Supreme Origin: Time King

Chapter 152: XIII Blue Light

Chapter 152: XIII Blue Light

Elijah's face turned grave the second he noticed this energy. At the same time he also noticed that the density of this energy behind the doors of the CEO's office was the denser in the area and he quickly stepped in the office.

Seeing his entrance into the office, Richard Blake the CEO of the Blake Foundation, a skinny middle-aged man looking at him with eyes full of awe.

"Oho, So you are the Professor Branches everyone is talking about. Seeing you from close, you are even more amazing than what I expected. Its nice to meet you in person." Elijah was looking around in the office, worrying that this energy could erupt at any moment, but Richard's voice woke him from his thoughtful state as he gripped the hand extended towards him.

"It's nice to meet you too, mister Blake. But I guess we didn't call me all the way here just to see me in person." After greeting Elijah, Richard guided the young professor towards his desk as he could not help asking the question in his heart.

"I was amazed when I first read theory about the Neo Origins.How much progress have you made in your research? I remember you saying that the Origin could give huge amounts of energy together with powerful abilities for us humans." Elijah did not respond to the CEO's question, however he drew his finger filled with the energy born from from the three energies within his body towards his left wrist, his body had become so powerful that only the trinity force, a power born from vitality, spiritual force and elemental energy could injure him, but even so he had to press his finger against his wrist for a few seconds before cutting through the skin, then he widened the cut and extended his hand towards Richard so he could see it.


When his gaze stopped upon Elijah's wrist, he saw something that broke all the knowledge he learned. Even a kid of hundred years ago would know that the only color a human blood could have is red. Of course in the present time there is people who like to change the color of their blood using certain things that could be found in any market. But this young man's blood was different, his blood was of the same golden color of his hair and eyes and radiated with a faint pulsing light. And to make him even more shocked, one second later the blood vanished and the cut regenerated before his eyes.

"How is this possible?" Right now, he lost his aura as the great CEO and leader of an entire city, he was like a curious and scared little boy that had all of his beliefs.

"You could say that I have been doing this for all my lives." Moving his hand, a orb made of light flew from his palm and as the glow fade, a bright rune could be seen in the air. " Many years ago when I was just a kid I accidentally discovered the existence of origin. As you can see, my eyes, hair and blood are golden, this is the changes brought by having experienced this power myself." Getting up and walking to a window, he continued talking as Richard faced his back.

"One day, a mysterious golden gate appeared before me and I discovered some amazing things. Most of the gods, you have heard in the ancient stories are real. Don't you think that my golden blood is similar to the one Gods used to have in the old legends?"

"You mean you have discovered the path to become a god and that you are close to one?" It did not take long for a experienced man like him to think what Elijah mean with his words, but instead of speaking he laughed.

"Not even myself can affirm or deny it as I never saw a god or what they can do. But the reason I came here is to propose a deal with you..." Elijah took a wooden box and showed to Richard. "Inside this box is one of the few Neo Origins I made. This one is the Neo Tiger Origin and it can extend your life by two hundred years and give the natural abilities of a tiger together with two main skills, Body Reinforce and Fear's Aura." I also put one drop of my blood, meaning that you won't be able to betray me in the future. Thought Elijah before opening the box revealing a colorless gem.

"Yawen come here and show to this man what you can do."Hearing his voice calling her, a orange-haired female walked inside the room and looked towards Elijah.

"What do you need me for, dear?" Richard could see that the "Person" that just walked in was a robot but this one was different from the others, this one showed many expressions that made him confused about her not being human, mainly her eyes that radiated with human-like emotions and reaction.

Suddenly, the female robot stopped like she was receiving instructions before she raised her lips. Crystalline radiance covered her entire right arm before she pressed her palm on the floor, spreading this crystalline radiance across the entire room creating a layer of colorless crystal in that area. Now the entire room was protected by a layer of Origin Diamond.

"Good, now let me what you really are." Two starry wings pop out of Elijah's back releasing a bright starlight before his figure appeared behind Richard, reaching with his hand towards the CEO's head.

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