Surviving as a Genius on Borrowed Time

Chapter 18

Chapter 18 – Fist Techniques (1)

Thanks to Cheong Myeong and Baek Mir-yeo’s consideration, the two members in white uniforms were able to head straight to their quarters.

Their discretion was widely trusted in the Desolate Fortress, recognized by everyone alongside their formidable martial prowess.

In such moments, the atmosphere was distinctly different from the military.

“It feels like I won’t have the energy to leave once I’m in. We’ll have to visit Anyang’s Best Tavern some other time.” joked Hyeon Won-chang.

“I should just relax and head to bed myself.”

“You must be planning to train for an hour or so. Truly impressive, Master Jeong.” he remarked, without even showing the slightest hint of being tired. It had become a normal reaction for him.

As they journeyed together, Won-chang increasingly saw Yeon-shin as someone from another world, like a figure from a fantastical realm rather than just a distinguished family member.

To him, Yeon-shin’s strength was beneficial as a fellow trainee and comrade. He saw value in learning from Yeon-shin’s seemingly trivial words and actions.

“Rest well.”

With a small smile, Yeon-shin left the hall.

As he headed towards the Small Training Hall, several seniors he passed greeted him warmly. A few even flinched upon receiving his salute, particularly those with keen senses, as they seemed to perceive the changes in his qi after his recent missions.

“He’s changed remarkably.”

“Just looking at his qi, he’s almost unrecognizable. It’s incredible how quickly boys grow at his age.”

“This is completely different. The phrase ‘daily renewed’ seems to apply only to him.”

“It won’t be easy for us from now on, will it?”

No one dared to refute the Blue Uniformed Warrior’s last statement. The silent acknowledgment was mutual. A boy capable of challenging a Blue Master at the Desolate Fortress was an anomaly in itself.

Yeon-shin mostly ignored his seniors’ comments. His sense of time differed from theirs. If he wanted to survive, he needed to reach heights unseen before he turned twenty.

From white to blue, and even black like Ma Jin and the unseen purple. The Lord of the Desolate Fortress was someone who covered seventeen levels of martial prowess. There was no room for relaxation.


Before he knew it, he had arrived at the Small Training Hall. The labyrinthine halls of the Desolate Fortress greeted him warmly as always.

He avoided rooms that emanated auras, entering an empty training room. Reflecting on the past year, Yeon-shin realized how much had changed. Now sixteen years old, in a civilian life, this was the age when boys would typically marry and start a family. Yeon-shin would have likely followed the same path.

However, the Jeong Family differed from typical martial families, not considering it a big deal if their children’s marriages were delayed. As a minor martial family and large landowner, their customs were more aligned with the commoners.

‘Who would I have married?’

A pointless thought. He cleared his mind using the Jeong Family Dynamic Training to dispel any idle thoughts.

He began moving slowly.

As he released his qi, the Demon’s Light quickly emerged, creating various trajectories based on different scenarios. This included the techniques of hand arts and leg arts.

Swish! Whoosh!

A close-range strike. After a wide swing with his leg, he planted his foot and delivered a direct punch. The force of his intention caused the air to tremble.

He could vividly recall Ma Jin’s teachings from the battle with the Blood Flame Sect.

Having mastered the Jeong Family Dynamic Training, Yeon-shin had forged an exceptionally strong physique. Close combat was different from sword techniques, emphasizing his unique strengths in fighting.

‘I want to perfect the hand and leg arts.’

As time passed, using his boyish appearance as a diversion would become increasingly difficult. He couldn’t rely on his opponent’s complacency forever. He needed to hone every weapon at his disposal to its sharpest edge.

‘Is there anything that could inspire me?’

Yeon-shin, still in a punching stance, pondered this when a sky-blue radiance caught his eye.

In Ma Jin’s quarters.

“What was the temperament of Lightning Flashwhen standing on the brink of life and death? How did he treat his comrades?”

Myeong and Mir-yeo, having returned from their mission, were conversing with Ma Jin.

“On the brink of life and death?”

Myeong, looking dazed, asked again, while Mir-yeo remained silent. Was there such a moment?

Ma Jin’s expression turned curious.

