Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 267: So It Begins (1)

Chapter 267: So It Begins (1)

Meanwhile, one small minibus slowly and carefully made its way towards the direction of the nest as it weaved around the abandoned vehicles on the road, where from time to time, a soldier in an exo-suit would come down and push some of the abandoned vehicles to the side to clear the way for the bus.

Obviously, this small bus is carrying the people tasked with scouting the zombie nest..

"How are we gonna do this? Performing the usual practice of scouting is useless at this point, right?" asked Bella to one of the soldiers who came with them for this task, her question was also something that the others wanted to ask.

The soldier looked at Bella then the rest, before opening his mouth saying, "I've already studied the map of this city, and as what mentioned before this, it's going to be very dangerous for us if we even make one careless mistake. Remember, not only do we need to be wary of the zombies, but we also need to keep an eye to any of the mutated animals roaming this city"

Then he pulled out a folded paper from his pocket, and unfurled it, revealing a map of the city.

"This is where the boss and the rest are stationed, and this is the mall where the nest is. The plan is for us to head towards this place called Century Park Plaza where there are two towering buildings that can give us a good view of almost the entire city. Which would give us a good view of the entirety of the nest, so what we need to do is clean up the floors all the way towards the desired floor and gather information using this"

The soldier slowly explained the plan to them, and midway through, the bus made a turn towards another road away from the direction of the zombie nest.

The man then brought out two military grade binoculars, causing a small gasp of amazement from the people who were seeing one for the first time.

"We'll be using this to learn more about the zombie nest and its topography. It sounds easy, right?"

"Obviously, it's not an easy task. The danger of this mission is still there, but this new plan of yours lessened it by a bit. As you have said earlier, it's not only zombies that we need to be wary about, there's also those mutated animals, but the ones we should be wary about the most are those fearless survival groups that are not affiliated to us and has ill intentions"

Bella refuted his statement of the mission being easy, while the soldier on the other hand, gave an approving glance as he could finally see why the Boss seems to have a high opinion towards this woman as she's very vocal with her opinions.

Of course, it's only till there, as any person with a brain would have also come into the same conjecture as she did.

"We're almost there, ya bastards! Get ready! It seems we're gonna be playing this time! Hahaha!"

Bam! Bump! Bam!

The soldier who was driving let out a maniacal laugh as he ran over multiple zombies along the road, causing the vehicle to shake a few times.


Then from out of nowhere, the man's eyebrows jumped when he suddenly saw a couple of silhouettes jumping through the buildings and immediately let out a cry of alarm!

He immediately stepped on the brakes as the vehicle came into a screeching halt!

"Exit immediately!"



The soldier on the driver seat had just stood up when something crashed into the windshield of the bus, causing the vehicle to shake, followed by another crashing sound as another zombie landed on the bus, and while that was happening the soldier who issued the warning and a few others exited through front door of the bus, while those at the very back left through the emergency exit door.

From the emergency exit door, Bella was the first one to leave, and just as she had jumped down from the bus, a shadow from above suddenly darted towards her with claws shining dangerously.

Bella's eyes flashed when she felt danger coming towards her and subconsciously activated her innate ability!

As a throbbing sensation immediately spread throughout her body, she felt like everything around her was moving very slowly like the world is a movie moving in a slow motion, along with those five dangerously looking claws that were just a few inches away from hacking her head, she slightly bent her knees down and jumped forward with a roll!


Just as the sensation returned back to normal, Bella just barely dodged the Hunter's attack by a hair's breadth as the Hunter whizzed past her and struck the asphalt road that she was standing on earlier, causing debris to fly into multiple directions.

"That was close!"

With her back filled with cold sweat, Bella was relieved and fearful at the same time when she felt how death was so close to claiming her life!

"Don't hold back!"

Following behind her, the team leader and also the soldier explaining the plans earlier roared as he pounced towards the Hunter that's still in the process of regaining its bearings after losing its prey.


Foreseeing the attack, the Hunter tried to dodge, but because it had just recovered from attacking Bella, it failed to do anything as the soldier successfully struck its head with his knee, sending it tumbling along the ground!

It could have defended itself and prevented its pathetic state right now if its attacker was just a normal adult human, but because Leo's handpicked soldiers were all equipped with Exo suits, it allowed them to possess superhuman strength, speed and agility!

It wouldn't be an understatement to call them a downgraded version of the Winter Soldier!

They're literally normal human versions of a mutated zombie!

"To me, now!"

He yelled with a roar, while Bella on the other hand, had rushed towards the Hunter who had attacked her and started attacking it, the zombie was disadvantaged at first as Bella landed multiple attacks on it, but the Hunter was able to gradually get out of its predicament until both sides started exchanging blows after blows.

During that time, the others who had left towards the front door of the bus reunited with the rest at the back while Austin and the other soldier were teaming up on attacking the other Hunter, with the rest covering them as they killed the zombies that were swarming towards their direction.

Rumble! Rumble!

As the group of humans were engaging with the zombies, a surprise came to them in the form of a

"Beasts!! Three o'clock! Switch to full auto and prepare to engage!"


Darius, as a former marine was the first one to acknowledge the order, before most of the survivors followed suit and copied him as they immediately abandoned their previous post and positioned themselves against the incoming new enemies, a troop of six gorillas!

Compared to normal gorillas, this troop is twice their size and looked incredibly menacing as they charged over while roaring!

It was like the game had suddenly turned into hell mode from medium difficulty!



One of the survivors couldn't help but let out a small curse as he swallowed down nervously as they waited for orders to open fire.



With no hesitation, the men immediately opened fire as the steady dut, dut, dut of the automatic rifles echoed in the surroundings.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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