Survive in the parallel world, please!

Chapter 172

172 Enjoy the hot springs, please! part “Hey Ryu... Didn’t you say you have the stealth skill too?”

Ryu gulped down his saliva at Luke’s words, he knew exactly where he was going with that.

“I... well... I do but”

“No buts Ryu! it’s our duty as fellow men to explore the unexplored, to reveal what is hidden and to learn all the misteries of the universe!”

“Aren’t that just grand words to say peeking at naked girls?”

“I won’t let you guys do something as dishonest as that!”

Bob barged into the conversation, resolved to even fight his friends to protect the ladies from their depravity.

“Don’t worry Bob, I wouldn’t do something like that”

“You’re just saying that because you’ve seen all of them naked, haven’t you!?”


Ryu felt heat rise up to his cheeks, completely speechless.

“Ryu is not like that! He’s always nice to them and he respects women, he wouldn’t... Ryu, why are you blushing up?”

“I knew it! Did you do it with Anne?”

“I didn’t!”

“But you don’t deny having seen her naked!”

Ryu looked at Bob with pitiful eyes, in an attempt to defend himself from Luke’s accusation, but Bob was having none of it

“You look pretty guilty right now Ryu”

Bob said a little disappointed in his friend.

“Come on guys, please don’t make me say it. It’s not like I’m a pervert or something, it just happened! She has this habit of going around naked!”

“Does she!? then why haven’t I seen her naked? He Bob, have you seen her in her birthday suit? no! of course you haven’t either! This is unfair, I should go take a peek after all”

“Where do you think you’re going”

Bob held Luke’s shoulder to prevent him from spying on the girls.

“I wouldn’t recommend peeping... miss Risa and Anne are both strong and skilled in detection, if they catch you... I don’t even want to think about it”

Luke shivered at the thought, he didn’t need to imagine it because he had already tried to peek on Risa while they were on their way to rescue Sera and he faced the consequences of his actions.

While Risa was usually pretty flirty and open about her own desires, she wouldn’t tolerate under any circumstances any sort of advance against her will or without her consent.

Risa’s way of thinking was highly unusual in this world and it was due mostly because she was raised in the slums where she had to protect her body everyday from harm and abuse, even before her coming of age. But on the world the heroes came from it was considered common sense, in fact, even keeping slaves, something common in the world they are now, was considered one of the most heinous crimes. Not only it was outlawed long ago, there were several organizations that fought against modern slavery.

Luke’s intention to peek on the girls would be considered nothing but a child’s joke in this world, but on the world he came from it was a crime.

However, this world was not as nice as their own. People lived and died by the sword, good honest people struggled to get by and unfairness was the rule of the game. There were no organizations to help the people, no police and nobles had authority over people’s lives. All the summoned heroes had to adapt to their new circumstances and they experienced in just a few months, things that most people wouldn’t see in their lifetimes.

“You’re probably right Ryu, it’s not worth the risk. Why don’t we just take a quick dip into the hot springs before going to bed?”

“Are you being reasonable Luke? this is something I never expected”

“Hey Ryu! just who do you think I am? I’m not some pervert and I don’t want to hurt my friends”

“You say that now, after Risa gave you the beating of your life when you tried to take a peek when she was taking a bath”

“That was an honest mistake! How was I supposed to know she didn’t want me there when she spent the whole day flirting with me!? Besides, she’s almost naked all the time!”

“That doesn’t mean you’re allowed to go against her wishes. You really need to learn how to treat women, why don’t you take me and Veronika as an example and try to live a modest life”


Luke’s mood was ruined by Bob. Not only did he scold him and reminded him of the time he got his ass handed to him by Risa, but he also bragged about something he could never dream to have. The only time he fell in love was back at the brothel when he was with Taffy, the prostitute that led him to believe he was a hero saving a damsel in distress. But it turned out to be a lie she, just an illusion she faked to keep him spending money on her so she could buy herself back.

To add insult to injury Hiraku and Ayumi, Bob and Veronika, even the short lived relationship between Ryu and Rina! They all looked like the perfect couples. Everyone but him had experienced love in this world and the closest thing he had experienced so far had been the physical intimacy with prostitutes.

Disheartened, he went through the blue curtain that led him to the male changing room. Bob and Ryu followed closely and they all took off their clothes in clumsy drunkedness, placing everything they had on them including their clothes in the baskets placed on the shelf for that purpose.

They grabbed some towels and put them on their waists, Ryu didn’t know what he was doing because he didn’t have any experience in hot springs, so he limited himself to imitate his friends.

Luke was the first to cross the door to enter the hot springs, but then, all of a sudden, all the beauty of the previous starry scenery that moved Luke’s heart was outshadowed by what lied in front of his eyes right now.

Risa, Anne, Hana and even Lea were completely naked enjoying the warm water, Sera was the only one from their group not present because she was waiting for Ryu on the villa.

Just when Luke thought he was about to get killed by any or every women in the hotsprings, Risa grinned cunningly.

“What do you think you’re doing blondie? hurry up and get inside, it feels amazing!”

Bob and Ryu, without even wasting a full second, walked past Luke who was frozen in the spot like a marble statue. He didn’t know where to put his gaze without offending the girls.

“What are you doing in here? we entered through the blue door that said ‘men’!”

“Oh that? It’s just for the changing room, this is the only mixed hot springs in Quarrydew. It is also the biggest, that’s why I brought the girls over”

Hana explained lifting both arms above the surface of the water, partially exposing her chest.

“You two! how can you be so calm!? didn’t you just said peeking was a bad thing!?”

“Well, they invited us so it means they don’t mind”

Bob shrugged and dipped in the water, Ryu did the same not minding the presence of the girls in the slightest because he was still too drunk to care.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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