Strongest Mystic

Chapter 15 Divine Sense

The following morning, Ethan woke up feeling a little sluggish. As a fitness enthusiast, he knew he would bounce back soon. He got out of bed, washed up, and brushed his teeth. He dressed in his workout gear and stepped out of his room.

The house was not that big, but charming and cozy, with four rooms, a kitchen, a living room, and a front garden. It was peaceful, especially without Mia around.

Ethan put on his new earbuds and started listening to the latest music from Grabeth. Although he wasn't a huge fan, the songs worked for him as background noise. He stepped outside and greeted the morning, receiving a warm smile from Scarlett.

In the garden, he saw Dylan sitting in a chair, reading the newspaper. Ethan smiled, seeing that his stepfather was still the same. Dylan was of average height with striking features, light brown hair, and blue eyes that made him appear friendly and approachable.

It was no surprise that Scarlett had fallen for him. They had once talked about it with a shy expression, discussing how Dylan's personality had captured Scarlett's heart.

After the morning run and shower, he sat on the bed and looked at the harem tab of the system, he hadn't seen it for so long. He didn't explore the features completely, no wonder Nyx always seemed to get mad at him.

[Finally,] Nyx said.

'Alright now show me.'

[Aye sir!]

[Sasha Drew

Interest: 75

Sexual Preferences: doggy-style, missionary, cunnilingus, fellatio, and more.

Sasha Drew is a dedicated nurse at the Richardson Hospital. Although she is diligent in her work, she may become absent-minded at times and commit errors. She takes responsibility for her mistakes and works tirelessly to better herself, both as a person and a nurse.

Sasha has a deep fascination for the heir and desires to learn more about him. Despite her tendency to feel easily envious, she can also be easily won over by someone she has affection for.

As long as the heir is honest with her, she will accept him, even if he is involved in a polyamorous relationship. Secretly, she hopes that the heir will eventually develop feelings for her exclusively.


"Oh?" Ethan raised his eyebrows. "Sasha is interested in cunnilingus? Guess next time I'll give her a pleasant surprise. But she never told me this so how come you know about it?"

Nyx replied, [Sasha hinted this a few times but you didn't get it.]

"Is that so? Next time if I miss some hint then do tell me immediately."


Then Ethan opened Emily's panel.

[Emily Rathford

Interest: 36

Sexual Preferences: Unknown

Emily Rathford is a highly skilled and accomplished physician. In addition to her medical career, she runs a successful gym in West Brislane. She is approachable and holds her profession in high regard. She has a deep compassion for others and regularly contributes to various charitable causes. Emily has a keen emotional intelligence and is drawn to the heir, although she does her best to conceal her feelings.]

Ethan realized that he had only acquired a limited understanding of each person through his interactions with them. He asked Nyx to display their dislikes, which the system agreed to do.

After the system screen disappeared, Ethan thought to himself, "Maybe I should have a chat with Emily about her gym."

He was interested in joining a gym, and if Emily's gym was nearby, it would be a great opportunity. He was attracted to her, but what he was really looking for was the support of a physiotherapist.

Ethan lived in the residential area of West Brislane. While the east part of the city was modern with towering buildings, the west was more of a quaint neighborhood with historic sites and a well-known market.

In the evening, Ethan made his way through narrow alleys, the cobblestone streets lit up by the soft glow of the street lamps. He could hear the hustle and bustle of the city, the laughter and conversations of the people around him.

He turned a corner and found himself in a marketplace, the air filled with the smell of freshly cooked food and the sound of merchants calling out their goods.

He felt the warmth of the sun on his skin and the cool breeze of the evening air brushing against his face. He smiled as he felt the energy of the place and its people.

Ethan chuckled as he remembered the adorable argument between his stepmother and stepfather in the afternoon. Scarlett kept reminding him of the things he shouldn't do and places he shouldn't go, which didn't bother Ethan, but Dylan got frustrated when Scarlett suggested Ethan share his location with them periodically.

In the end, Scarlett realized she had gone too far and apologized to Ethan. He wasn't annoyed with her at all, as it was a testament to their love and concern for him.

'I wonder what they wanted to talk to me about. Oh well, time to focus on the task at hand.'

Ethan ventured down a deserted alley with a mission in mind - to put his "divine sense" ability to the test. This ability, which he had designed to be incredibly versatile, allowed him to sense the presence of others and gather basic information about them, even from inside a room.

At higher levels, Ethan would be able to identify those individuals and obtain additional details. The "divine" aspect of the ability connected to his fate energy and destiny, and would instinctively guide him to the best tasks and events, which were essentially groups of related tasks.

Although Nyx had tried to explain the concept of fate energy and destiny, Ethan couldn't quite grasp it. Nevertheless, he was eager to experiment with his ability, as it held the potential to bring him great rewards or even land him in trouble, according to Nyx. And that was just the kind of adventure Ethan was looking for.

Currently, the feeling grew more and more as he walked forward. From the corner of his eye, he saw a closed shop with a dusty signboard saying 'Dragon Cafe'.

He slowed his pace and asked Nyx, "Hey, the system name has the word 'dragon' in it. At first, I thought it was just Ethan Chase being cheesy, but now I feel like I'm forgetting something. Did dragons actually exist in mythology or something?"

Nyx promptly replied, [The world council hasn't confirmed the rumors of whether dragons still exist or not, but it's true that the world of Helen used to have dragons in the past.]

Ethan's eyes lit up as he eagerly asked for more information.

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