Surviving a Shounen Manga

Chapter 86

Chapter 86

How about I Take Care of It for You?

The Huntington Bandits.

They were a named band of thieves whod appear almost every time an arc had to do with some kind of treasure, until the story finally moved to Midland' beyond the King's Road.

The reason the Huntingtons could have such prolific appearances was, of course, because they were the authors pets, but they also had enough ability to make it plausible.

The biggest characteristic of this bandit group was that they had a number of excellent guides.

I couldn't remember the exact number, but it had to be more than ten.

The most definitive demonstration of their abilities was the case of [Adventurer Qualification Examination Centre Treasure Theft], which had made them famous.

An incident in which some of the bandits had entered as actual participants, and had stolen all the treasures hidden by the association before running away.

That was why all subsequent exams had fake treasures instead of real ones, like ice cream (and basic flavours like mint chocolate, at that).

And the woman with deep red hair had been one of the participants.


The eighth guide of the Huntington Bandits, and the woman with the keenest pathfinding eyes.

After she entered Leo's party in the original, there was a scene in one of the chapters where she recalled whatd happened during that event. Because her eyes were so sharp, shed been able to see all the hidden treasures. From the lowest level to the highest.

However, she hadnt aimed at the highest ranked treasure at the time. Shed gone for a small jewel thatd been in around the fourth position, in terms of value alone.

The reason was also quite simple. Not because her teammates had been too weak, or because the decipherer hadnt been good enough to face the obstacles guarding the highest level treasure.

Shed simply liked the jewel. A small, shiny and pretty jewel', in her own words.

What made it possible was her unique ability, [Master Thiefs Eye].

This ability let her see the detailed information about a target object', under certain conditions.

The detailed information here covered the object's appearance, peculiarities, abilities, and even its history'.

Thanks to that, she could even identify a treasure without seeing it in person.

And that ability was exactly why Tanya had stolen Ramirezs Treasure and run away.

The specific background was never made public, but the setting was such that shed quickly stolen the mirror and escaped once shed understood the enormity of its potential.

Of course, it mightve simply been because the mirror itself was small, shiny, and pretty.

I looked back at Tanya, who was silently wiping herself off.

To be honest, this was a ridiculous situation.

This is making me dizzy Why did that woman have to suddenly pop up in front of me?'

I supposed it was a good thing that I hadnt made any plans yet. Because then Id have had to go back and fix it all.

And the woman in question simply kept wiping herself off, as if she wasn't remotely conscious of my gaze.


"Coocoo, how did this happen?"

Putting aside my sudden stroke of fortune, I decided to listen to the pigeon ahem, hawk, that I hadnt seen in a while.

"Hm? What?"


I could only sigh.

"I mean, how come youre here?"

"Ugh, this squat-jawed bastard Dont make it awkward! I wanted to catch up, why, is that a crime now?"


That stylish appearance had almost made me forget. About that cheap mouth of his.

"No, not that! How come you found me here, and why with the cat? Not to mention the redhead. Of course Id be curious as to how all this came about!"


"Oh, that? Its no big deal."

Coocoo nodded his head as if he knew what I meant.

Then, just as he was about to speak,

"Whatre you all chatting about? I need to wash up."

Tanya suddenly interrupted.

"Are you tired from the long flight?"


Did she think that I might drive her away after listening to the story?

Or, was she wary of me?

I looked at Tanya in silence.

Even if she was pretending otherwise, she did seem wary for some reason.

Well, it was only natural since she had Ramirez in her hand.

However, I wasnt any different.

Why did Tanya appear here of all places?

Well, naturally thered be Watsonian reasons within the scope of this world. Like she struck up a friendship with Coocoo, and then various things happened, etc.

But there was only one thought in my head.

Perhaps the author was conscious of me, and had deliberately induced this situation.

Originally, Tanya's first appearance had been in Brindisi, the southern port city of Westland. Thered been no explanation as to how shed gotten there.

In other words, the circumstances and process leading up to her appearing there were ancillary settings known only to the author.

Adjusting such ancillary settings that were invisible to the readers, had to be childs play for the author.

Why did the author send Tanya to this place, if indeed I was the reason?

Simple. Because of the goblin gang Id brought with me.

I, the thorn in his eye, one who only ever caused absurd complications, was trying to stir up even the goblins this time, so maybe he was trying to counter me somehow.

And the method that the author could take to directly control me was predetermined.

Sanctions through the preceding plot, awarding a penalty.

However, this was only possible when I belonged to an ongoing chapter, so I was wondering maybe that was why Tanya had been pointed at me like a missile.

Tanya, surprisingly, would take over the lead point of view of this chapter as soon as she arrived at Brindisi. Because she was the root cause of this incident, and a future teammate of Leo, shed be hogging all the spotlight.

If I have the lead point of view by my side'

Of course, it wouldn't really matter if I headed for some place other than the south as Id originally planned. Tanya would definitely take the White Rain to Brindisi.

