Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 272: All Alone

Chapter 272: All Alone

"Is it a more advanced mutant zombie?"

Glancing at the other survivors driving away and leaving the Lieutenant by himself, Alex wondered to himself while watching the soldier and monster confronting each other like two predators fighting for territory.

So with that thought in mind, Alex pressed his right temple as his eye flashed with a red hue.


When Sarge and the rest were making their escape towards the bus, the eyes of the monstrous zombie followed them while it continuously flickered with an intent to attack them, or worse off, eat them!

But then, it moved its eyes away from them and turned it back towards the lone human standing valiantly before its monstrous self.

Thud! Thud!

In a couple of steps, the monster moved out of the hole. The lieutenant wanted to take a step back, but fought the urge as he didn't want to show any more weakness during this time, especially when he didn't even know how fast the monster before him could go.

After all, Tankers were estimated to have a maximum speed of thirty five kilometers per hour, and the monster before him had made that finding uncertain.

And if he tries to escape when the bus hasn't gotten even that far yet, he's pretty sure that the zombie would be able to catch up to the bus in no time as he even doubts if the bus could even make it past forty kilometers per hour before its engine shuts down on itself.

Additionally, there's also the problem of the other mutated zombies or mutated animals that are lurking around, especially the latter group as they are just lurking around the surroundings as they are just afraid to approach because of the Tanker that deters them with its presence.

Lieutenant gripped his finger tightly around the trigger of his gun as he wouldn't hesitate to immediately empty it to buy more time for the others to escape if the monster is determined to chase after them.


The monster looked at the human before him, and its eyes flickered with a cold glint and suddenly charged towards the soldier without a moment of hesitation!


Even with his vigilance to the maximum, the lieutenant was still startled when the zombie suddenly came charging towards him with no indication like truck-kun!

And so he took to his heels right away when the Tanker crossed half of the distance between them, while this lone soldier fired towards the monster at the same time!


The sound of the minigun turning, followed by the sounds of the bullets being ejected sounded throughout the surroundings, striking the monster with powerful momentum!

Sadly, the monster wasn't even fazed by the barrage of bullets striking its body as it quickly caught up to the soldier and body slammed him!

Sending the poor soldier flying in a parabola!

The slam was so powerful that the lieutenant was on the brink of losing his unconsciousness in mid air, but he immediately bit down on his lips and used the pain to forcefully keep his consciousness awake as he knows that he's dead meat the moment he faints.

Enduring the electrifying pain of his body, he forcefully maneuvered his body mid air and landed on his feet in a wobbly manner, before falling down on a knee.

Roar! Boom! Boom!

Looking at the weak looking human on the verge of death in the distance, the Tanker suddenly started roaring and smashing its pair of hulking arms on the ground in a victory dance.

"I would have died if I didn't use my ability in the nick of time"

The soldier slowly took a deep breath and slowly stood up, he did a quick scan around him then immediately bolted towards the nearest building and quickly located the stairs leading to the upper floors and made his way up the stairs while slightly limping.

Along the way, he checked the contents of the small bag wrapped around the upper portion of his right arm, and was immediately relieved when he saw that the small rectangular inside was only dented a little and didn't get destroyed when the monstrous zombie slammed at him.

Arriving before an apartment door, the soldier grabbed the handle and broke it, allowing him an easy access inside the apartment as he scoured the place for any monsters inside, and only when he deemed it safe did he close the door and block the entrance using the heavy furnitures inside.

Thud! Clang!

Roar! Smash!

Only did he feel safe, where it was immediately followed by a wave of exhaustion that immediately assaulted him as he fell feebly on the cold hard floor, while the sound of a monster madly raging on the streets below could be heard outside, trying to find where its prey had escaped to.

He wanted to contact the others through the radio, but only did the man notice that the radio on his shoulder was crushed into pieces, possibly from the impact of the Tanker earlier.

"Sh*t, now I'm truly in trouble"

The Lieutenant slowly sat up and took out the rectangular canister from the small bag and opened it.

Inside was a small box of painkillers, a roll of gauze and a small round can labeled with the following words "Antiseptic Cream".

The man slowly stood up and made his way over to the sink and opened the tap.

No luck, there's no water.

Then he went and opened the fridge, and there's a couple of bottles of bottled water inside. He opened one, but it smelled spoiled.

"Guess, I'll just take them with no water"

Grimacing, the man popped two painkillers in his mouth and swallowed them with an uncomfortable look on his face.

After doing that, he went over to the window and looked down at what's happening outside.

"Tsk, this bastardsuch a pain in the as*"

Soon after, the man fell asleep on the sofa due to stress and fatigue from all that happened to him today. He didn't even take his exo suit off as he was afraid of the dangers constantly lurking around him.

After all, that humongous zombie rampaging outside isn't the only threat to his life.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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