Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 26 Sea Star Entertainment Club

Chapter 26 Sea Star Entertainment Club

Searching for things on the vast ocean floor may be difficult for others, but for Chen Fan’s electric eel avatar, it was just "taking" rather than "searching."

With just a simple stroll, Chen Fan spotted the target in a soft sand bed.

The plastic-covered single-barrel shotguns were wrapped ten in a bundle with oil paper. There were exactly five bundles, and beside them were two square boxes sealed with tape that could easily have contained a thousand bullets.

Looking at these guns in front of him, Chen Fan had the urge to shoot one. There was no man who did not love guns. However, Chen Fan could not do so because he would definitely get into trouble even if there is a shortage of only one. When Chen Fan was young, he had gone through a lot of plastic toy guns.

"Just earn the 50,000 RMB honestly." With a sigh, Chen Fan made the electric eel take three bundles of hunting rifles to the surface with its mouth.

If that coast guard man hadn’t left just now, Chen Fan was afraid that he would have been frightened to death by the scene. Suddenly, a black head emerged out of the calm ocean. The monster that looked like a snake at first raised its slender body and threw three bundles of guns from its mouth onto the boat.

"Ha! 10,000 RMB!" The electric eel opened its mouth and smiled like a human. Then, it plunged back into the water.

This must have been the easiest way to earn money in the whole world. Chen Fan went back to imagining getting a fancy car, a beautiful woman, and a large mansion.

Back at the seafloor, Chen Fan was ready to take the remaining bundles of guns and two boxes of bullets back to the ship.

He picked them up, then froze, his heart hammering and his mouth dry.

On the soft sand lay a 15-bullet Luger automatic pistol still in a holster, and a spare cartridge filled with bullets.

Chen Fan could feel the secretion of adrenaline spreading through the electric eel. It was nervously twitching its body.

He was sure that the police didn’t know about this handgun. Guns are not a small issue. That’s why the police can’t use general terms like ’probably’ or ’maybe’ in their report. Their report must be very accurate, to the bullet.

"Maybe the guy who was caught used this to defend himself? And seeing that it was not possible to fight back, he just threw it away with the smuggled goods?"

Chen Fan could understand why the guy didn’t want to reveal to the police that he had a handgun with him. One more gun meant one more crime, if he could lie about it, he would be able to avoid two extra years in prison. He would be tried for more than just smuggling if he was arrested with this gun on him. Smuggling 50 guns would send him to prison for 10-20 years, but if he resisted arrest by using a weapon, even the best lawyer could not help him and he would definitely be sentenced to death. Besides, if the prisoner had connections or didn’t cause trouble, he could be let out early for good behavior.

This pistol lying on the sandy seabed was like a demon slowly leading Chen Fan to the abyss. If it hadn’t been a gun but something else, like cash or drugs, Chen Fan would’ve handed it over to the police without any hesitation.

But a gun...

Chen Fan thought about it for a long time. Eventually he did what most men would do if they were in his shoes. He kept the gun. Nobody would know about it as long the criminal didn’t talk about it.

Even if the criminal did talk about it, Chen Fan wouldn’t have much psychological pressure. After all, he had sent the precise number of smuggled goods that they wanted, and if they did ask about it, all he needed to do was "salvage" it again. He might even earn some more money. He was a little afraid though that the police wouldn’t be willing to pay for it anymore. The important evidence had already been retrieved, so they wouldn’t care much about this small gun.

Chen Fan thought about his promise to Xie Xiaoya and had to laugh. A man’s promise could not be trusted easily!


"Hello, I’m the one who was hired to salvage the guns. I’ve retrieved them. Come and get ’em!" Chen Fan was lying in the boat, basking in the sun and talking on the phone.

"Oh, you retrieved them in such a short period of time? Hold on a moment. I will arrive soon!"

The voice on the other end of the phone was obviously reluctant, and it seemed that he had enough of guarding this area. Chen Fan waited for nearly two hours for the coastguard to arrive.

"So sorry that I’m late, something came up!"

"It’s okay. Check and see whether all the guns are here." Chen Fan waved his hand at the goods. Waiting for one or two hours was tolerable for 50,000 RMB. Of course, he was also willing to wait because he felt guilty for stealing a gun.

"Okay, I’ll check them now!" The coastguard officer was not a punctual man, but there was still professionalism in his work. He took out a knife and slit open the protective oil bags, then squatted down to count them.

