Stranger Danger

Chapter 807: Descent of The Goddesses

Chapter 807: Descent of The Goddesses

Of course, the “Gold and Jade Records of Wulin” was just a novel about the strange and unusual written by a member of the literati. The stories in the book were mostly fictional, and the ridiculous claims regarding the Light of Female Mystery and the Sound of All Beginnings was, of course, untrue.

That said, there was a grain of truth in the story. While the Light of Female Mystery and the Sound of All Beginnings definitely could not transform a weak, helpless mortal into a divine immortal of untold power, it could definitely assist a warrior in achieving martial enlightenment and making incredible breakthroughs.

For example, there was a famous general known as the Defender of Wei and the God of Saber three hundred years ago. His moniker was Nirvana Slayer of Demons. Nirvana Slayer of Demons was stuck in the Trueman stage for many years, and he was unable to become a Sage despite having refined his qi, essence and spirit to perfection. He could keenly sense that he was one paper away from becoming a Sage, and yet he just couldn’t take that final step and cross that threshold no matter how hard he worked.

Left with no choice, Nirvana Slayer of Demons decided to temporarily resign from his duty and explore the jianghu. He believed that experiencing the red dust and observing the wonderful world around him would aid in his goal of tearing down the impenetrable fortress that stood in his path of becoming a Sage. Unfortunately, his efforts were met with little success.

One day, he happened to be at the right place and the right time to witness the birth of a blessed land. When the Light of Female Mystery and Sound of All Beginnings washed through him, he was finally able to tear down the impenetrable wall that had blocked his path for countless years and become a Sage in a single breath.

Nirvana Slayer of Demons wasn’t the first warrior to attain ascension from the Light of Female Mystery and Sound of All Beginnings, and he would not be the last. In fact, examples like him were a dime a dozen. While the gains varied drastically from person to person, there was no doubt that the Light of Female Mystery and Sound of All Beginnings were one hundred percent beneficial to one’s cultivation. It was the life-changing opportunity every warrior dreamed of.

On a related note, they were also nicknamed the divine light, the celestial light, the sound of Dao, the sound of Buddha and so on.

Ye Qing was quite unconcerned with this so-called life-changing opportunity, however, and no, it wasn’t because he had gotten full of himself after becoming a powerful Grandmaster. It was simply because the Light of Female Mystery and Sound of All Beginnings in the sky… were fake.

Well, that might be a little too harsh. The Light of Female Mystery and Sound of All Beginnings in the sky definitely looked like the real thing, and there was definitely a little something mixed within the light and sound show. That was why the weaker warriors were able to experience enlightenment and achieve a breakthrough.

However, that was all there was to it. The essence of a true Light of Female Mystery and Sound of All Beginnings were wholly absent. No matter how bombastic, profound, and magical they looked, in the end, it was nothing more but an illusion. The ordinary masses might be fooled by this, but he was neither ordinary nor weak.

Of course, credit where credit is due, the illusion was extremely realistic. Combined with that strange aura that was just enough to enlighten the weaker warriors, and it wasn’t difficult to see why the trick had gone unnoticed.

In fact, if his core cultivation art wasn’t the “Paranirmitavaśavartin Heavenly Demon Sutra”, which granted him extra acuity in regards to illusions and aura, he might have had trouble telling if this Light of Female Mystery and Sound of All Beginnings were real or fake.

The people of Goddess City were proof of how well-made the illusion was. Practically no one besides him and Feng Qingyou realized that the fantastical phenomenon blasting away in the sky right now was a fake. He only needed to look at everyone’s reverent and absorbed expressions to know that.

A moment later, after the door was fully open, and the Light of Female Mystery and Sound of All Beginnings finally came to a stop. The world fell silent for a moment.

Tap. Tap. Tap…

Then, footsteps came from behind the door. It was slow, soft, yet profound in an inexplicable way. The people felt like the footsteps were coming from inside their hearts, and yet it was neither disturbing nor noisy.

For a time, everyone’s attention was drawn to the footsteps above. They were all staring at the heavenly door with expectant looks on their faces.

The footsteps grew clearer and clearer. Finally, a white deer emerged from the door.