But, as the author and I both knew, this was a clear-cut opportunity.

With Tanya by my side, I wouldnt have to brainstorm how to intervene in this arc. Id just have to accompany her.

Its also arouse the readers interest if I accompanied the new main character.

Hence the author mustve thrown a bait like this at me.

Asking me, what do you think about this?

I thought for a moment, then answered.

"For now, follow me."

Well, Id have to think it over a little more.

Two hours later.

I came back to the bench from earlier, sat down, and thought.

Some decisions were finalized, but still a lot of disorganized thoughts were running around in my head.

This was nothing but procrastination stemming from uncertainty.


First of all, Coocoo had explained whatd happened, and one could indeed say it was no big deal.

Coocoo said that the princess had sent him away.

Along with a quest completion certificate that Id forgotten to request, a small copper plate, and a letter.

This might not be of much use in Westland, but showing this bronze plaque should at least be of some help within this continent.

That was what the letter was all about.

Do you have to pretend to be so meticulous?'

I looked at the plaque.

There was an unfamiliar pattern engraved on it.

Presumably, it was a symbol of the Kingdom of Mainin.

I decided to keep it for myself.

Although, I didn't think itd be of any great help.

Id just keep it as the token of a comrade.

" Nice."

How cool.

Now this was a shounen manga-like scene! The readers shouldve been here to see it.

Well, whatever.

Now, about Nero. Coocoo said hed first caught sight of him while passing the empires borders.

Hed flown down to a jungle lake to get some water when the creepy black cat had caught his eye.

Nero seemed to have been following him for some reason, but the cat had professed to having no intention to attack. Coocoo didn't know why, but the cat was just following him around.

Coocoo wasnt in any great rush either, since he felt like he was about to catch up with me, so hed decided to follow the cat back in retaliation. He was confident he could handle it even if he got caught and things devolved to a fight.

Then, a few days later, theyd met Tanya, who was being pursued.

Coocoo said that hed joined forces with Nero to save her. Hed added that the pursuers had been so vicious that theyd had no choice but to help.

It was a ridiculous story.

"Hm, so you helped a person you didnt even know? And Nero joined you? Does that make sense?"

"Of course, we quickly found out that that she deserved to be chased. That bitch no, Tanya, tried to steal that cat's necklace on the same day that we saved her."


"But, well, what else could we do? Besides, Tanya directly asked us for help. By name, even. In my case, I was flying high in the sky when she first started screaming at me."

"Did she call you by name? How did she know it?"

"I have no idea. She just knew everything. Our names, our abilities, even our pasts."

" Is that so?"

This was probably because of her unique ability. She could even read a subject's history'.

"She asked for a little help. Saying shell give us something nice. And then she kept dragging it on Well, you know the rest."

Coocoo calmly admitted it.

"Something nice, huh"

"I was planning to stay with you for a while, but then you suddenly vanished! I had no choice but to stay with them."

"What? Why would I suddenly vanish ah"

That was probably when wed entered the Goblins' Den.

One had to know the path if they wanted to reach there. Just having a guide wasnt enough, you also needed a decipherer.

Apparently wed popped back up on the map once wed left the place, and then Coocoos group had started following us again in a hurry.

Well, it seemed plausible.

Strange, sure, but plausible nonetheless.

However, I couldnt just nod my head and accept it.

No matter what, it seemed that the author had clearly intended for Tanya to meet Coocoo and Nero.

The plan had to be rearranged.

I didn't want to miss the opportunity to appear in the main arc by Tanyas side.

But to unleash the goblins at Brindisi would be dancing to the authors tune.

It wouldnt have much impact, and Id get hit by the preceding plot as soon as the chapter started.

" Is there no other way?"

Eventually, I made up my mind and got up from my seat.

Then I marched straight to the ticket counter.

"Next, next!"

"I want to buy some tickets."

"All the ships are leaving soon, so there arent many left Where do you need to go?"

" Brindisi."

"The White Rain. 1st class is completely full, we only have 3rd class tickets left. Is that okay?"

I shook my head.

"Three special seats."

" Eh?"

The salesman narrowed his eyes as he gave me a once-over.

"Special class seats well, theyre costly, but you cant just buy them with money Do you have some proof of your identity?"

"You dont have to worry about that. Also, do you have any tickets left for the central region that is, Sonoka?"

" How many do you need?"

"A hundred and one. The class doesn't matter."

My idea was simple.

I couldnt leave Tanya alone.

I couldnt take the goblins to Brindisi.

So, there was only was possibility.

Divide the crowd.

Me and Cocoa would head south with Tanya, and the goblins would wait in the central area under Chinuavis leadership.

Hmm will he be okay?'

But this was the only option. A way to avoid the author's sanctions while scoring both my goals.

I just had to trust Chinuavi.


"What? One hundred?"

