Stranger Danger

Chapter 730: Blood Soul Divine Light

Chapter 730: Blood Soul Divine Light

“Hahaha... You’re quite bloodthirsty, little brother. Allow me to play with you.”

A charming giggle escaped Blood Rakshasa’s lips, and countless blood streams abruptly burst out of Feng San, the blind Taoist, the sword-eating man, the Herald of Fortuity and the Harbinger of Doom’s body. They condensed into a blood cloud and wrapped around Ye Qing before he could react, pinning him in place.

Not only that, his vigor was rampaging uncontrollably inside his body. The unnatural stirring made it incredibly difficult for him to gather any strength at all.

“One word of advice, little brother... Shameless boasts that aren’t backed by strength cost a price.”

Smiling, Blood Rakshasa slowly walked toward Ye Qing while playing with her hair.

For those who were watching closely, they would notice that countless strands of blood were floating in the air. So thin that they were practically invisible, they were penetrating Ye Qing’s skin and invading his body from every direction. It was these threads that caused his vigor to run uncontrollably like a stampede and boil like a pot of oil. The loss of control over his own energies was uncomfortable to say the least.

These blood threads were created from Blood Rakshasa’s cultivation art, “Blood Soul Divine Light”. “Blood Soul Divine Light” possessed the power to control blood, and it could be used to wound one’s enemies or boost oneself. At the adept level, the practitioner could outright control the blood inside their victim’s body and kill them with a single thought[1].

The young man before her was a body-tempering warrior, and body-tempering warriors more than anyone else valued the cultivation of vigor. Their primary goal was to refine a body of steel and a sea of vigor.

Generally speaking, a body-tempering warrior possessed a powerful body, an incredible amount of vigor, and overwhelming strength. Tens or even hundreds of times stronger than the average warrior, a body-tempering warrior was an absolute nightmare to fight against in most cases.

Not Blood Rakshasa. In her case, it was actually the opposite. Body-tempering warriors were naught but helpless lambs she could slaughter as she pleased, and it was all thanks to her “Blood Soul Divine Light”, the bane of all warriors with great vigor. The stronger her target’s vigor, the easier it was for her to manipulate it.

Vigor was the root of all strength. If a person’s vigor flowed sporadically, then it would be difficult for them to generate strength or qi. It was only a matter of time before a pool of dead water dried, just like a tree without roots would eventually die.

For an ordinary warrior, this generally wasn’t too big of a problem. Even if their body was susceptible, they still had their mind. The same could not be said for a body-tempering warrior. If the flow of their vigor was interrupted, then they were like pools of dead water or trees without roots. What was the greatest punch if it had no strength behind it? How could their body endure if they did not have qi? And how could they fight without end if their recovery was missing?

Like an apple that was rotten at the center, or a sky pavilion that was supported by a single base, the slightest pressure was enough to destroy them.

Of course, not all body-tempering warriors were helpless before vigor-manipulating warriors like Blood Rakshasa. Body-tempering warriors excelled at creating wonders from inches of space, and this level of fine control extended to their vigor as well. Given enough time and practice, they could control every drop of vigor like their own limb and greatly diminished the threat of vigor manipulation arts.

Unfortunately for the young man, he had just overcome his tribulation and become a Grandmaster. His vigor was much greater than before, but it also meant that his previous level of control was no longer sufficient. From Blood Rakshasa’s point of view, the young man’s current vigor control resembled a child trying to wield a greatsword. It looked mighty impressive, but it was full of holes.

Therefore, the young man resembled a circus monkey to her. His tricks were impressive, but he was still a monkey. It took her barely any effort to take control of his vigor.

“The last person to boast to me like that had his teeth shattered, his tongue cut out, and his lips sewn together so he might never speak again. So? How do you want me to punish you?”

“Hello? You were so talkative before, so why are you pretending to be mute now?”

Seeing that Ye Qing refused to respond to her—or maybe he was too busy struggling against her bindings to make a response—pity and scorn flashed across Blood Rakshasa’s eyes as she turned toward Six Yins Boy. “Do you have a suggestion, Brother Six Yins?”

