Surviving a Shounen Manga

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

The Ramirez Scramble (2)

Its finally completed.

Cormier observed the dark blue robot standing in front of him and let out a soft sigh.

Hed been working on this request from Squatjaw over the past ten days.

Finally, the commissioned prototype of the Multifunctional Armoured Cavalry was finished.

Of course, it was far from perfect.

Countless defects had cropped up during production, and since this was Cormiers first time handling the new metal thatd been used to make the bones and body, he had no idea what side effects might appear.

Moreover, to build the energy reactor, which acted as the core of the machine, Cormier had searched high and low for a material that wouldnt cause rejection while interfacing with the new metal but all in vain. Even during the last test, whenever the reactor had been fed energy, some of the metals that made up the body had transformed.

To be honest, it wouldnt be strange if it underwent rapid unscheduled disassembly anytime during operation.

In the first place, hed never made something so unique and complex in such a short period of time.

But even so

Eh, its not like Ill be the one riding it.

Cormier smiled with pride.

Even just being able to meet the absurd demands Squatjaw had issued made him feel a surge of pride.

Cormier even felt that his skills had undergone an amount of growth over the past ten days that could compete with what hed achieved over the past few years. That was how much this experience had been worth.

If he had to describe the robot in front of him in one word, it was a monster.

There were only two infused functions: the passive trait of solidity, and the active ability of amplification; but this was a dangerous artefact that nothing hed built in the past could hold a candle to. It could raise the combat power of its passenger by at least a factor of ten, although that was just an estimate.

To be honest, Cormier was wondering even now, how something like this couldve been built.

How the hell did he come up with this?

Cormier was the one who actually built it, but the idea had been his.

Yeah, that was the issue here. That guy was crazy.

Or a genius.


Crazy, huh

A smirk spread over Cormiers face at the word.

Thered been a time when hed had to listen to that same word, day in and day out.

Suddenly, a new thought popped into his head.

Along with that guy Cormier wondered if he could make something even bigger in the future. He thought it might be pretty fun.

But soon,

Khm, khm, I almost bit the bait.

Cormier shook his head quickly.

It was a crap idea, a bullshit idea.

His work over the past ten days completely deviated from the industry cutting-edge universal design pattern.

The normal way was to refine the original materials to extract their fundamental characteristics, assemble the skeletal framework, then add in the flesh and accumulate the various characteristics into useable functions. Conversely, Squatjaws requirement revolved around creating one single core ability at all costs. Hed even had the audacity to throw a bunch of new metals and nonsensical drawings at Cormier that the designer had never seen before.

Every day had been a constant cycle of irritation, doubt, anger, and amazement.

Working more with the man would definitely bring shame to his own moniker. It even reminded Cormier of his hellish past with a certain senile old coot.


To be honest, aside from all that, he still couldnt trust the guy. Cormier didnt know how Squatjaw knew about him or his relationship with the enemy, or what Squatjaw was trying to do here in this city

Every time he thought about the man, a throbbing headache was his only reward. It was impossible to guess the true identity hiding behind that squat jaw and jovial smile.

So, Cormier always tried to keep in mind that Squatjaw was only one of his clients, and that his current work was simply a process in order to get the Ramirez.

The Ramirez

In fact, it was as if itd already fallen to his hands.

Squatjaw had said he had to take it away for a few days, but hed bring it right back afterwards.

Cormier didnt really think the man was lying. While hed been working, that guy had left the Ramirez to him and didnt even look at it.

And even if it were a lie, it didnt matter. He had insurance in place.

In fact, the reason Cormier didnt leave this place right away was not just because of the Ramirez. Rather, he was more curious about whatd happen once the monster in front of him was boarded.

The sight felt quite exhilarating even just to imagine.

When are you going to start?

That was then.


A great sound could be heard coming from outside.

When Cormier hurriedly left the warehouse, he saw a single beam of red laser shooting towards the sky.

It was a signal. Marking the beginning of the upcoming battle.

The Ramirez Scramble had begun.


He also needed to slowly start preparing himself.

Returning to the warehouse in a hurry, Cormier started checking the monster for the last time.

It was when I took a step towards Kiriko.


