Surviving a Shounen Manga

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

What Each One is Aiming for

The second day of the goblin introduction phase.

Even though only a day had passed, the mood of the city had completely changed.

It was quiet.

As if yesterday's commotion had been a complete lie, the city was engulfed in silence.

This was pretty much as expected.

Simple. The current situation was a replay of the hide-and-seek game I'd played back in the Goblins' Den.

After walking around for a day or so, the goblins would've had no choice but to understand that.

Why did all these humans flock to this city, and what were they looking for so desperately?

Why did I order them to walk around the city disguised as myself?

Why did the humans often attack them on sight?

After understanding the rules of the game', and grasping the desires of the humans, the goblins' thoughts would naturally turn to coming up with the best way to tease these idiots.

And depending on their inclinations, their methods of playing' would be different.

And now the results were in plain view.

Yesterday, there was a commotion due to the guys who wanted to go out and play in the open.

They'd intentionally show up and enjoy playing tag, or pretend they have the Ramirez and lure people into saying, Ugh, I got fooled!'

But just like when I'd played hide-and-seek, these guys didn't last very long. The humans flocking here weren't weak, and they didn't lack numbers, so how could all of them be fooled?

Of course, that didn't mean the goblins got steamrolled. Unlike the game with me, this wasn't a regulated game'. They could use their unique abilities to their hearts' content.

But despite that, it'd inevitably be difficult to cope with people who were so inflamed by greed they'd fight to the death. The goblins did enjoy malicious and cunning pranks, but that didn't mean they placed lives on the line.

Hence today's situation was the natural conclusion.

Now was the time of the second type of goblins I'd encountered during the hide-and-seek.

Those who just hide.

The goblins had completely disappeared from the streets.

Not that they'd already left the city or anything. Presumably, each of them were hiding in their chosen boltholes, observing the situation with a grin. Each one was pretending that he had the treasure, a dazzling bait that was bound to hook the greedy.

Anyway, this was an important juncture for me.

Slowly, depending on what their aims were, people's movements would be different.

The purpose of the present gathering could be broadly divided into the following three categories.

1. Treasure hunters.

2. Those who were pursuing me.

3. Those with other purposes.

First, the treasure hunters.

These were the people who wanted to faithfully realize the original plot development.

They were the ones most actively playing with the goblins, and at the same time, they were my main prey.

I didn't expect any special movements from them since they were completely focused on the treasure hunt.

Next, those who were pursuing me.

Most of them were assassins, and they'd been staying quiet like the goblins after the first day.

Since I had almost no information about them, it was hard to tell what they were trying to do by hiding in the dark. Was it a strategy to bait me into showing up, or were they awaiting reinforcements from those geniuses and monsters I kept hearing about?

If the latter, then I had to keep some energy in reserve. Compared to the former choice, those newcomer assassins would be able to pose a much more direct and greater threat to me.

Finally, those who had other purposes'.


I cleared my mind for a while before trying to analyze this group. Honestly speaking, they were the ones I was the most vigilant about.

Even if I said other purposes', it was more of an umbrella term meaning those who were here for some unknown reason'.

Karl Zayed was a typical example.

I'd been surprised to see him pop up in the city last evening out of nowhere. For good reason. He hadn't shown his face in Clone City at all in the original work.

What's he even doing here?'

Karl Zayed was one of the characters whose appearance, timing, and actions in this arc were very clearly defined. For him especially, the schedule should've been pretty strict; because his appearance was slated to end a chapter and immediately begin the next one.

In other words, his appearance itself was the criterion for dividing the chapters.

But Clone City was long before his first scheduled appearance.


I looked back at my memory, wondering if I'd misunderstood something.

According to the original plot, Leo would get the Ramirez on the third day after entering Clone City.

Then, after going through several chases and running battles, Leo and party would manage to escape Clone City and arrive at Buckinghum', a city upon the border between the central and northern regions.

And as soon as they arrived there, the Ramirez would be snatched away in an instant by Karl Zayed, who'd appear out of the blue. This was the final scene of [Chapter 28 The Battle for Ramirez's Treasure (1)].

There was no doubt. My memory wasn't faulty.


"Ugh, this idiot"

It meant he shouldn't be over here, beating up goblins and other adventurers alike.

It wasn't just about Karl Zayed either. Although not in the same league, there were a few others who'd appeared with a much faster timing compared to the original.

Naturally, the timings alone weren't what concerned me the most.

What I was worried about was the reason behind it. What had caused this change in the situation?

Because that would explain exactly what the author's aim' was.

Simple. Because these changes indicated that something different from the original' would unfold here in Clone City.

