Supreme Dual Cultivation System 2.0

Chapter 9: Another wife?

Chapter 9: Another wife?




"Damn it Xi'r! You're too strong..." Yen Chen crashed into a wall hard and coughed up some blood after getting up from the ground and looking at Sun Xi in shock.

He had never imagined that this little woman would be so powerful as to totally dominate him! The two are training but it didn't feel like training at all but more like a one-sided beating.

"Young master..... You're a monster..." Sun Xi said with a strange expression, she's a cultivator of the Middle Stage of the Soul Condensation Realm with combat power superior to a cultivator of the advanced Sky Realm Stage!.

But even so, she had to use more than half of her strength to be able to overpower Yen Chen, which means that only a cultivator of the Early Stage of the Earth Realm could overpower him!

'The young master is too strong for a beginner..." The beautiful maid thought with her eyes shining with admiration, happiness and love. The Realms of mortal cultivation are divided into nine, they are:

Body Refining Realm

Qi Gathering Realm 

 Golden Core Realm 

Soul Condensation Realm

Earth Realm

Sky Realm

Celestial Kingdom

Sovereign Kingdom

Emperor Realm

Like millions and millions of cultivators, Sun Xi had always dreamed of becoming an Emperor, a being at the pinnacle of mortal power! She looked at Yen Chen and smiled happily at being his maid.

"Young master..... How do you know how to fight? Your martial arts are top level, if it wasn't for my strength I would have lost the sparring..." Sun Xi approached him and asked with her eyes shining with curiosity.

Yen Chen winked at her and slapped her on the ass: It's a secret~."

She made a cute pout alley and rubbed the spot where the slap landed with her face red with embarrassment, Yen Chen jumped backwards and landed  five meters away from her with his eyes shining and a mischievous smile.

"If you beat me in three minutes using only an amount of strength equal to mine, I'll give you the chance to ask me any request, wish except for a few~."

Sun Xi's beautiful eyes sparkled the moment she heard his words, she nodded and said with a very excited smile: "Don't go back on your words after losing, young master~."

"Hmm! I'll never do anything like that!" Yen Chen snorted and said with a smile and a determined expression.

The little Maid nodded and took a martial stance, Yen Chen did the same and a second later the two of them disappeared.


They reappeared in the middle of the training room and clashed their fists, creating very powerful sound waves that were contained by the walls of the training room. Sun Xi was forced to take one step back while Yen Chen took five steps back.

'The young master's body is very powerful...' Sun Xi couldn't help but think as she looked at his slightly trembling arm.

She was holding back but her previous punch was strong enough to kill a Soul Condensation Realm Cultivator instantly! Sun Xi could only sigh with a bitter smile and attacked him.

Yen Chen smiled and also advanced against her and soon they were colliding fists at high speed, Yen Chen's beautiful golden eyes shining with every collision of his fists with Sun Xi's fists.

'Am I addicted to battles? Why do I feel so happy and excited while fighting her?' He asked himself as he dodged the pretty maid's swift kicks.

'The young master is adapting to your strength... I'll have to use that if I want to win.' Sun Xi thought with her eyes shining with fiery determination, she no longer avoided his punches and punched back.

Their fists were about to collide but the green light in Sun Xi's small fist took on more color.


Their fists collided creating the loud sound of a huge explosion, powerful sound waves were released through the collision of the fists and collided with the walls of the training room.



Yen Chen vomited blood a second later and was sent flying like a rag doll with a broken arm and collided heavily with the wall of the room, causing him to spit out another mouthful of blood.

"Young master!" Sun Xi shouted loudly and ran towards him with tears in her beautiful eyes and a pale expression. She soon reached him and took him in her arms and made him swallow a medium-level healing pill.

'Fuck! That hurts...' Yen Chen thought as he swallowed the healing pill with a pained expression. He felt hot drops falling on his face and looked up only to see Sun Xi crying.

"Forgive me young master.... I didn't mean to hurt you..." She spoke with a trembling voice and a large amount of tears coming out of her beautiful eyes.

Yen Chen stroked her cheeks and wiped away the tears with a gentle smile: Don't worry Xi'r, I know you'll never would hurt me on purpose..."

"Young master..." Sun Xi widened her eyes after hearing his words and hugged him very tightly and started crying loudly like a lost child.

'A baby...' Yen Chen laughed and hugged her tightly and let her cry on his chest as much as she wanted, twenty minutes later she finally stopped crying and snuggled comfortably into his strong chest.

"Young master..... I won right?" She asked shyly as she hid her head in his arms.

'Cute!' He thought with twinkling eyes and nodded with a beautiful happy smile: Of course, even though my beautiful little Maid it is shameless and have cheated a bit, I still lost the Sparring..."

Sun Xi looked up with a red face and a wronged expression: Young master! I'm not a cheater..."

"Hahahahaha~ of course! My beautiful Xi'r is a righteous woman with a big heart." Yen Chen laughed out loud and said softly as he hugged her tightly.

The little Maid laughed happily and hugged him back, she was feeling very safe being in his strong arms. Sun Xi looked at Yen Chen's face and stammered in a low voice: I... I... I want to be your Wife..."

"Huh? What did you just say?" Yen Chen pretended not to hear with a big evil smile.

Sun Xi shivered slightly and took a deep breath before saying again: "I.... I want to be your wife..."

"Tsk! It's too low, I can't hear a thing..." He pretended again, making her angry.

The little Maid held his collar tightly and said loudly: "YOUNG MASTER I LOVE YOU! LET ME BE YOUR WIFE!"

Sun Xi panicked after realizing what she had done and stood up to run away, but two strong arms wrapped around her slender waist and pulled her back. Yen Chen rested his head on her head and hugged her tightly from behind.

"Xi'r~ Do you accept to be my second wife?" 

His soft voice echoed in Sun Xi's ears making her tremble slightly, she nodded quickly with tears coming out of her beautiful eyes: "Yes! Yes! Yes! I accept!"

Yen Chen smiled happily and turned her towards him and hugged her tightly. The little Maid buried her head in his chest and began to cry with joy, making him sigh with a slightly bitter smile.

'A baby...' He thought and laughed inwardly, it hadn't even been two days since his reincarnation but he already had two extremely beautiful wives and was already strong enough to wipe a small town off the map with a single attack!

"I'm possibly the living being luckiest and most talented that exists." 

Yen Chen thought with a big happy smile and wondered how long it would be before he could go and see his family on earth again.

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