It took him some time to finish. "Thank you so much. If it wasn’t for your help, I don’t know how long I would still need to guard this place!" The coastguard officer said, smiling.

"I’m only doing my job. I’m being paid to do this!"

"Follow me to the police department to collect your rewards then!" The coastguard comrade smiled and asked Chen Fan to follow him.

By the side of the road, there were two police cars to pick them up and Chen Fan enjoyed the ride.

"Well done young man. You definitely have some skills to dive down into such deep water." said the middle-aged director in his office.

"I have been fond of diving since I was a child. When I grew up, I found out that I seem to have talent in the field!" Chen Fan sat on a chair opposite the director and scratched his head.

"Well, when young people have this kind of talent, they should make the most of it." The middle-aged man took out a bundle of hundred-dollar bills and an ID card from the drawer and handed them to Chen Fan. "Next time we have a case like this, we’ll call you to help!"


"Oh, and one more thing young man. Your advertisement is a little bit inappropriate. Young people should do diligent and steadfast work. They should not be thinking about earning money in crooked ways," the middle-aged man said in a concerned tone. He was a good role model.

"Ok, sure!" Chen Fan nodded. This man was one of the most important people in this police department, so it was best to just listen to him.

With a thick bundle of cash, Chen Fan couldn’t help but smile widely when he left the police station. Not only had he earned 50,000 RMB easily, but he also acquired a gun.

Chen Fan decided to go and retrieve the gun first because it would spoil if it soaked in the sea for a long time. He took a cab to the sea and, when he reached the place where he’d first released the electric eel into the sea, Chen Fan found a clean place to sit down. He made the electric eel bring the gun as shallow as he could.

As soon he had the gun, Chen Fan could not help but pull it out of its holster and test it out.

The feeling of holding the real thing could not be compared to holding a toy gun. The grayish silver gun and the yellowish copper bullet shells almost made Chen Fan scream in excitement.

Should I give it a shot?

After pouring out the water and drying the gun, Chen Fan had an urge to shoot it.

Chen Fan loaded the gun, looking around surreptitiously. Then clasped his hands around the gun, pointed it out to sea, and pulled the trigger.


Chen Fan’s hands shook violently, and a small wave was created on the surface of the sea.

"That was awesome!"

The shot was loud, but to Chen Fan, it was like music to his ears. There were still fourteen bullets left in the gun, and fifteen bullets in the spare cartridge. He hesitated for a long time, but Chen Fan decided not to shoot again. After all, the more he shot the fewer bullets he would have. He wanted to save some bullets so that he could try it out another time.

Chen Fan took off his coat and strapped the gun to his waist. This kind of gun was easy to carry around. The holster had two long straps that could be hung over the shoulder, and the angle could be adjusted according to body frame.

After putting on his coat, Chen Fan looked over himself and was very satisfied. Not even a trace of the handgun could be seen under the baggy jacket.

Taking out his phone, Chen Fan called his company. Since the money was so easy to earn, he could spend it without any regrets. He decided to treat his staff to lunch and strengthen their relationship.

"Guys, I’m treating you all to lunch, and let’s enjoy ourselves at Sea Star Entertainment Club afterwords!"

"Boss, you got the money already?" The voice of Zhang Lele came from the other side of the phone.

"Yes! Tell Yu Lin and Yiteng Yun to stop working online and come over quickly to have lunch!"

"Yu Lin, Yiteng Yun, let’s go! The boss is treating us to lunch!"


Chen Fan took a cab to the center of the city, then met up with his staff. They chose a nice restaurant, and, when they were full of delicious food, Chen Fan settled the bill. Then he took the three of them to Sea Star Entertainment Club along Jianwen South road.

The Sea Star Entertainment Club was high-class. It had magnificent decorations that spoke to its luxury.

When Chen Fan walked through the golden revolving door, a lady dressed in a red sleeveless cheongsam approached them.

"Welcome. Did you all make a reservation?" The hostess smiled sweetly.

"No." Chen Fan shook his head. "I would like a medium-sized room please."

"Sure, please follow me!" The hostess led them to the elevator and used a walkie-talkie to ask which floor had an empty room.


A young man was sitting on a sofa some distance from the door. When he saw Chen Fan enter, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed hurriedly. "Hello, Ma Liu? I am Wei Songyue. Quickly bring several men to Sea Star Entertainment Club."

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