“Didn’t you mention there was a Blood Master? You said a branch-level force was active. Did you two handle it to protect the white uniforms? Written reports have their limits. Explain in detail.”


Thinking back, the task given to the two Blue Masters wasn’t singular. The instruction to observe the Lightning Flash’s temperament seemed more important than the original mission.

Baek Mir-yeo understood why Ma Jin was pressing so urgently. If he wasn’t considering the Lightning Flash as his successor, such inquiries wouldn’t make sense.

But it was unfortunate, for there was nothing to report.

“…The Blood Flame Sect branch was destroyed without much opportunity to observe. Lightning Flash did it alone. The only thing I can say is that he maintained his manners despite the arduous journey. His exceptional martial arts prowess didn’t seem to be his primary concern.”


Ma Jin fell into silent contemplation. The shock of Lightning Flash single-handedly annihilating the Blood Flame Sect branch was immense.

It was a level where even the high-ranking members of the Nine Great Sects or the Eight Great Families would struggle.

“Cheong Myeong.”

Ma Jin’s gaze turned to the sole member of the elven race.

There was a famous tale about the keen perception of the elven race.

The ‘predecessor’s predecessor’ Empress Dowager Cixi had identified and punished a few treasonous ministers after the founding of the country.

She was said to have matched the current emperor, who alone had managed to deal with the 108 Arhat Formation of the Shaolin.

Known for her unparalleled martial arts, she cast a significant presence over the imperial family for over a century.

Even common folk knew her story.

The elven race had different sensory perceptions compared to humans. The final test at the Desolate Fortress involved a private meeting with the Lord of the Desolate Fortress for a reason.

Ma Jin wanted to confirm something more profound: whether Yeon-shin had the qualities to lead.

“He is impressive for his age. Despite the thick killing intent, he knows how to control it. He has an extraordinary disposition.”

Cheong Myeong smiled lightly.

“Killing intent, you say?”

“It seems natural, doesn’t it? He didn’t speak a word about his origins during the journey. His manners indicate he is well-educated.”

“I agree. It appears both new recruits have severed ties with their families.”

“I see. It’s not unexpected, but…”

Ma Jin tapped the table with his fingers before slowly nodding.

“Before succession, it’s crucial to take care of our own. We have time. It’s intriguing to see how much unexpected merit they’ll accumulate. They’ll be rewarding to nurture.”

“I think so too.”

“I wonder when he’ll don the Blue Uniform. It doesn’t seem far off.”

Their conversation was more like casual chat than a formal report. The night slowly settled over Ma Jin’s quarters.

The next morning.

“Lightning Flash, the Captain has summoned you.”

A senior in a white uniform from the Demon Wings called out to Yeon-shin. His tone had changed from before.

It felt much more cautious. The news of the recent mission had spread, changing the way others viewed him.

He could no longer be treated merely as a promising junior.

Whenever he was in the Grand Training Hall, he often heard remarks like, “He killed a Blood Master…” even three days after his return.

Out of the thirty-six members of the Demon Wings, ten wore white uniforms. To handle a branch of the Blood Flame Sect alone at that level was rare.

Rumors even suggested he might become the youngest Blue-Uniformed Warrior in the shortest time.

“Yes, I’ll head up.”

Yeon-shin politely bowed.

He resolved to maintain proper conduct whenever he heard praise about himself. He did not believe that an absolute master without popular support could become the leader of the Divine Sword Squad.

Perhaps because of this, the way people viewed him was improving day by day. He even felt a warmth that was noticeable.

‘Is it a new mission?’

While the Desolate Fortress guaranteed a month’s rest for warriors returning from an expedition, he did not take that promise at face value.

Who could predict what might happen in the martial world?

“Come in.”

As soon as he reached the end of the hall, Ma Jin’s deep voice resonated.

He seemed to sense Yeon-shin’s presence immediately, despite the young warrior practicing the wind and leaf footwork to blend into the surroundings.

Impressed, he opened the door and entered the room. He paused slightly.

Ma Jin’s face was unusually serious. The scar crossing his face looked as if it had hardened permanently.

“Is there an urgent mission? Something important?”

“Although you have shown unprecedented achievements, you are not yet at a level where you would be given significant tasks by the Demon Wings. Expectations are high, though.”

