Supreme Origin: Time King

Chapter 176: XIII Another Daughter

Chapter 176: XIII Another Daughter

Days later, a young man wearing fancy clothes awaited by the Zetrad nation's space craft terminal while dozens of people stopped him to ask for autographs. Hundreds of spaceships, from the small to the huge ones could be seen coming in and out of the planet every few minutes. 

 From a dark corner, a silver-haired man walked out before spotting something and heading to the man in fancy clothes. 

"Bi... I mean Hamon, when we leave?" Seeing Edward, Biman's eyes shined before he ran toward  him.

 "I'm sorry everyone, but since I've finished my last show yesterday it is time to part. I've a auction to go now so if you excuse me."Taking Edward's arm, they quickly walked away before heading to the Hangar 4 where all the really expensive ships would stay.

 "See, that is my mephisto."Biman spoke with sparkling eyes while staring at a small but elegant. Without definite shape, the spaceship was like liquid metal, always changing and never looking the same. Seemingly random, assuming a triangular shape or other geometric figures. Inside the ship, Edward gasped. Even if he had been free for a few years, it was impossible to escape the gap left by the time he was imprisoned.

There were no windows. With only five seats, four lined up on the around the rectangular prism in the middle of the ship showing all the systems of the ship, maps, fuel while the last seat positioned on the opposite side.

"I'll start the engines and take off."

 Whoosh! The first notable thing was the absolute lack of movement or, more precisely, it moved so fast that Edward could not even feel it moving. In a split second, images of outside the ship appeared on the rectangular prism. Seeing a huge yellow and blue planet, Elijah who was observing everything sighed darkly. This reminded him that his world that was very similar to this one had been missing for some time now. Maybe not so much as how different is the flow of time in the two different Cosmic Realms.

"Mephisto, set the destination to the Cat's Eye galaxy, Ineo system, headquarters of the Mortal Alliance at Arcadia station."

[Destination selected. Time of Arrival: One month.]

 One month later. Within Ineo system, thousands of spaceships and cultivators headed to a huge space station built on a huge asteroid. Edward and Biman were meditating when a blaring alarm broke the stillness inside the spaceship.

Jumping out of his sleeping chamber, he unsheathed his longsword without even blinking. Edward had never heard this type of alarm before to know what it means, yet his years of training had prepared him for any situation.

 "It's the proximity alert! We have crashed into something." Biman's tense voice came from the other side of the ship, one floor above him.

 Running into the control room, they hurried to see what was the thing that clashed with their ship when they saw a huge bright chariot drawn by two big winged-horses.

 "Pegasus." Biman blurted out and Edward nodded with his head. Pegasus was a extremely rare species of horse, their bloodlines could be compared to a divine beast in terms of purity. 

Knock! knock! Hearing sounds of knocking in entrance. To have divine beasts to pull the chariot, the owner of the chariot must definitely not be mortal.

 'Celestial!' looking into each  other eyes, they realized they were having the  same thought. Elijah realized that Edward in particular was trying to hold his emotions, fearing he would be discovered if the being on the other side sees him.

Bang! With a strange force clashing with the  door, the entrance open while a being in white robes walked in while  a intense light radiating from her blinded that his eyes. After it fades, Edward saw it clearly. Her eyes made him see a beautiful and unique soul while her movements showed she was one with nature, with each step, space itself shook gently around her.

Inside the ship, Elijah nearly screamed. While he could not say if she was beautiful or not, the feeling he felt from deep inside made him shake. Instantly, the figure in front of him lined up with another figure hidden deep within his soul. Apart from the fact that this person was a Paragon with power eons further than that person and her face was a different from what he remembered, there was no way he would forget it.

 Edward and Biman stared at the female and didn't know what to say. On the other side, the female looked straight at Edward for a moment before showing a bright smile.

 "I can see it now. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but I see there is nothing wrong." Totally opposite to her power that could make everyone before tremble with fear, her voice sounded quite childish. When she was about to turn around and leave, her eyes widen and an amazing power burst out of  her. Edward and Biman could not move nor speak, they could not even hear or see what was happening when the female slowly moved her eyes from the rectangular prism, to Edward, Biman then stopping at Elijah.

 Without believing in what he was seeing, Elijah could not even speak.  As for the female, he could see countless emotions in her eyes as she looked at him.

"Dad?" "Claire?"

Exactly, Claire. Old Elijah's first Daughter with Aina and someone Elijah always thought to have died in the his previous self's past. Aina, his first wife and the person that betrayed him in that world.

 "Yes, it is me dad! For some reasons I have a skill that enables me to see through things like past  and present."

 "Wait, what do you mean? Are you from a reality different from the one I saw? And where is your brother?" At this moment, Elijah could not understand anything. Maybe not even some of the readers could understand with so many things happening.

 "Calm down, I won't run away. We can take things slowly while I explain to you. First I'm really the same one you have seen in the past. Brother also survived that time but he chose to not cultivate and died of old age. As for this person there..."Claire pointed at Edward and spoke with her face full of disgust: "It seems your self of this world is a really disgusting person. His soul is darker than darkness itself and every good did of his brings a even greater pain."

 Snapping her fingers, Three pairs of dark feathered wings spread out of his back while a thin horn bathed in evil aura grew on his forehead.

"I don't believe someone dared to refine a fragment of Lucifer's Tainted Celestial Core. Pity his fate is too powerful for me... Dad, let's go to a quieter place to talk about the past." With a portal opening before her, they changed positions to another place, a room within Claire's huge chariot.

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