[Adventure King serialization resumed]

[Chapter 29 The Ramirez Scrambles Treasure (2)]

[Belongs to the realm of the ongoing chapter]

[Hiro is the subject of character evaluation in this chapter]

Two things suddenly appeared in front of me.

One was a message announcing the start of a new chapter, and the other was

Dont move.

I looked at the guy whod appeared out of nowhere to stand in front of me.

As soon as the Ramirezs location was revealed, the man with an expressionless face showed up.

He was earlier than expected.

Magic Weapon Jimus.

He didnt feel like Gronyan.

His power level wasnt enough to shock me to silence.

But that didnt mean I could take him lightly.

Basically, this guy wasnt a fighter, and the source of his power wasnt his body.

Besides, I knew very well how dangerous he was. He wasnt called weapon for nothing.

Behind him, three subordinates with canes floated leisurely in the air.

Theyre fast.

They werent the only one whod suddenly appeared.


Someone was flying in at close to the speed of sound.

Like Magic Weapon Jimus, he too was a familiar figure.

Cyborg Gelop.

As if waiting only for this moment, the two powerhouses whod become the mainstays of the scramble appeared at the same time.

I scratched my head.


In fact, Id hoped these two would appear a little later. I wondered if it would be possible to keep Kiriko down now.

In the original story, the fight between Kiriko and Capone didnt actually happen at the start of the scramble. Quite a bit of time has passed by then, and the fight had entered the second phase, with all the riffraff already filtered out.

This was a typical growth clich of shounen manga, because before he met the final obstacle called Capone, Kiriko needed to climb through several large and small hurdles. The probability of him awakening immediately was close enough to zero to be called a rounding error.

So, I was going to let things cook a bit before introducing myself

Damn, this sucks.

With these guys appearing on the scene right away, my scheme wouldnt work.

I stopped walking towards Kiriko, and stepped back a bit.

Then I asked Jimus, who was blocking my way.

Who are you?

Of course, I didnt ask because I didnt know.

But character introduction was a necessary process, and I also had to think of the readers.

I am Jimus. From Northland. Looks like youre the one in the rumours, who got the mirror. Like I heard, youve got a weird jaw.

What an outrageous guy.

So your first impression depends only on looks? What a dull fellow. And, is that all?


Is that all you have to say about yourself?

What I wanted was more detailed information about the guy. Like his nickname, Magic Weapon; why he came here from Northland, or how strong he was.

The readers needed stuff like that to become interested, right?

Then Jimus grinned,

You want me to announce my own information in public? Funny. Are you going to tell me everything about you too? Is there even a brain in that skull of yours?

Thankfully, he asked the question Id been waiting for.

Whoa, I guess I did forget to introduce myself.

I coughed, cleared my throat, and shouted out loud.

Hello! My name is Hiro. Im the leader of the adventurer team that dazzled the world this year by securing the top spot in the Adventurer Qualification Test, and a general of the Skull Empire of Eastland and Im also the Ruler of Gibrante, called the King of Smugglers by some. Only that Ramirez isnt mine. Everything else in this city is mine.

I finished with a grin.

What is that guy?

K-, King of Smugglers?

Isnt that Capones nickname?

Come to think of it, that fedora hat thats Capones symbol!

Maybe that guy! Did he kill Capone and devour his organization!?

Very appropriate reactions erupted from all sides.

Sounds of surprise, astonishment and disbelief.

In addition, basic descriptions and the reasons behind Capones notoriety, started pouring in.

That he was the boss of the mafia in charge of smuggling contraband from Northland, that he had thousands of subordinates, and that he even had connections inside the government.

Of course, it was actually a custom-made reaction.

There was no way I couldve naturally gotten a response like that. Not with just a single bluff.

In fact, Id already told Haka, whom Id met in the shadows a while ago.

To ask his subordinates to give me an on-the-spot reaction like this at the right moment.

Id thought theyd only say a few words, but their acting was better than expected.

And so

Oho so you had a reputation after all? The rumour that some random fool got the mirror was a lie, I see.

But dont even think that such a bluff will work on me. I am one of the five executives of the Magic Engineering Academia that controls half of Northland, Magic Weapon Jimus!

The results were quite satisfactory.

The five executives of the Magic Engineering Academia.

Of course, the specifics of what this background meant would be known at a later date, but the readers would remember this.

Somehow, I thought this guy might be a useful character.

