Supreme Origin: Time King

Chapter 181: XVIII Awaken! True Origin of Sword

Chapter 181: XVIII Awaken! True Origin of Sword

 Noticing the danger, Elijah turned into a ray of light as he carried the four angels toward the Sword City. Reaching their destination, Elijah observed signs of fighting all over the city, broken buildings and statues. Blood splattered over walls and the floor as the city was covered with dust.

"Huh, let me examine this..."Taking a bit of dust and putting on his tongue, Elijah spoke darkly: " I was right, this dust is the remains of the people who lived here. I'm sensing a battle not too far away. Aura and Stormy, look for survivors that managed to escape detection. I'll take Misty and Destiny with me." After giving his instructions, Elijah, Misty and Destiny turned into beams and vanished in the sky.


 "I will give you all one minute, think deeply if you wish to reach the gates of hell by yourself or will need a little push from this old man here." A single old man in red stood in front of a group of people, blocking them. The man waved his sleeves after his voice sounded and a large wave of red-green fog surrounded his body.

 The group of people from sword city gathered in a protective formation, surrounding a elegant female in yellow. She carried a heavy-looking two-handed sword with several markings on it. Despite having a small body, the aura she radiate was massive as a mountain. Seeding a wave of massive yellow energy that surrounded her people as the  red-green fog scattered in the wind.

 "Cover your body with vital power and don't breath!" The female in yellow cried out as two people of her group grasped their own neck for a second before collapsing onto the ground, and their insides turned a mixture of red and green. Seeing the destiny of two of their people. This group of swordman gathered all the vital power they could and maneuvered the vitality in their bodies to for a faint layer of light that wrapped their bodies.

"Want to block this old man's poison energy with you ordinary vital power?"The old man coldly laughs when he saw this few people trying to delay the inevitable. The poisoned fog grew by an entire level, as the body of the first two victims melted in a puddle of red-green liquid. Wind spread the fog even further, poisoning the ground around them.

 The weaker ones began to show signs of dizziness. A moment latter, seven fell with their heads on the ground as they faced the same fate of the first two. The female's face became darkened as she clenched her teeth and said," Dammit, We can't let him reach my sister. Brothers, raise your weapons and charge!"

Raising the huge two-handed sword high, the markings on it revealing a beautiful but mysterious shine that crossed the fog and reach the sky before it hit into something and stopped. On the sky, Elijah froze and kept staring at the huge sword and then to the light it radiated. Destiny and Misty looked at their master with confusion, they've never seen their master acting like this.

"Master, there is something wrong?"

"Yeah! Master is acting really strange. Tell us what it is."

 The two kept calling his name but he stood in silence. He was in a deep trance where countless thought invaded his mind and images from his awaking in copper town to the expedition on the ruins that was revealed to be the Prime King's palace. Peuh and even his vision he had passed over and over again.

"This is it! How could I not realized it for so long! Ryn... Ryn... I'm sure it was him that prepared all of this, I'm sure he has the power to create a place like this, but why? " While he thought of all the strange things happening with him. A small screen lit in front of him showing the deep void, two man chatted in this chaotic space before one of them dissipated in the chaos while his tears fell from his eyes that turned into a couple dozen bright lights that spread over the entire Chaotic Space, falling in many different places before the screen turned dark. He could not hear anything from the screen, but somehow. A few words managed to reach his mind, words that would make anyone with a weaker mind to collapse. 

[I remember... this death... in... your...]

 Opening his eyes, Elijah stared at the sword once again. Instead of interfering in the fight, his eyes focused in the markings on the sword.

"True Origin of the Sword Path, I command you to awake and bestow the true source of the sword upon this person who holds your handle!"

Boom! The power kept within the sword burst out all at once, with a sword intent that could slash the heavens apart. The sunny sky broke into countless pieces, revealing an empty sky and dozens of flying platforms floating in this grey space, but before anyone could process what was happening, the barrier reconstructed itself once again, covering the sky with a false sunny sky.

The amount of power flowing from the sword was absurd. No even Elijah or Yawen in her peak could survive that slash that broke the barrier made by a being above the celestial realm.

 Only Elijah knew that this power was brought about by this fully grown origin that kept storing its power for only Ryn knows how long. This power made the old man shit in his pants as he turned around to fled.

"There is a way to wield the sword in such manner..." The female in yellow murmured. Her eyes became extremely bright. She stared at the old man as he fled and slowly raised her hand. When the sword's tip was facing the sky, she simple slashed gently downwards.

 No matter how simple it seemed to be, any attack coming from this sword containing the true origin of the sword would be above any other attack. The blow of the sword seemed to be one with the world and as the sword fell, a single cut appeared in the true soul of the old man and the translucent core was cut in half, leaving the body intact.

 Everyone stared at the female as if they were seeing God, but the female just stared at the sky, where a man followed by a two winged-people and bowed down, respectfully: "I would like to thank the creator for bestowing me with your mighty power and for giving me another chance at life."

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