Supreme Origin: Time King

Chapter 149: X The Kiss of a Lonely "Young" Lady

Chapter 149: X The Kiss of a Lonely "Young" Lady

After completing the purchase, it took less than a day for drone to arrive at his place carrying a big box. Elijah waited until the drone left the box in the floor and leave for him to call Shadow back.

They open the box, revealing a orange-haired female and despite looking extremely human Elijah could feel it was completely devoid of life. He examined the robot's battery, components and its operational system before saying with disdain, "Other than their realistic appearances, those robots are nothing special. Even with the best this planet could offer is a billion times inferior than what the creators could make." Leaning towards a bookshelf full of varied books, Elijah reached with his hand towards an remarkable book and pullet it towards him.

shriek! A loud noise resounded but it was quickly blocked by Elijah's majestic energy. Seconds later, a spatial gate opened in the center of his living room that showed the image of a dark underground room.

"Master, let's go. We will finish your new vessel body in my underground laboratory on mars." Elijah did not waste time During this past year, founding numerous lab and investing in the market all around the world and even some outside of it. He also send a few groups of augmented humans to the vortex but all of them were ejected immediately when they try to enter.

Inside the laboratory in mars. Elijah gathered a dozen materials before asking, "Master, I'm going to make a Neo Origin to serve your body's core vessel. What type of you wish I make for you?" Elijah knew very well that it was possible to make Neo Origins based on three thousand Origins the creators of the past era used in the past. And having so many of them made it clear that they were divided into divided into different categories and types.

"There is the elemental type that other than serving as energy source for your body vessel, it also gives some skills derived from the origin itself."

"The Attribute type is more focused on the physical body. It gives a bonus of strength, agility, perception and many others."

"After the former two is the object type. This one gives abilities and skills based on the object used to make the origin. The better the object the better the origin would be. Maybe we won't even need Mjlnir to break you out the seal, then we can stay together forever." Up to this point, Elijah coughed a few times before he continued.

"Then there are the energy types, beast types, and superpower types but I can't make one of those so we'll forget them for now." After telling the types of Neo Origins he could make, Elijah turned his eyes to look at Shadow only to see no one was there. The entire lab was empty and without signs of anyone other than him. Looking at the staircase leading to the outside, Elijah hesitated before stepping towards the exit.

In the surface of mars, Elijah studied the environment before finally finding what he was looking for. Not far away from where he stood was a woman, whose back was facing Elijah as she stared at the stars in contemplation. She wore a dark dress with her hair failing up to her knees. Her figure was illusory as anyone who saw her in this moment would think they were dreaming.

Locking his gauze onto her back, Elijah felt a complex feeling as he hesitated once again if he shouted speak to her, then his lips rose in a smile as he headed forward, "Master, are you fine?"

Hearing his voice, Shadow's figure shivered as she bite her lips. Suddenly she turned around and looked at Elijah's smiling face with a complex look.

With teary eyes like crying not long ago, she stared at him before her mouth slowly opened, "Can you stop calling me master?"

Elijah returned her gauze with confusion in his eyes. "What?"

Without explaining, Shadow took several steps towards Elijah and only stopped when their bodies were really close. From this close, Elijah noticed how many complex feelings were hidden in her eyes. Right now, Shadow could help from remembering the two of them just met, she was sealed for so much time that it was impossible to calculate and without contact with anyone. Elijah was the first person she saw since she was sealed and right now he was the one who was marked in the deepest part of her heart.

Elijah was not sure about what was happening as it was the first time he saw Shadow gazing at him so intensely. "Master, do you need something?" The moment he finished, Shadow spread open her arms towards Elijah as she embraced him.

With their bodies tightly glued to one another, Shadow's illusory body stuck close to him. Her two arms were holding him so that anyone would find it difficult to escape from her. As for Elijah, his mind was in complete state of chaos, he could not even find strength to respond her.

The only thing he felt was Shadow slender arms tightly grasping him without wanting to let go and when his movements were frozen because of how shocked he was. Shadow shyly moved her hands towards Elijah's face and under his stunned eyes, Shadow's delicate lips locked with his.

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