If you understand, Ill take the Ramirez.

What are you talking about? You think this is Northland? Wholl listen to you If you just say that? Magic Engineering Academia? What even is that?

Ignorance, too, is a sin. Just accept this as the fruits of your karma.

What an outrageous bastard. And I said it pretty clearly just now. Only the one who defeats everyone here can take that mirror away.

Ill take it first, and then kill them all. The results the same in the end, no?


He was a lively fellow with a lot of energy.

Um well, indeed. Then try it.

I quietly avoided him.

Along with a waving gesture that indicated I wasnt going to disturb him.

Hah so you wont get in my way?

Jimus gave me a final glance, then looked around.

Everyone was paying attention to him.

He also seemed to notice that hed been chosen as the pioneer for this demonstration.


Bring it to me.

Got it.

Hearing Jimus command, one of his men flew into the air.

Eventually, just as his subordinates hand was about to touch the drone holding the Ramirez

At that moment,


A pure white light came out of the drone like an explosion.


The guy hurriedly backed away, but it didnt look like he had been hit. He just looked himself over in bewilderment.

That was then.

Look over there!

In the air!

The people pointed to the opposite side from where Jimus man had jumped from.

There, like a hologram, another afterimage from the light emitted by the drone was flickering. And surprisingly, there was a clear image could be identified.

It was the cane that Jimus subordinate, whod jumped up just a moment ago, was holding.

Most people didnt seem to notice immediately what it meant. They were just murmuring between themselves, saying things like like What is that? and A wand?

However, the members of Jimus team had apparently understood very clearly what that scene meant. The faces, which were originally bleak, had turned remarkably pale.

Now do you understand?

A petty trick.

Instead of answering, I laughed and shouted.

Hello again, everyone, can you see it? That wand is the weak point of the guy who just jumped at it. Remember, everyone! Maybe youll have a fight with that guy later? Just take that wand away or break it. Then that guy is done for.

Then I turned my gaze back to Jimus.

Didnt I say? Defeat everyone here first, and then you can take it. Theres a high possibility of suffering a loss otherwise, dont you think? Or have they already seen it? Youre all from that Magic Engineering Academia, arent you? Maybe those staffs are universal weak points for your type?

In fact, Id had Cormier whip up the image projection device fairly early in the game. To project the reflection of Ramirezs surface into the air.

Capone had also utilized it in the original.

Of course, not for preventing access to it, but rather hed made a projection beam to find out other peoples weaknesses.

By now, a deeper sense of tension had begun to pervade the audience.

It was natural that they werent being hasty anymore. Some mightve had an impulse of taking a quick peek at the treasure before, but now they knew that the risk was bigger than theyd thought.

Perhaps it was only now that most of the audience here were recognizing the Ramirez for the first time, as something to be won in battle, instead of stolen.

In any case, it elicited silence and tension from everyone.

Now it was time for the second step.

I caught everyones attention again with a cough.

Come on, come on, dont be too nervous. Are you all on tenterhooks, thinking that everybody here is an enemy you need to eliminate? You dont have to.

Then, everyone looked at me with questioning eyes.

I thought, what if everyone keeps looking at each other, and the fight doesnt start? So I thought up some rules, nothing fancy. Itd be better than all of you tiring yourselves out, watching everybody else.

Then I pulled out three small spheres from my arms.

They werent anything special. They were just small projectiles with an independent power source.

See these? Ill now throw them into different areas. Each one is a token. It symbolizes the right to claim ownership of the treasure. The deadline is two days later at noon. As long as youre holding one of these at that time, you can fight for the Ramirez.

My intentions were simple. Divide the place into areas and drive the people here.

Also, to create a situation where the strong could pair up to fight each other.

Because I thought the readers would appreciate it. A tournament was inherently cleaner and more fun than a confusing grand melee.

Of course, I had still another hidden reason.

That was then.

How can I believe those rules?

Jimus asked a question.

Arent you in control of the Ramirez right now anyway? What if you escape while were away?

That sounds boring. Didnt you hear my introduction? Im the ruler of this place, where am I going to escape to? And dont worry, the Ramirez will stay right there, up in the air.

I set the rules because I wanted to finish this fast. Lets quickly get rid of the riffraff, and only those who are true contenders will remain to fight it out.