" Hmmm."

I jumped up from my seat.

This wasn't the time to be engrossed in idle thought.

The something' that was about to happen, had been arranged by the author.

In other words, it meant that my plans were very likely to go off track.

With such strong characters appearing ahead of schedule, there was no way the two-bit mobs would get their time to shine as the leading point of view.

My plan to hunt 8-9 chapter leads within three days had to be reduced to a maximum of five. If this number got further reduced by some new variable, the chapter would become a complete blank slate to me.

I immediately started moving towards where the current lead character was.


The captain of the Big Turtle Adventurers, nicknamed Captain Turtle.

The name came from his unique ability, to form an iron armor like a turtle shell, the same type of instant armour outfit' as Princess Thermis.

In a word, he was like a giant human-shaped turtle.

About two hours had passed since this guy had become the lead character.

There were two reasons why I didn't go deal with him right away.

Firstly, I thought I should take a little break.

At the same time as this guy became the lead character, Chinuavi, who'd been nearby, got tired of running away and burrowed into the ground to hide. Right now, what this idiot Captain Turtle and his men were doing was a sight to behold. They'd grabbed a bunch of shovels from somewhere and digging up the earth, thinking they could catch Chinuavi that way.


I thought waiting was the right choice. This guy was the lead character of this chapter, and I'd already spent a lot of energy to deal with with three predecessors in a row. He looked like he'd be busy for at least the next three or four hours.

So, I took it as an opportunity to take a break and organize my thoughts.

Secondly, because I couldn't think of a proper way to deal with this guy.

He might've been stupid, but he was also stupidly tough.

He didn't look flashy, and his brain didn't work too well, but even so, he was able to receive the leading point of view, for that simple reason.

His armour, the [Ironclad Carapace].

It was a fairly high tier defensive ability. To the extent that I couldn't even think of an ability that could easily pierce through it.

Of course, there were ways to deal with it.

Whether using Leo's, Kiriko's, or Yan's ability But I was still a little hesitant, because the fight wouldn't end neatly and drag on. There weren't many people who could beat this guy easily.

What to do'

Again, the simplest solution was to Kiriko's ability. The awl' had superlative piercing power and would definitely pierce his shell. The problem was that his shell also regenerated very quickly

How about using stun or explosion-type bullets?'

Anyway, I decided to give it a try.

It'd be a good idea to try things out instead of worrying.

But while I was approaching them while mulling over the problem inside my head

" Sit Squatjaw."

Suddenly, a voice came from somewhere.



The sound was coming from below.

My shadow was talking to me.

" What a surprise. Why are you in there?"

"Because I was in a hurry."


That was a bit of a curious remark. Was it faster to come into my shadow? Compared to moving on flat ground?

"What, is this some kind of shadowport'? Are you teleporting from shadow to shadow?"

I was asking as a joke.



The answer came.

" Huh? Seriously?"



I never knew he could do that.

"Anyway, that's not important."

Haka sounded serious.

"Why? What's going on?"

Guesses were running through my head as I asked.

Recently, Haka had been focusing on reconnaissance; keeping an eye on the assassins. The fact that he'd run here in such a hurry meant he'd noticed something.

"It's him. He's arrived."

I knew it.

"You mean that guy?"

"Yes, Gronyan. The guildmaster of Black Shadow. And now the president of the Westland Assassin Society."


Yan's father had arrived, it seemed.

Haka's opinion on him was simple and clear.

"He's strong."

"Is that so?"

"I couldnt even get close. I was afraid I'd get caught and killed."


This was a little unexpected.

Haka had also been subject to power balance adjustment, but he hadn't suffered that much of a loss. To be honest, it was to the point where I wanted to ask him if he'd actually lost any power. I'd seen him go to battle a few times, and he was still incredibly strong. Probably the adjustment hadn't affected him too much due to how rare his appearances were.

Anyway, that same Haka was now saying, I couldn't even go near him because I was afraid I'd be killed'.

Hence it was certain that this Gronyan was also one of the real contenders'.


I paused again, and pondered.

This was a bad omen.

I really wanted to make sense of this timing.

After Karl Zayed, a second real contender' already appeared in Clone City, at the very start of the middle phase of this scramble?

In the original work, the fight between the real contenders' didn't happen here, but at a northern city closer to Northland. So, with the exception of Karl Zayed, the carrier of the treasure, the rest should've normally appeared at that place.

But two of them had already appeared here, way ahead of schedule. Including one who didn't even exist in the original.

Shit was getting crazy.

" I really don't understand."

