Stranger Danger

Chapter 759: Fighting the Dark Overlord

Chapter 759: Fighting the Dark Overlord

“He’s strong…”

Far, far away, Ye Qing was impressed by how Li Hentian had singlehandedly beat back five Earth Champions Ranking warriors on his own. Sure, Sun Sovereign and the others hadn’t utilized their full strength, nor have they suffered any injuries despite the beatdown. However, this Li Hentian was also just a spiritual intent of the original. It should not be possible for him to do what he did.

The next moment, the five warriors returned and surrounded Li Hentian from all sides, their gazes hostile or competitive.

It was true that Li Hentian was a titan of the Dark Ways and the greatest warrior of the Spring and Autumn Period eight hundred years ago. However, they weren’t weak nobodies that his spiritual intent could dispatch as he pleased either, nor would they be intimidated just because of one setback.

“Hahaha! As expected of the Dark Overlord, your might astounds even eight hundred years later!”

Sun Sovereign was shining so bright that even the air around him was distorted. “If you are the genuine article, then we would’ve run far, far away from you. However, you are just a spiritual intent. Did you really think you could defeat all of us by yourself?”

“Move aside if you wish to continue existing, Dark Overlord. This is our first and last warning to you.”

“Hahaha… the arrogance of ants is truly laughable.”

Li Hentian let out a bark of laughter before uttering with dripping disdain, “Come at me.”

“As you wish!” Madman Chu let out a bark of laughter of his own, his muscles taut with fighting spirit. “I’ve long desired to fight with the legendary Dark Overlord and prove myself better, and I am most glad that fate saw fit to fulfill my dream!”

“What do you say, Madman Xu?”

Xu Xiu’s eyes burned with killing intent while carrying his spear upside down. “I don’t care about defeating the Dark Overlord. I desire to slay him!”

“Well said! Why defeat the Dark Overlord when you can slay him?!” Madman Chu charged toward Li Hentian before he finished speaking.

The Grandmaster was about thirty meters away from Li Hentian when he abruptly leaped higher and raised a pair of clenched fists. It looked like he was gripping the fabric of the sky itself.

Then, he swung his arms downward with all his mind. The very world around him was his saber, and the clouds the edge.

“Dare you take my slash, Dark Overlord?” Madman Chu laughed savagely while swinging his unusual saber. It looked like the very saber that had split Primal Chaos and created the world.

“Split Primal Chaos”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

In response, Li Hentian made a knife hand and swung upward. When his hand traveled an inch, the clouds gathered at the tip of his fingers grew ten meters long. Three inches later, a saber of pure cloud swung upward to face Madman Chu’s unusual saber.

You have a saber that splits Primal Chaos, but I have a saber that fractures the heavens themselves!

The two sabers clashed, and the sky instantly turned pitch black from the explosion of clouds. For an instant, it felt as if the world had plunged into Primal Chaos.

Then, a single ray of light shone through the darkness. At first, it looked so small it was barely bigger than a bead. Then, it brightened until it resembled the first ray of dawn. The light continuously strengthened until it became a city of lights, and finally, it looked like the very sun that illuminated the world.

The bead-sized light was a saber. The daybreak was a saber. The city of lights was a saber. The sun that illuminated the world, too, was a saber.

The saber split open Primal Chaos and filled the world with light. Hence, “Split Primal Chaos”.

“An excellent saber!” Li Hentian complimented Madman Chu under the light, though he did not slow down even a little. He crossed his arms in front of him and executed a cross slash.

His two arms resembled twin sabers that cut off the world and shrouded it in sudden, absolute darkness. If it wasn’t for “Split Primal Chaos”, it would’ve been impossible to see anything at all.

The Grandmaster might have a saber that split Primal Chaos and filled the world with light, but he also knew a saber that blinded the sky and plunged the world into darkness.

For a moment, one half of the world was filled with light, and the other darkness. There was a distinct separation between the two.

The light was a saber. The darkness was also a saber. The clash between light and darkness was the clash between two saber intents.

Space shook, and thunder rumbled continuously. The surrounding temperature had also nosedived until it felt like autumn or winter.


The stalemate lasted for a couple of breaths before there was a deafening rumble that sounded like the sky was fracturing into pieces. Then, both the light and the darkness were ripped from the center like paper.

The instant light and darkness were ripped apart, Li Hentian abruptly appeared in front of Madman Chu and landed a diagonal swipe.


Madman Chu was disemboweled from his left shoulder all the way to his right hip and sent plummeting toward a mountain. His momentum was such that he crushed the entire mountain before he finally came to a stop. He threw up a mouthful of blood despite himself, and the wounds on his chest looked horrifying to say the least. His internal organs were bare for all to see, though strangely, no blood was pouring out of the wound.

