Super Soldier

Chapter 372 - The Cunning Feng XIII

Chapter 372 The Cunning Feng XIII

Xiao Bing had a good rest in the room because there were no sounds coming from the opposite one. As for the captive soldiers, they were only allowed to stay on the deck.

Since no one had been to this room, Xiao Bing was lucky to have a good sleep. He had been overly exhausted during the recent days. When he woke up, it was morning and he was hungry. He had to go out to find some food.

Xiao Bing walked quietly and wandered around the entire cabin. He was not afraid he would be seen, because no one would be able to stop him. Feng XIII’s men were only average in strength. The white-haired man Sasaki and the fat man were a little stronger, but they were just at the Concealing Strength stage.

However, Feng XIII was already capable enough to recruit two concealing strength masters and more than a dozen masters of Ming Jin. These people might not be Feng XIII’s ace cards. Given what he had done, he must have been preparing for this for sometime already. But Xiao Bing did not know what his purpose was.

Xiao Bing wandered for a long time before he smelt the food. He hid and then watched a person wiping his mouth, as he walked out. There was no sound after that. Xiao Bing sneaked in and saw cans, bread, goose legs, dry sausages, and a few bottles of wine on the table.

Xiao Bing went over to open a bottle of wine and drank it, while eating the goose legs. When he heard someone talking, and footsteps approaching, Xiao Bing put down the bottle, wiped his mouth, and hid directly under the table. In fact, he was already almost full.

At the same time, several people came in, including the white-haired Sasaki and the other two people, whose names Xiao Bing did not know. Sasaki sat down in the chair and took a sip as he said, “After the mission is over, the master will give us 20 million yuan each.”

The man next to him cursed, “Damn, that’s only enough to buy a house.”

Sasaki gave him an angry glance, and the latter hurriedly zipped his mouth.

Sasaki sighed and said, “Anyway, you should have saved some money in the past few years. We deserve the money because each time we have done our best. Like this time, we hijacked a warship. I am afraid we will never be able to return home after going abroad. After this time, I will find a safe place abroad and live a peaceful life.”

The other two echoed, “We too. Shit, it is very dangerous and intimidating this time. We have 18 brothers and I’m afraid we all have no opportunity to return to the motherland. Hijacking warships is no different from treason.”

“Well.” These people felt upset, but they did not dare to resist Feng XIII. On the one hand, it was because of the authority Feng XIII established over the years, and on the other hand, they were afraid of death.

Xiao Bing listened under the table, and he finally knew how many people there were in the other party. Excluding Feng XIII, there were 18 people. Feng XIII would give each of them 20 million. It was not too little or too much, equivalent to more than one million yuan in Huaxia. It was not even enough to buy a big house in Jingdu. If they took such a big risk, but were only able to afford a house in the outskirts, Feng XIII must be very mean.

After these people left, Xiao Bing got out under the table, and then quietly returned to the room where he slept last night.

After he had a hearty meal, Xiao Bing regretted not having a charger with him, otherwise, he could play games on his mobile phone, instead of staring aimlessly at the ceiling. But it was nothing for Xiao Bing, since he had lurked in the grass for three days and nights, just laying motionlessly in order to carry out a mission. Now that he had food, wine, and a bed, it was much better.

A few hours later, the ship suddenly started moving. It seemed that it had been docked at the shore. While the hull was shaking, Xiao Bing faintly heard the sound of the door opening from the opposite room. Xiao Bing turned over and got off the bed immediately. If Xiao Bing was only at the Congenital stage, he would not have been able to hear the sound. After coming out of the room, Xiao Bing could only see a person’s back. It was clearly Feng XIII with a trussed up man, on his shoulder.

Xiao Bing quietly followed behind. When everyone was looking at the shore, Feng XIII quietly pushed a small boat into the sea, and threw the trussed up person onto the boat. Then he sailed slowly away from the ship. Some people had noticed the speed boat, but no one knew it was from the warship.

How cunning Feng XIII was!

Xiao Bing did not expect that Feng XIII would distract everyone’s attention by getting these people to the high seas. Feng XIII then found the opportunity to leave with the captured person. Xiao Bing had imagined that Feng XIII would make an anonymous call and tell the government that the warship had been hijacked. In order to escape under the official scrutiny safely, he sacrificed his 18 subordinates who had followed him for years.

