Superstar From Age 0

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


He died as an unnamed extra. 

He didnt know if it was an accident or a suicide. 

It was a very old memory.

After that, he was born again and died again and again. 

For some reason, his memory was not erased. 

He accumulated the memories of all his lives.

He created a library of lives.

Some lives were so long and huge that he put them in a corner of the library, and some lives were so precious that he placed them in an easy-to-reach place and often looked at them.

He never reincarnated as a human.

He didnt particularly wish to be born as a human, but he had reincarnated as other creatures many times, but he never reincarnated as a human. 

It was strange.

When he thought he was forgetting his first life, he was born again.

As a human.


Boo boo boo.

The baby laughed. 

The newly married couple, Lee Min-jun and Seo Eun-hye, clutched their chests and collapsed at his smile.

Our baby is so cute

Seo Eun-hyes moan made Lee Min-jun nod his head. 

Their baby, who was now seven months old, was so gentle that he was a blessing. 

He ate well, pooped well, and had no health problems.

Other couples with babies of the same age envied Lee Min-jun and Seo Eun-hye.

Seo-jun! Lee Seo-jun!

Daddy, daddy!

The baby laughed with a loud sound. 

Even though he was still a baby, his round eyes sparkled and his features were clear.

His smiling face was like the spring sunshine. 

He was a very cute baby who seemed to have inherited only the good traits of his mom and dad.


The baby yawned and the couples voices quieted down. 

Seo Eun-hye gently patted the babys stomach on the crib. 

Lee Min-jun pressed the button on the CD player on the drawer. 

A gentle lullaby flowed out.


The baby, Lee Seo-jun, opened his eyes.


Lee Seo-jun thought. 

Its too big.

The door in front of him was too big. 

It was the door of the library that contained his past life memories. 

The babys hand, which was as big as a maple leaf, slapped the huge library door.

The door did not open.

Of course.

Sometimes he was born as a creature with intelligence below the standard. 

Even then, he sometimes visited this library of memories.

Creatures with intelligence below the standard, that is, idiots, absorbed the abilities they saw without thinking, but sometimes those abilities were beyond the limits of their outer body, and in those cases, their body always broke down.

He died several times like that, and he locked this library tightly. 

And he made it so that only the doors that matched his body would open.

Give up on this door.

This huge door would open wide as soon as he touched it when his ability grew.

Lee Seo-jun waved his tiny hand. 

The huge door disappeared like a revolving door and a smaller door appeared in front of him.

There were many doors in the library. 

Every time an idiot appeared, he set the standard for abilities and made libraries 

He thought about it again and realized that many idiots had died.

He made it easy to see. 

The bigger the ability, the bigger the door, and the smaller the ability, the smaller the door.

The size of the books containing life memories also varied. 

If it was a long and big monsters life, there were big and thick books, and if it was a short and small monsters life, there were small and thin books.

Lee Seo-jun kept waving his hand. 

The door got smaller and smaller. 

He passed by doors that were as big as five-story buildings or three-story buildings, and finally a blue door that was as big as a doghouse appeared. 

It was the smallest library here.

Its the library I made when I was a slime.

He mourned for the idiot slime who died three days after being born and sat on the floor in front of the small door.

His appearance in the library changed according to his current body.

He was now seven months old and it was amazing that he could sit on the floor by himself.

A few weeks ago, he was lying on the floor in front of the library door and just staring at the closed door. 

Sometimes he rolled over.

His head was big so it was hard to sit up and Lee Seo-jun lay down again.

If it were another time, I would have opened it and gone in by now

The way to open the door was simple. 

He just had to touch the library door.

Lee Seo-jun lifted his legs and kicked the air.

Eutcha eutcha.

Human babies grow too slowly.

There was no point in going into this door. 

The only books he could see were useless books like slime books that only jumped around or fairy books that sparkled and flew around.

Every time he was born again, he assessed the situation and learned the skills he needed for that life and recorded them. 

He had so many lives that he must have forgotten some things.

He needed to look at the books to see what was appropriate and what was necessary for human life.

Well, I dont think I need to see them right now.

He was a baby whose job was to eat, sleep, and poop.

Of course, every time he was born again, he remembered the [Basic Breathing Method of Elves] which he did when his personality was light and did it from the moment he had consciousness until now.

His shiny appearance, even though he was a baby, was all thanks to the basic breathing method of elves.

Lee Seo-jun rolled over again. 

Rolling over was very easy now.


He turned his body and lay down on the floor, and next to the door that was as big as a doghouse, there was a very small door. 

It was a door that was as big as his face.

It was not only small, but also dusty and dark, a black door that did not catch the eye. 

It was amazing that he found it now.

Ive never seen this before

He tilted his head and reached out to press the pattern on the door. 

The door opened slowly.

He stuck his head inside the door. 

It got stuck at his shoulders, but it was okay. 

There was only one book inside.

Lee Seo-jun pulled his head out and put one hand in to grab the book. 

As far as he remembered, he had never seen this book before.

The book he took out of the door looked very old. 

It was covered with dust and it seemed like the paper would turn into dust and fly away if he blew on it.

The baby opened the book slowly.

The book was written in Korean.

Lee Seo-jun knew that the memories of his lives written in Korean gradually changed into monster letters. 

It was because he felt more comfortable with monster letters unconsciously.

But this one was all written in Korean.

It was his first life.

All Lee Seo-jun remembered about his first life was that he was a nameless actor. 

He didnt even remember how he died.

The baby spread the old book on the floor and read it slowly. 

It was awkward Korean, but he read it while recalling his memory.

The book was interesting.

It was a story of a man Lee Seo-jun himself, but his memory was so vague that he felt like a stranger who tried and tried to become an actor, but never made a name for himself and died in an accident during filming.


At the end of the book, there was a short sentence written. 

It must have been the last thought he had before he died.

-I want to be an actor again. I want to be the main character in my next life.

The baby who sat in front of the old book on the floor pondered deeply.

His heart, which had become dull after many lives, felt a little excited. 

He wondered if he had ever lived so hard to become something like this man.

He hadnt.

At first, he was busy surviving, and later, life was too boring.

The baby smiled crookedly.

He felt moved by the book somehow.

Okay! Lets do it, actor!

The baby looked at the book in front of him.


He tapped the book as if to comfort his past self who died miserably.

Just being an actor is nothing! I have to be a superstar at least.

He would be a superstar who would remain in history for a long time.

The baby promised that in front of the book of the unknown actor.

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