His heart beating like thunder inside his chest, Madman Chu attempted to heal his injuries with a burst of vigor. At first, it looked like it worked, new flesh and skin quickly grew over the gnarly wound. Then, the wound split open once more, and a saber intent that felt like death and desolation seeped out. The wound would continue to open and close repeatedly like a mouth.

“Hahaha! That was great!”

Madman Chu could not seem to feel the pain, however. Wiping away the bloodstains on his mouth, he barked out a laugh and charged toward Li Hentian once more, ignoring the fact that the only reason his internal organs were still inside his body was because his protective aura was trapping them in place. His fighting spirit seemed never ending.

Madman Chu was fast, but one man was faster. Xu Xiu was holding his spear next to him and rushing forward for a straight thrust. A terrifying amount of bloodlust and killing intent enveloped the entire battlefield as if he wasn’t one man, but an army of ten thousand charging toward the enemy.

In response, Li Hentian made a grabbing motion and summoned a spear into his right hand. He performed a small twirl before launching a straight thrust at Xu Xiu as well.

The spear did not move like a spear. No, it moved like a dragon. When it got close to Xu Xiu, it abruptly split into three silhouettes that pierced the wall of killing intent and melted it all away like a hot knife through butter.

Three strikes were all that was needed to quell it all.

Xu Xiu’s reckless charge wasn’t futile though. He had earned three bloody holes on his shoulder, chest and abdomen, but Li Hentian’s hand was also skewered by Xu Xiu’s spearhead. Not only that, as his blood continuously dripped on his spear, it gradually turned as red as blood. Xu Xiu’s pupils also became blood red, and his bloodlust positively burst out of his body like a bomb.


Xu Xiu rushed toward Li Hentian like a crazed demon.

At the same time, Sun Sovereign and Laughing Buddha unleashed their own attacks.

Floating in the sky, Sun Sovereign made a seal with his right hand before lowering it slowly.

High above the nine heavens, nine dragons carrying a sun in their mouths each swooped down toward Li Hentian. They felt hot enough to burn anything and everything.

“Nine Dragons Holding Sun Seal”

Meanwhile, Laughing Buddha manifested his Maitreya dharma again. While holding a prithvi mudra and wearing a kind smile on his face, he pointed a finger straight at Li hentian.

The finger looked both real and unreal. It originated from both the past, existed in the present, but disappeared in the future. It was a profound and mysterious technique to say the least.

“Finger of Three Times”

Li Hentian pushed the crazed Xu Xiu out of his way with his spear. Then, he performed two moves at the same time. His right hand made a hand seal and rose into the air, whereas his left hand pressed two of its fingers together and dropped toward the ground.

The rising hand seal summoned the wind and rain. It was the “Wind Rain Azure Yellow Seal”.

The gap between his fingers was tiny, and yet a mountain of power existed within it. Hence, it was called the “Mountain Hiding Finger”.

The “Wind Rain Azure Yellow Seal” was a technique that summoned the very elements of the world into existence. It was both grand and majestic.

In contrast, the “Mountain Hiding Finger” was about as inconspicuous and unobtrusive as a weak drizzle in the middle of a street, mild and ephemeral.

The two techniques were complete opposites, and yet Li Hentian had executed them with supernatural ease.

Seal clashed against seal, finger matched against finger.

The Sun Sovereign’s “Wind Rain Azure Yellow Seal” was hacked into a million pieces by the grand storm; its nine suns fracturing into pieces and falling from the sky like meteors.

As for Laughing Buddha’s “Finger of Three Times”, it was silently and smoothly wiped out of existence by the “Mountain Hiding Finger”.

Li Hentian’s energies entered a temporary lull after he neutralized both attacks. It was at this moment Sakyamuni Myriad Shadows finally acted.

The Trueman had been hiding in the shadows waiting for an opportunity this whole time. Now that it had appeared, his whole body abruptly transformed into shadows and condensed into a handleless sword. It flickered once and disappeared without a trace.

“A man who gave himself to the sword may sever immortality itself,

Neither heaven nor hell may hide one from the sword.”

Hence, the technique was named the “Inescapable Sword”.

The “Inescapable Sword” excelled at ambushes and assassinations. There was nowhere to hide, nowhere to run from it. When it finally showed itself, death was the only outcome.

Li Hentian begged to differ. With the flick of a finger, space rattled loudly and took the shape of swords. In an instant, a million swords blotted out both the sky and the earth. The world plunged into darkness, and the myriad swords thrust forward.

It might be true that the “Inescapable Sword” was inescapable and fatal, but why would he need to escape when he could simply overwhelm it with a million swords?


There was a terrific explosion of sword qi, and Sakyamuni Myriad Shadows was blasted back into the open. He did not look good.

As it turned out, the “Inescapable Sword” could not defeat a million swords after all.

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