Xiao Bing naturally had no obligation to take care of this, besides the fact that he was also a wanted man. What Feng XIII did actually helped Xiao Bing, so he let down a speed boat and then left after him.

The people on the ship were unable to escape from Country R, and they would be arrested eventually. Given what they had done, even if they were not sentenced to death, they would have no hope of ever coming out of prison.

However, these had nothing to do with Xiao Bing. For him, the most important thing now was to keep up with Feng XIII. Fortunately, Xiao Bing knew how to operate a speedboat. At present, the most difficult thing for Xiao Bing was how to follow him. He could not get too close or stray too far back. Even though he was not afraid of Feng XIII, if Feng XIII decided to give up, then his task would fizzle out.

At this moment, the warship started up again on time after half an hour, heading to the high seas. It was peaceful and quiet until three hours later, suddenly several helicopters flew over them, circling above, while several other warships were seen approaching. Someone on the helicopter shouted with a mega horn, “You are surrounded. Stop the ship. Everyone drop your weapons and surrender. Otherwise, we will fire.”

Feng XIII’s men were stunned, but the soldiers jumped up and cheered. Finally, someone had come to their rescue.

It was only now that the people on the other two warships knew what had happened. They sandwiched the warship between them and shouted loudly.

The fat man and Sasaki glanced at each other, and the fat man shouted, “What’s going on? Fuck, who leaked the news and revealed the plan?”

“How do I know?” Sasaki growled angrily.

“What do we do next?”

Feng XIII’s men started panicking.

“Should we surrender?”

“Yes, let’s surrender.”

Sasaki gritted his teeth and said, “Go and tell boss.”

Two of them rushed into the cabin immediately, but they rushed out again in a panic after one minute, shouting loudly, “Boss is gone.”

“What?” Sasaki widened his eyes and said angrily, “Fuck, Feng XIII abandoned us, son of a bitch!”

The fat man pointed at Sasaki’s head and said, as he stared at him, “How could you say that?”

“Motherfucker!” Sasaki shot the fat man’s head directly with his gun. Hearing the bustle, Sasaki shouted, “We can’t surrender. We can’t surrender. Go and get Hatake. We can use him as a hostage, and let’s fight our way out!”

The soldiers glanced at each other, and when the thugs were still in a panic, they suddenly rushed out at the same time. Although the soldiers’ weapons had been confiscated, they were young and brave. After the two people in front were hit by bullets and fell to the ground, the other people were inspired and began to grapple with the enemies. The other two warships also sailed toward this ship, and then countless soldiers poured out onto the deck. Gradually, most of Feng XIII’s men were killed and only a few of them were able to stand up.

The white-haired Sasaki shouted and waved his gun. He had killed two or three soldiers. Someone on the chopper used a machine gun and soon riddled Sasaki’s body with bullets. Sasaki fell to the ground.

Xiao Bing did not know what the ending of the ship was, but he could figure it out. It was getting late. Xiao Bing was afraid to lose Feng XIII, so he speeded up. Feng XIII seemed to notice that he was being tailed, so he speeded up as well. The two speedboats sped forward quickly and Feng XIII was getting closer to the shore. There was an isolated mountain in front. When Xiao Bing saw Feng XIII’s speedboat, it was already on the shore. There were bushes all around, and a high mountain more than a hundred meters in front of him. Feng XIII and the person had both disappeared.

Xiao Bing smacked the speedboat, cursing, but he was unwilling to give up. Seeing the speedboat on the bank, he was about to search around when he suddenly thought of something. Xiao Bing jumped on Feng XIII’s boat and found that the key had been pulled out. Xiao Bing immediately destroyed the speedboat with two or three punches, and then he returned to his speedboat, pulling out the key and putting it away, before he started to search the grass slowly.

Xiao Bing knew that Feng XIII was not easy to deal with. He had reached the Breaking the Void Level and he was also unusually cunning. He was by far the most cunning person Xiao Bing had encountered. He went back to the shore and left by boat, for fear that Feng XIII would play a trick of luring the tiger out of the mountain.

He was not worried now since Feng XIII’s boat had been smashed, and the other boat’s key was with him.

In the dark, Xiao Bing began to search carefully.

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