Supreme Origin: Time King

Chapter 269: X The King's Future

Chapter 269: X The King's Future

When he told everything, the shock on everyone faces were so great that some of them just stood on their seats. The few elders that stood at the door, their faces changed from black to blue and then yellow.

The two great elders, Elder Void Omega and Elder Void Alpha, the only experts to reach the peak of the twelve steps other than their king exchanged glances as the thought the same. 

Void Omega was the man who realized that their princess had passed on her bloodline to the next generation and headed for the Peuh Star in order to see for himself if there was a child or not. In the end, he discovered that there wasn't only one child who inherited the royal bloodline, but two.

Void Alpha on the opposite was laid back and rarely dealt with outside matters, only staying at his villa most of the time. He saw the way those elders at the door looked and a smirk finally appeared on his face.

Yawen has not been informed, but when they first saw she had a child with Elijah. Most elders and members of the royal family had wanted to send an executor after Elijah, and those elders at the door were the exact same ones who came up with such an idea.

"So this is it, the man who her highness the princess chose was in reality the greatest being this side of the chaotic space. The Patriarch of the Eternal Time Clan, Ryn." They still felt like they were in the clouds, even for them who lived for a few million years, the patriarch of the time was an immeasurable figure way before their ancestors were even born. 

"I guess they will be here for a while." Seeing they were still digesting all the information he dropped on them, and Layla who shut her eyes and entered in the deep meditative state in order to assimilate with the supreme origin he gave her, Elijah quietly passed by the two great elders and left the room.

Yawen was in a quiet room as a young boy in priest robes tended the wounds of the Void King. Her eyes were glued to the bed where her father rested. Compared to how Elijah found him in the chaotic space, the old void King was much better, his body has been washed by the servant's magic spells and cleaned before changed into new clothes.

Elijah noticed Yawen's depressed gaze and walked behind her and hold her in his arms. His tone was uncertain as he asked. "Yawen, How is father-in-law? I tried to use my eyes on him, but I couldn't see what happened. There was something interfering with my powers."

"Yeah..." Grabbing the hand holding her waist, she intertwined her fingers with his. "There is a trace of powerful void energy in his injuries, and our royal artifact is nowhere to be seen. It's him! He must have used Eternal Void against him. His injuries had been estabilazied, but with the outsiders having lost their cultivation and the other royal families busy just as ours, we are in we are in need of talented healers as ordinary medicine or potions can't heal the body of a twelve step expert. "

"Eternal Void? You mean the dagger passed from generation to generation of the Eternal Void clan? Then it makes sense. That dagger has the power compared to the peak crowned god, or even more. In the memories the three thousand houses of the era of origin had left seven incredible artifacts to protect their descendants, a peak Origin Artfact. Wait, to which level could father-in-law activate the dagger? I remember it had nine levels of power, and three Eternal Void Runic Skill."

"Huh? I remember hearing something about it before, he could use three levels, but he had not formed his first Rune yet."

This time, Elijah had to think for a moment before he told her his guess. "The cosmic heart must have found a way to steal the artifact from your father's hand, didn't he also possessed your brother? Having the body of a royalty, the Eternal Void would certainly see him as a member of the Void Clan which explains why Father-in-law was hurt this bad, and from the ink-black fluid oozing out of his body, He must have used at least the first Runic Skill."

Yawen was especially pained when she heard it, but then she remembered something she forgot to tell him. "All the passages to your universe has been closed. The spatial gates aren't working anymore, and we lost all contact with the other side, the ships also can't get any closer due to a force field that surrounded the cosmic realm. As for your Trinity Society, those who weren't moved to the base in the Ancestral Spirit Cosmic realm were taken to a special quarters prepared for them, Chris the crystal beast is here as well."

"Good, I will see them later. As for this barrier you spoke of, I saw it from afar while in the Chaotic Space. That barrier was made from pure heavenly laws, the same from which gods were generated and cultivators took their power. Being the fusion of all the laws of the cosmic realm, I believe only those who transcended and a few others could break that barrier. And just one won't be enough, if we had an army full of those who cultivated under the laws outside the cosmic realm's heavenly laws."

"Wait..." Seeing Elijah's playful eyes, a sudden thought appeared in his mind and all the pieces scattered across her brain finally formed the picture she failed to see all this time.

The Eternal Time!

Unlike the others inhabitants of the abyss, the eternal time clan was the most mysterious. They didn't have their own territory in the abyss like a star sector like the other seven clans, these people would appear and disappear as they wished and even their numbers were a mystery to her.

Just the Eternal Void clan per example, after living through billions of years their numbers reached an astonishing amount and their territory was more than eight billion stars. As for the Royal Family, they weren't as small as well, the Void star which was the center of their power was a world-sized city that encompassed the whole planet, and about 90% of its population were descendants or the families of those smaller families connected with them by marriage or other things.

"This explains everything!"Yawen yelled in her heart. If it wasn't for the fact her family was close to the Eternal Time clan since before her existence, she wouldn't know how similar she felt Elijah was those mysterious people. And when she headed to play in the mortal worlds and was taken by a mysterious figure and sealed in a dark place before her own father decided to wage war against them.

However, there was one figure than seemed to be one person who carefully organized everyone on the board like pieces in a game of chess and made sure none of the sides would annihilate the other. The patriarch of time.

This figure was the one who kept the pieces in motion, he was the one who made her father give up on the war against the gods. He was the one who voted for the creation of a place where both sides could live in coexistence outside the scope of the cosmic heart.

The healers taking care of the Void King had long since left the room by the time Elijah took the princess in his arms.

"The eternal time clan, right? A part of me guessed when the name Ryn first came up, but knowing a being like him could never die, even after being sealed for many years without knowing what happened out there, I found hard to believe you were his reincarnation." At this point, Yawen turned to see Elijah. She could still that same young face full of that innocent and slightly she saw when and she first met the boy.

But when her eyes intensely looked into his eyes. It still had the same aura it always had, but it had become old. As the profound and aged eyes reflected her own self, she reached out with her hand and slowly caressed his cheeks.

At this moment, she knew how much Elijah meant to her, and when another figure with the same aged yes appeared in her mind. While she felt anger in her heart when knowing everything she felt was planned by him from the start, and a part of her wanted to pay back from the suffering she had, deep down she was thankful for all of this.

"Should I continue to call you Elijah or do you prefer Your Majesty Ryn?" From what she heard from other timelines Elijah experience, she would be stuck in that seal no matter what she did, at least all of this made it possible for her to meet this naive, playful and a bit of an airhead who was the man she swore to love.

Elijah saw through her feelings and bit the hand on his cheek. "Don't play with me. I may change from now on and soon there is something huge I will have to take care of, but at least I ant you to know I will be always your Elijah. And there is only one way to prove it."

"Really?" Knowing what he meant by a long journey. Yawen feigned ignorance before having her slender fingers stoke his chest under his clothes. The air started to increase in heat as the atmosphere around them started to change. Yawen pressed forward, planting a kiss on his lips.

Proceeding after that he took her in his arms and carried to the empty room a few doors away before falling on the bed with her, his hands already sneaking towards her plump and thick ass.

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