I didn't know what the author was aiming for, but he was definitely trying to do something here in Clone City.

Whatever it was, I felt like I myself had to hurry.

"Haka, are you busy right now?"

Originally, I'd planned to beat the leads one-on-one, but that plan now had to be shelved. Since the circumstances had changed, I had to change with them.

"Oh? Do you have a job for me?"

"Can you peel off that turtle's shell?"

It'd been three days since he'd started walking around disguised as Squatjaw.

Chinuavi was feeling a little bored.

To be honest, he was wondering what exactly was the point of all this.

Every other goblin was having fun in their own way, except for him.

He wasn't playing hide-and-seek, and he wasn't very good at hiding treasure or playing tag, anyway.

All this trouble stemmed from this strange mirror that'd been forced on him.

Chinuavi touched the mirror hidden in his sleeve for a moment.


It would've been alright if not for his big brother's command to just hide, but don't stay long in one place'.

What was the fun in that? Even if he tried to play with anybody who found him, Big Brother would show up at the last second, beat them up himself, and then run away again.

Was he being sacrificed for the sake of Big Brother Squatjaw's weird fetish? He was on the verge of believing that.

But anyway

"Today is the last!"

Chinuavi clenched his fists proudly.

His big brother had only asked for three days.

If he could do it for three days, he'd be done. He wouldn't have to hold on to this mirror anymore.

And the target to whom it should be handed over was also clearly defined.

Leo. That messy-haied boy.

As long as he encountered the boy, there'd be no need to hide anymore.

He could just give the mirror away. It was okay if he wanted to play or tease the kid a bit, but at the end of the day, he had to make sure that he delivered the mirror.

That was his big brother's instruction.

"When's he going to show up"

In fact, that was why he was strolling along the main street without even covering himself up with the silver screen. So that the guy could find himself easily.

That was then.

"Is it this guy?"

It seemed that the God of Mischief was playing a prank. The target appeared in front of him out of nowhere.

A smile appeared on Chinuavi's lips.

"Haha! Long time no see."

"Huh? Long time no see? Do you know me?"

"Ah well, I forgot that I was in disguise now."

Chinuavi gently released his disguise.

And then,

"Uh huh?"

Leo's eyes widened in surprise.

"Nice to meet you. Messy-haired kid. This is our first meeting since the qualification exam, isn't it?"

"Ah? That's right! You're one of the Squatjaw Adventurers! Are you also that, whatchacallit, goblin' or something?"

"Yes, thats right."

"Ooh! And, and also! I heard you did something special?"

"Haha, Ill take it as a compliment."

"Then, what about Squatjaw?"

"Him? You'll have to hear from him yourself."

"Hmm, that's right"

Then the boy who was nodding his head followed up with,

"By the way, do you have any treasures?"

He asked in a meaningful tone.

Chinuavi was feeling conflicted.

Should he just hand it over now, or play for a little bit?

Of course, they seemed convinced that he already had the treasure. Maybe the red-haired woman next to that boy named Leo was a guide.

Her gaze had been focused on his arms since she'd appeared.

However, just because you can see something doesn't mean you can take it.

Chinuavi decided to have some fun first.

"I have it, but I cant give it to you."

"Yeah, right? I didnt expect that either."

"So I'll give you a chance to take it. As long as you win a bet with me, I'll give it to you right away."

"Bet? Like what?"

"Anything is fine. How about something you're confident at?"


"Okay, then its a fight!"

Then the boy quickly took a pose.


Chinuavi was not amused.

"How's that different from taking it by force? That's not how a bet works, right?"

"Then what!?"

"Its fine if its just something simple. For example"

That was then.

"Wait a second!"

A voice suddenly broke in.

And the who spoke had a very familiar appearance.

"Big Brother?"

"What, another Squatjaw?"

The newcomer approached slowly.


"Do you still have it?"

He whispered in Chinuavi's ear.

"Yeah, still got it. Should I hand it over now?"


Then he smiled as if he was happy.

And then,

"Change of plans."

He kept whispering.

"We'll take this to the end."

"Ah? What do you mean, so suddenly"


"I saw him in person, that Assassin King guy. He's incredible. To deal with Karl Zayed, that guy, and the rest of the real contenders, I have to level up a bit first. But looking at the way things are going right now even if you hand over the treasure to this guy, it doesn't look like things are going end smoothly."

He was muttering something Chinuavi couldn't understand.

"If I stay still, I'm afraid I'll be buried in this city before I can level up"

"Wait, what the hell do you"

"Alright, it's decided. I'll carry it from now on."

And go straight north.

Editor's Notes:

None for this chapter.

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