The salesperson gave a heavy frown. As if he thought this was a silly joke.



I took out the plaque the princess had given me.

Of course, I didn't expect a great response. I just wanted to know how much effect it would have.

Soon after,

"W-, wait. Could this be from the Mainin royal family?"

"Right. You get points for your eyesight."

"Uh Um, may I ask about your identity? W-wait, no! Umm, first Ill need need to verify the authenticity"

He began to look visibly perplexed. Looked like the plaque carried some level of authority.


"Hey, dont you know me? Is this still the Skull Empire or not?"

Right now, I didnt have the time to wait on some verification process.

" Eh?"

"It was a princess from the Mainin Kingdom who gave this to me, and now shes a general of this country, yknow? Its been about a month. She should be famous."


"I was the guy who fought next to her. Look at this jaw thats jutting a bit. I must be pretty famous too by now, right?"

The salesperson's complexion turned white.

"Th-, then you must be"

"Yeah, the one who passed the Warriors Path "

"G-, General Squatjaw?!"


How absurd. I clearly remembered registering under the name Hiro.

In any case, seemed the Khan hadnt taken away my rank, because he didnt want to completely lose me.

Instead of answering, I stretched out my hand.

"If you understand, give me the tickets."

There was no time. I had to quickly come up with a strategy.

"Ah, right; send the bill to the imperial administration."

Ten days later.


"Thank you for your time."

Tanya greeted everyone in the party, and even gave Squatjaw a wink.

He really was a good companion.

Thanks to him, she was able to travel in the comfort of a special class seat.

In addition, hed also easily defeated the pursuers whod followed her to the ship.

And, best of all, he didnt have much in the way of curiosity.

Squatjaw didn't bother to ask her anything except for the basics.

Of course, shed dropped a few hints that he shouldnt ask but she wouldnt have been able to dodge all suspicion if he had decided to ask.

But still,

"Why, isnt there still some distance before you can meet your group? Cant we help? You think so too, right, Squatjaw?"

"No, Ill be fine by myself. Ill definitely come back to repay you after I meet my party. Wherever you are."

"Well, off you go then. But remember, if you dont deliver on your promise, Ill kill you!"

"Yeah, okay, okay. Goodbye to you too, Nero. And to you, Mister Squatjaw."

Even so, she didn't want to accompany them any longer.

The reason was simple. Because she was feeling anxious.

The man with the jutting chin was completely unreadable'.

This wasnt her first time seeing a human whose history' was unreadable, but this was the first time shed seen so many fragmented pasts. The more she tried to read them, the more it felt like her brain was about to leak through her ears.

There were two possibilities.

Either he was defending himself with some ability she didnt know of, or she was simply unable to read him because of the difference in their capacity.

Of course, either way, the conclusion was the same.

She couldnt handle this guy on her own.

If there was one thing shed learned while working with those Huntington idiots, it was the spirit of if you don't like the look of something, run'.

Now was the time.

And fortunately,

"See you again when theres a chance."

Squatjaw turned around without saying anything else.

See you again?

Tanya tried to shrug off the useless sense of dj vu she was feeling from those words.

She didnt know why he said the same phrase she always used, but she never wanted to see his face again in the first place.

This was goodbye, forever.


Tanya sighed softly as she looked at Squatjaw and his group moving away.

Anyway, now she had to save herself until she could reunite with the Huntington idiots. Who knew when an attack might come?

Tanya hid her presence and started moving.

The southern city of Maserno.

On the fifth day after landing in Brindisi.

Weird. This was weird whichever way she sliced it.

Why were they here again this time?

Tanya couldnt hide her anxiety at the sight of familiar faces at the destination she had barely arrived at, avoiding the attacks of her pursuers.

This was the seventh time so far. Seven times in five days.

"Huh? You again?"

Tanya stiffened as Coocoo caught sight of her and said in surprise.

For some reason, wherever she went, Squatjaws group was also present.

The problem was,

"No, you say you were going alone, so why do you keep following us?"

When they said they were being followed, it meant that theyd arrived first.

It was as if theyd foreseen the path she was going to take.

"Cant you just ask us to go with you at this point? Or are you afraid itll cost you?"


Shed been obviously going to places with few people, so why

Tanya felt nauseous.

There wasn't really anything she could complain about, but this felt strange.

No wonder Were they aiming for the Ramirez'?

That was then.

"Theyre here again. Three of them already went into that forest nearby."

Squatjaw whod been sitting down quietly so far slowly started talking.

"You keep bringing in strange bastards, and were the ones getting bothered. This wont work, dont you think?"

He got up and slowly walked towards her.

"Uh huh?"

The momentum emanating from him was very strong.

A sense of intimidation that her pursuers couldnt hold a candle to.

Wait, wait a minute

And at the words that followed, Tanya's face turned white.

"That thing youre carrying, how about I take care of it for you?"

Editor's Notes:

None for this chapter.

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