“You’re asking me? Well, I’m a simple man. I’m just going to extract his soul and light a lamp with it. I will make him wish that he was dead!”

Six Yins Boy let out an ugly laugh before closing in on Ye Qing. Hand combusting into green flames, he grabbed Ye Qing’s skull to extract his yin god.

He did not notice Ye Qing’s eyes curling a little when his hand closed around his skull. The next moment, Ye Qing struck Six Yins Boy with both hands.

A body-tempering warrior’s fists were like a tidal wave or a storm. Once it began, it would not stop until it had expended all of its energy.

In one breath, Ye Qing landed at least dozens of punches on Six Yins Boy’s torso. Every punch was as heavy as mountains, and every burst of fist intent was perfectly controlled.

On the surface, the flurry of punches failed to push Six Yins Boy even an inch. In reality, his insides had dissolved into a pot of porridge.

Yes, Six Yins Boy was a Grandmaster, and yes, his physique was greater than most warriors. Compared to a body-tempering warrior though? Getting within melee range of a body-tempering Grandmaster was easily one of the biggest mistakes of his life.

When Ye Qing dished out his final punch, Six Yins Boy’s body exploded in a shower of blood and gore. At the same time, Ye Qing grinned at Blood Rakshasa and said, “Thank you so much for your help, big sis. If it wasn’t for your help, it would’ve taken me a lot more effort to kill Six Yins Boy. Seriously, thank you.”


Blood Rakshasa was too stunned for words. She couldn’t understand how Ye Qing had suddenly broken free from her “Blood Soul Divine Light” and regained his freedom, nor could she believe that he had annihilated Six Yins Boy’s physical body with just a flurry of punches. His latter remark only confused her even more.

A second passed, and realization finally struck Blood Rakshasa like a lightning bolt. Before she could do anything about it though, a demonic, pitch black saber appeared behind her back and swung downward.

Blood Rakshasa was just a beat too slow to dodge out of the way. Her right arm was severed just like that.

Blood Rakshasa let out a bloodcurdling scream and appeared ten meters away from the saber in a flash of blood. Green flames were spreading from her severed stump, and her pain-wracked face looked horrifically pale for someone who thought herself as a master of blood manipulation. More than pain though, it was fear that shone through her expression.

A child-sized, six-headed demon god was floating not far away from her, and each head had a different color: black, red, green, yellow, blue and white. They all wore Six Yins Boy’s face.

Right now, all six faces were contorted with anger and hatred. The demonic qi washing out of the yang god alone seemed strong enough to warp the weather itself.


The Six Yins Demon God roared as his demonic qi merged into a humongous, dark saber. It then fell right on top of Blood Rakshasa.

“Demonic Blade of Six Yins”

“It’s a trick, Six Yins! That brat is trying to drive a wedge between us! I swear I wasn’t colluding with—”

Blood Rakshasa tried to defend herself. She still didn’t know why Ye Qing wasn’t affected by her “Blood Soul Divine Light”, but she now understood exactly what he was planning.

Ye Qing could’ve broken out of his restraints at any moment, but he feigned weakness because he wanted to bait Six Yins Boy to get close to him. While the Grandmaster’s guard was completely lowered, he abruptly broke free from the “Blood Soul Divine Light” and dealt him a decisive blow.

Naturally, Six Yins Boy was utterly stunned by the counterattack. His suspicion of Blood Rakshasa went from zero to a hundred in an instant, and Ye Qing’s inflammatory words only added fuel to fire. He instinctively thought that Blood Rakshasa had purposely released her “Blood Soul Divine Light” at the last moment so that Ye Qing could ambush him. Enraged and humiliated, Six Yins Boy threw all caution to the wind and chased after her with murder on his mind.

If she didn’t do something soon, this would surely end with Ye Qing killing them both after they were both injured and fatigued.

Unbeknownst to Blood Rakshasa, she had gotten one minor detail wrong. She was Ye Qing’s original target, not Six Yins Boy.

1. Yes, Ye Qing could already do that normally, but remember that it only works against people weaker than him. This one seems like it could work against people at the same level as Blood Rakshasa. ☜

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