Supreme Human System

Chapter 60: Race: High Human

Chapter 60: Race: High Human

Kritos slowly wear some clothes on his naked body.

"Tsk! It is also tight and uncomfortable." 

He had tried many clothes on his body, but all of them packed him. They were a few inches short as well as tight.

After the awakening of the soul beast, his body had evolved. Evolve into something extraordinary; he could hear the flow of his blood if closely listen.

Kritos body features also evolve; he can feel the pure energy flowing in his muscles and veins. The previously empty energy source is now sprouting like an overflowing lava. 

"I can sense the connection of Fire and Shadow elements with the energy flowing in my veins."

Kritos once again glanced at his body in the mirror," High Humans sure look more handsome than Humans. Moreover, I'm in the first stage of evolution. It'll take some time to evolve into a true High Human."

Before, Kritos guessed that High humans are an entirely different race or a race that connected with them. 

However, after he asked about the High Humans to System, all of his doubts got clear. 

High humans are a progressive culture, working towards creating technologies to ease their short-lived years. Their life expectancy was similar to humans, almost 200 years. Living predominantly in the cities; theirs is a refined culture and extraordinary society built on detail and ranking. High Humans are jacks-of-all-trades and have their fingers in all professions and pride themselves on their discipline and ability to learn seemingly any task rapidly. Despite being one of the youngest races they have risen towards dominance with almost appalling swiftness.

Living in the highly developed cities for much of their lives with solely high human neighbors, for the most part, gives the majority of high humans a rather xenophobic and ignorant outlook towards other races, especially the ones that are truly non-human. And though they are by far not the most superior race, having a short life span and few, if any, physical or magical advantages over other races, they tend to forget this and can act quite arrogantly and self-assured in the presence of other races. Due to this behavior, many races view High humans as cocky upstarts.

High humans pride themselves on their individual uniqueness.

The Civilized Edge:

Though elves may consider themselves the fathers of civilization, the High Humans have long since claimed it as their own, spreading the principles of an orderly, productive society and using them ever to expand. As a result, both city living and the trappings of politics and diplomacy are almost second nature to them, making navigating cities or civilized towns and dealing with their residents a breeze, and giving them a keen edge at the negotiating table. Because of such, the unranked skills 'city survival' and 'navigation: city streets' are known to almost every high human

Jack of all Trades:

An adaptable race, High Humans display an ability to learn just about anything, and it is easy enough to find High Humans dominating just about any field they set out to explore. Though inconsistent in their pursuits, this adaptability has been key in the seeming dominance of the High Humans in the civilized world. As a result, High Humans have the tendency to be able to learn both from a Master, or if time enough is invested, their adaptability allows them the ability to learn a new skill on their own, given the right environment and tools. But certain skills are just too challenging to learn without a master's help, namely; enchanting, body arts, mithril smithing and valecite smithing.

The arrogance of the Majority:

Typically growing up and living surrounded by same or similar-minded humans, it's exceedingly common for skewed views of the other races to develop amongst them, often discriminatory and cruel. The races most distant in appearance from Humanity experience the worst of this, such as Minotaurs, Wemic, Ogres, etc., high humans were tending to villanize them with little to no real cause. Used to being persecuted by them, many of these races have very little tolerance for Humanity.

And Master of None:

While High Humans are one of the most expansive and diverse races, there are few true specialists amongst them. Though by no means restricted from mastering in a trade of their choosing, the works they produce at the master level will simply never -quite- compare to the masters of races more attuned to their craft, such as Dwarves with blacksmithing and stone-masonry, or elves with their fine artistry and delicately beautiful architecture. This means that anything produced by a human will be more than serviceable and it may even be considered to be beautiful and well made; until you place it next to something crafted by a master of another race.

The High Humans, due to the 'purity' of their bloodline, believe the Barbarians(#Human race) to be inferior. Still, they care for them.

It was once said best by a visiting Elves ambassador, "High Humans live for comfort, achievement, and, above all, pleasure. At least they have their priorities right"


At ancient times they called themselves Humans, but after discovering primitive humans in another world, which had outmost similar genes and DNA to them. Hence, they changed their race from human to High human and called primitive humans as Human race.

Through many years living in the undeveloped world, they tend to help their fellow inferior race. 

Once a human tribe was in massive danger due to a colossal Lizard being, which loves to hunt and eat humans.

However, a high human was passing by his flying chariot and saw the massacre of fellow race. There was a rule that High humans wouldn't interfere with nature and the environment of this world and lets this world humans freely choose a path. 

The high human couldn't able to watch the slaughter of a race which 90% resembles them. Hence, he killed the colossal lizard with a beam of light from his eyes.

The remaining survival saw this shocking scene and bow down their head until it reaches to surface. 

They cried in unison with a weird word, gfgkj 

The High humans understand the meaning of the word through a device.


He wanted to clear the misunderstanding brought by him, so he descended on the surface through flying. He tries to tell them in their language that he isn't a god; he is human-like them, High Human. Nonetheless, on the contrary, the unculture humans misunderstand his worlds and kept calling.


After many tries, the High human couldn't able to stop them as the primitive human only has limited knowledge and brain.

So, he let them do what they wanted to and emerges in the feeling of being a god.

Like this event, many events happen between the first discovered human race and the High human race.

After many thousands of years, primitive humans advance their skills in arts and language. They started to draw the picture of gods on the rocks which their ancestors once saw.

They worship them and remember the gods' messages when they leave the earth and ascend to the heavens.

"One day, we'll come to meet you. Don't worry; we had stable the ecosystem so that monsters would never appear on this planet."

The humans asked many things about their god and gifted many precious stones.

Throughout the years, humans start their culture according to their god teaching. With time the old culture divided, and a new culture appears.

Due to lack of cultivation meridians, they never learn to cultivate their soul and body. Hence they remain mortal and never understand the teaching of High humans.

After thousands of years, many texts faded in the river of time. One thing that humans and High humans love to do were creating new things.

However, System just tells Kritos the uniqueness, specialty of the Human race, and they were the humans who were born in the dark age. Much powerful and intelligent compare to humans.

Kritos was startled for a brief second when he thought that High humans don't need soul beast to cultivate. They are like Demons who don't need any soul beast.

"Am I High human from birth?" Kritos thought after remembering he was like a High human from birth as he doesn't have any soul beast from birth.

Kritos wanted to test his innate trait immediately; his eyes couldn't believe that now after many hardships, he could cultivate and use his innate trait.

But Kritos was confused when he saw a blank space below Heavenly gaze trait on the Status screen.

2. Heavenly gaze


"Maybe a drawback or error," Kritos thought and discarded any thought related to it.

After wearing the somewhat tight clothes, Kritos again stare at the status screen.


"So, I need to give him a name. Wait...Is it he or she?"

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