. However, they had always been able to neutralize or survive the dangers they encountered.

Maybe it was because surviving those close encounters gave Six Fingers a false sense of confidence, or maybe he was just a selfish, greedy bastard. Pedant Earth thought for sure that Six Fingers would be able to control himself this time—this place was unlike any city or tomb they had ever explored after all—but in the end, he succumbed to his vices and paid the ultimate price.

Six Fingers had no one but himself to blame.

Pedant Earth was both angry at Six Fingers’ foolishness and relieved that he wasn’t as selfish, greedy, and careless as he was. If he had succumbed to his greed, or if he was careless enough to trample over the wheat, then he would be dead just like Six Fingers.

“I see. You’ve been following us from the beginning.”

Shangguan Hongjin’s attention wasn’t on Six Fingers’ fate, however. A hint of scorn entered her eyes as she spoke, “You were using us to scout out the dangers of this place, weren’t you?”

Ye Qing replied without batting an eyelid, “I don’t understand what you’re trying to say, miss.”

Ye Qing wasn’t going to admit that that was exactly what he did, of course. This place was obviously dangerous, and he had no intentions of risking his own hide if he could help it. Since the heavens were kind enough to give him three fodders, why wouldn’t he use them to sweep the landmines so to speak? That was how he discovered Six Fingers’ crime and punishment and the true danger of this paddy field, wasn’t it?

Of course, he was well aware that his action wasn’t very moral, which was why he appeared to warn Shangguan Hongjin and Pedant Earth. Pragmatically speaking, it also made no sense to waste their lives on a danger he already knew about. This was just the starting line, and he was sure that their strength—or, if the situation called for it, their lives—could prove useful further down the line.

Finally, he was worried that allowing these two to trample over the wheat wantonly might awaken a worse danger. It was one thing if he wasn’t dragged into their mess, but if he was, then he would only have himself to blame, wouldn’t it?

That was why he showed himself and lent them a hand. Not that he was going to admit that he was using them, of course.

“Regardless of your intentions, it is the truth that you saved our lives.”

Shangguan Hongjin gave Ye Qing a nod and declared candidly, “I, Shangguan Hongjin, am not one to mix up resentment and kindness. You saved my life, so I will repay the favor one day.”

Ye Qing could not help but shoot her a look of surprise. He could feel that she was telling the truth. She wasn’t lying to his face or putting on a show for the sake of it.

“Yes, yes. Thank for saving our lives, warrior.”

Pedant Earth also thanked him, though it was clear that his thanks was much less sincere than Shangguan Hongjin’s.

Ye Qing saluted them. “You’re welcome, Miss Shangguan, senior, but I just happened to be at the right place at the right time. You don’t need to take it to heart.”

Pedant Earth hurriedly corrected him, “Heavens above, please do not call me senior. My name is Pedant Earth. Just address me by my name.”

“Will you two stop arguing over pointless stuff already? We’re still in danger here. You can talk all you want after we leave this place behind,” Shangguan Hongjin said impatiently when she noticed that the duo’s conversation was showing no signs of ending.

“Miss Shangguan is right. Let us begone before anything else happens.”

Ye Qing nodded. “Allow me to take the front!”

“No need. I’ll take the lead, the two of you can cover my back.” Shangguan Hongjin waved him off while walking to the front.

Ye Qing raised his eyebrows again. This woman really was as brave and forthright as most men, if not better.

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