The white deer looked extraordinarily handsome. Pure white in color and surrounded by a ribbon of clear light, it leisurely strolled out of the door and onto the auspicious clouds. It lookws quite extraordinary to say the least.

Despite its dazzling appearance, the white deer wasn’t the center of attention. No, that honor went to the girl riding on its back.

She was a teenage girl wearing a white dress and a wreath on her head. Her black hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, and she emanated an aura of purity and innocence.

She was none other than Goddess White Deer.

The arrival of the goddess was akin to a calming wave. Any and all ill feeling inside the people’s hearts was washed away into nothing, leaving behind only peace and purity.

“Goddess White Deer…”

“It’s Goddess White Deer…”

“Goddess White Deer has descended to our world once more!”

“Good blessings, Goddess White Deer…”

The first cry was like the stone that kicked off a landslide. The exclamations of surprise and admiration grew louder and louder until it felt like the entire world was welcoming the goddess’ descent. As if that wasn’t enough, the people soon dropped to their knees and prayed to the goddess—all of them, except Ye Qing, Feng Qingyou, and Wen Anran.

Luckily, no one was paying attention to the trio since they were busy kowtowing and whatnot. Otherwise, their action could have sparked a riot that no one asked for.

In the sky, Goddess White Deer looked down on the people from atop the clouds. She waved her hand lightly, and a gentle drizzle poured down from the sky.

The rain was soft, smooth, and invigorating. When it hit the ground, seeds sprouted and burst out of the ground. When it hit the plants, flowers sprouted everywhere like weeds, and the dead ones welcomed a new lease of life. When it hit the mountains, the tree canopies grew thicker, and the greens grew more vibrant than ever before.

It was as if the rain was the embodiment of spring itself, reinvigorating any and all life on earth. In just the blink of an eye, the entire Goddess City was bursting with life and flora.

While everyone was still absorbed in the miracle conjured by Goddess White Deer, green lotuses quietly floated out of the heavenly door and formed a path. Then, a cool, lofty woman dressed like a court lady and holding a green lotus in her hand crossed over the threshold.

Even before the woman stepped out of the heavenly door, a refreshing floral scent rode the wind and spread throughout the city in no time. Everyone who smelled it immediately felt healthier and stronger. Their body felt relaxed, their mind was refreshed, the diseases plaguing them suddenly disappeared, and their chronic illnesses were cured just like that.

Those who were plagued by chronic conditions or other difficult diseases literally burst into tears when her miracle took hold.

“It’s Goddess Green Lotus!”

“Long live Goddess Green Lotus!”

“Long live Goddess Green Lotus!”

Everyone was kowtowing to Goddess Green Lotus. It was the only way they knew to express their excitement and reverence.

Before the cheers could subside, the bright moon suspended high above the nine heavens suddenly became much brighter. A pillar of moonlight shot down from above, and a woman slowly descended to the earth following the path.

The woman looked as fair and cold as the white moon above everyone’s head, noble and untouchable. Columns of rainbow light were shining down from the top of her head, and she was surrounded by a layer of silvery radiance that created ripples in the air.

The woman pointed toward the masses, and the round moon grew even brighter than it already was. A cool breeze blew, and moonlight poured down from the sky like the rain.

Everyone basking in the moonlight felt clearer and sharper in mind. Their power and cultivation level were growing by leaps and bounds as well. Many warriors broke through to the next stage just like that.

“Hail Goddess Moonview…”

“Hail Goddess Moonview…”

For the third time, the people of Goddess City kowtowed to the goddess.

The light of the goddesses mingled with each other and painted the entire Goddess City in a fantastical light. Combined with the miracles they showed earlier, and there was no local who wasn’t cheering or praying or kowtowing to them with zealous fervor. The disciples of Goddess City were no exception.

“I see,” Feng Qingyou said suddenly while staring at the miracles above her head.

“Did you figure out something, Qingyou?”

Feng Qingyou was looking more beautiful than ever before thanks to the light show put on by the three goddesses. The same could not be said for her next words, however. “The three goddesses are stealing the fortune of everyone inside this city.”

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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