After that, no further questions came my way.


Here they go !

I threw the spheres to the east, west and south respectively.

But no one moved right away.

They were still watching the situation.

I spelled it out very clearly. The deadline is at noon, two days later. Come to the factory area with your token. Two days later, one of the four people there will get to have the Ramirez.

Then someone asked

Four people?

Ah, I already have one. Well, if you want to entertain me, you can aim for mine.

I took a sphere out of my pocket and waved it for all to see.

And then

Oi, Kiriko! Come meet me. Ive got something to tell you. Come alone, you hear? Dont even think about bringing your stupid zap-happy friend.

Shouting my final words, I turned back and started walking.

Of course, the nerves on my back were thrumming with tension.

What would happen now?



Jimus and his men began to move toward the east.

Next, Karl Zayed stepped south.


After that, many adventurer teams began to slowly leave. Of course, not everyone moved to a specific direction. Now that Id confirmed that they had a little time to spare, they were probably thinking that there was no need to rush.

Soon after, Cyborg Gelop, whod been silently watching the situation, also left.

Leo, lets go snatch one at random.

Kiriko, you too, beat up Squatjaw and bring one!

Dont be in a rush, Mister Kirikidiot. Well be fine getting a token on our own. And no matter what Squatjaw says, let the words go into one ear and out the other. Got it?

M-, Mister Kiriko Do you want to go together?

The Leo Adventurers also began to move.

Except Kiriko, who alone followed me.

All done.

So far itd been a success.

Still, one variable remained.


Among the powerhouses, only he still hadnt moved.

In fact, the authors actions were the biggest variable.

According to the original story, Leo and Jimus would pair up to fight, and same for Karl Zayed and Gelop. Cormier wouldnt show himself right now, and Gronyan would go to the last side. Then hed be able to comfortably seize a token by himself.

In fact, it was because of him that I divided the tokens into four. Three mightve worked too, but Id been afraid that the guy would chase after me first if that happened.

To be honest, I didnt want to deal with that guy and Kiriko at the same time.

Go, just go somewhere else.

Of course, I didnt outwardly show any sign of my inner turmoil.

I pretended to be the picture of calm.

Go Go!

And then,


That guy also started moving.

East. It was a direction no powerhouses had gone to.

The split was just right.

So far itd all gone as per plan.

The problem is from now on

The factory zone.

In front of Jeans warehouse.

Squatjaw! Youre late!

Ive been waiting for a long time!

Whatre you planning!

The goblins had already arrived first and were waiting for me.

The ones whod followed me all the way here were seventy-three in number.

It was a huge number.

More than being grateful, I was even surprised.

I immediately started to separate them into teams.

Now, now, listen to me. Blessed of the God of Mischief, or the God of Lies, come this way.

I pointed to my left.


Bluffs and whimsy, stand there at the middle. And those blessed by the God of Sabotage, stand to my right.

They quickly sorted themselves into tidy groups.

Of course, there was no point taking them at their word.

Real pranksters and liars, dont be silly and stand in your proper place. Chinuavi, please sort them out. Those who dont stand properly dont get any toys.

Then, most of the guys on the right-hand line quickly moved away.


Next, I distributed the equipment Id prepared to the goblins.

Wait, whats this?

You bastard, what am I supposed to do with this!

Give me a gun, you son of a bitch!

In your dreams!

Alright, alright, now just wait a minute.

Leaving the goblins to Chinuavi, I went into the warehouse alone.

Now was the key moment.

Alone, I focused and called Him.

Are you there?


Are you listening?

After doing this for a while,


After a while, an answer came from the Disruptor God.

More than a thousand people, all of them moving under a common rule. All the conditions you requested have been met. Right?

How shameless. You made those rules yourself, right? You call that meeting the conditions?

Are there any problems?

These were the two specific conditions that the Disruptor God demanded. You must periodically interrupt a specific situation.

With numbers and rules.

Hmm, so?

Please give me one thing.

And since the purpose of my actions was clear in a situation that met the conditions,

If youre making a request it has to be for the purpose of sabotage. You understand?

Of course.

Then tell me.

I could claim one thing from the Disruptor God it be a power, a weapon, or anything else.

Could you please let me use the masquerade ability?

Editors Notes:

None for this chapter.

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