Ma Jin’s scar twitched. It seemed he was trying to smile approvingly in his way.

“It’s not a mission. However, it’s more important than any ordinary task. The Lord of the Desolate Fortress has requested your presence.”

“The Lord of the Desolate Fortress…?”

The image of the absolute ruler with green eyes flashed in his mind. He could not judge the lord’s depth.

“Is it common for the Lord to summon a white-uniformed warrior after an interview?”

“It’s unprecedented, which is why I’m uneasy. Her intentions are impossible to fathom.”

Ma Jin gestured with a solemn expression.

“Nevertheless, we cannot delay. Let’s go.”

Following Ma Jin, Yeon-shin hurried out of the Demon Wings’ quarters.

The path to the Lord of the Desolate Fortress’s residence was quite a distance.

Even though he walked quickly to match Ma Jin’s pace, it took the time of a leisurely tea to get there.

Throughout the walk, all eyes were on Yeon-shin.

Perhaps due to the noticeable scar on Ma Jin’s face or the fact that the formidable Demon Wings leader was accompanying him.

Everyone recognized Ma Jin, who was known for creating hellish scenes on every battlefield he passed.

Simultaneously, their attention was also on the boy walking a step behind him.

“That’s the Lightning Flash of the Demon Wings.”

“The one who killed a Blood Master…?”

“He looks even younger than I expected.”

The sight of a boy in a white uniform was unique to the Desolate Fortress. It was said that Yeon-shin was the only one.

It was still strange for Yeon-shin to be recognized by strangers.

He maintained a nonchalant expression and silently followed Ma Jin.

Soon, they arrived at the main residence, where he had undergone the final test of the Desolate Exam.

“Let’s go.”

Ma Jin entered without hesitation, and the guards did not stop them.

Perhaps it was due to the commanding presence of the black-uniformed Ma Jin or their trust in the Lord’s authority.

The two climbed the long stairs to the Lord’s chamber.

Simultaneously, the doors opened wide on their own.

A refreshing breeze caressed Yeon-shin’s cheek. The first sight that greeted him was, as always, her.

The Lord of the Desolate Fortress sat diagonally on the trunk of a tree, which snaked through the office like a giant serpent.

Her deep green eyes, which seemed to contain all the wonders of the world, glanced at Ma Jin before settling on Yeon-shin.

Her hands, white and smooth as if untouched by the world, lifted slightly.

“Come here.”

“We greet the Lord.”

Following Ma Jin’s formal salute, Yeon-shin bowed as well and then noticed the others present.

Two people. The first to catch his eye was an elderly man.

With sharp eyes and a large build, his immaculate white beard reached his chest.

His sturdy body was clad in a unique purple robe with a high collar standing stiffly.

The robe matched his firm and sharp impression perfectly.

‘A purple-robed master who surpasses even the Captain.’

The elder’s aura was so intense that it would have stood out if the Lord of the Desolate Fortress were not present.

Next to him stood a boy with an arrogant yet handsome appearance.

The boy’s black and white eyes stared at Yeon-shin challengingly.

“You must be the Lightning Flash of the Demon Wings. I am Ma Yeon-jeok, the one who once led the Divine Sword Squad.”

The purple-robed elder spoke with an impressive voice.

It felt as though he would refer to himself as the supreme being if the Lord were not present.

“I requested this meeting because my grandson wanted to see a peer of his age who is a master. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Ignoring Ma Yeon-jeok’s words, Yeon-shin’s gaze shifted to the other side.

The Lord of the Desolate Fortress, saying nothing, slightly raised the corners of her mouth as if to say, ‘Do as you wish.’

– If you desire, I will endorse it.

It wasn’t a transmission of qi. There was no flow of energy. It was a voice that resonated fundamentally in his mind, akin to the Wisdom Heart Sutra used by the supreme monks of Shaolin.

‘Why is she being so kind to me?’

Yeon-shin pondered this as he looked at his maternal grandfather.


Empress Dowager Cixi was a Manchu noblewoman of the Yehe Nara clan who effectively controlled the Chinese government in the late Qing dynasty as empress dowager and regent for almost 50 years.

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