Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 199 Master Key (4)

Chapter 199 Master Key (4)

Master Key (4)

Master Key (4)

The Stone of Resurrection is on the 9th floor.

Finding the Stone of Resurrection with just this clue is practically impossible.

Crescent Moon probably knows this.

He’s also a player who played this hardcore game.

But could it be that even this is like a godsend to him?

“Wh, why…”

Crescent Moon asks me, pushing aside his joy.

“Why are you being so kind to me?”

He seems genuinely curious, but…

…there’s only one thing I can say as ‘Lion’.

“Because it seems like it would be fun.”

Crescent Moon clenches his mouth shut for a moment, as if pondering the meaning of my words, and then he trembles.

“You… you’re a truly frightening person.”

Huh? Suddenly?

I just stare at him with my chin on my hand since I don’t understand what he means.

Did he realize he made a mistake?

“…Please forget what I just said. I shouldn’t have said that. It doesn’t matter to me what kind of person you are. I would even offer my soul if it means I can obtain that item.”

Crescent Moon mutters with self-deprecation after declaring his resolve.

“Well, you probably already know about my situation.”

It’s a statement I can’t understand at all.

No, how would I know?

‘Why does he misunderstand like that?’

I try to recall the events at the Round Table, but I can’t figure out the reason, so I just stay silent again.

As always, that’s the safest option.

“As expected… you really knew.”

I don’t bother denying it.

It would be a bit ridiculous to say I don’t know in this situation.

I just change the topic as if I’m not interested.

“It’s my turn now.”

Everyone’s attention turns to me as I speak.

It seems like they’re expecting me to say something. I feel a strange sense of awkwardness and share one of the pieces of information I prepared.

It’s information that’s interesting to hear, like the ‘Demonic Halfling’ one, but useless in practice. And it’s not even as impactful as the ‘Stone of Resurrection’.

“Pfft, I knew about this one.”

The Clown looks at me with a disappointed expression, even though the jewel on the round table emits a green light.

Of course, it’s not something I should be concerned about.

In the first place, even the Clown seems to think it’s his fault for not bringing anything interesting, rather than blaming me.

“If it’s okay with everyone, I’d like to continue. What do you guys think?”

The meeting continues after the first round, as if they have a lot prepared since we skipped a month.

I consistently share similar types of information and pass my turn, and soon the third round begins.

“I, I’ll be leaving after this turn.”

Goblin, who was the first, barely manages to pass his turn after receiving four red lights, and then finally raises the white flag.

But could it be that everyone else is also running out of material, although not as badly as Goblin?

“Hmm, then I’ll stop here too.”

Fox also declares her withdrawal, and it’s naturally decided that the meeting will end after this round.

I’m not particularly disappointed.

‘I think I’ve heard everything worth hearing.’

Although I had no idea how the situation would unfold after the conflict between Noark and the royal family, I’m starting to get a sense of it.

It’s the opposite of the rumors circulating in the city.

‘As expected, the royal family has the upper hand.’

Although they suffered heavy losses from the subjugation’s failure, the underground city is in a similar situation. Judging by what they’re saying, Noark’s lockdown seems like a last resort.

‘And since they’ve created unforgeable identification tags, I don’t have to change my plans too much. There doesn’t seem to be any immediate danger.’

I subtly glance at the round table.

The jewel is emitting a green light at the information Crescent Moon just shared about Orculus.

“…Now only Mr. Lion is left.”

Everyone’s attention naturally focuses on me.

Their eyes are sparkling.

‘Geez, this is pressuring.’

I tap my fingers on the armrest, contemplating.

What should I do for the finale?

I already have something in mind, but maybe there’s something more fitting for the current atmosphere.

Indeed, something suitable comes to mind.


I stop tapping my fingers and smile.

It’s not one of the pieces of information I prepared beforehand…


“Ye, yes?”

Goblin stammers, startled by my sudden question.

I look at him and say,

“Come to think of it, you said something earlier. That ‘that old man’ might be a more skilled mage than the GM who created this community.”

“Ah, ah! Ye, yes, I did, but…”

Goblin trails off as if he doesn’t understand my intentions, while Fox brightens up.

“Don’t tell me, it’s information about the Master?”

Although she’s better than Goblin, who seems clueless…


I completely ignore Fox and speak to Goblin.

As if to say that they’re fundamentally mistaken about something, even though I let it slide earlier.

“This community wasn’t created by the GM. To be precise, it’s closer to him modifying an existing space into its current form.”

I parrot the information I heard from Lee Baekho.

And at the same time, everyone’s gaze turns to one spot.

The jewel embedded in the center of the round table.

“…It’s green.”

I’m not surprised since it’s the expected result.

Although I didn’t check it myself…

…I don’t doubt this information at all.

“…I can’t believe it wasn’t created by the GM.”

“Pfft, this is news to me too.”

“Then who created this place?”

The members, who were pouring out questions, all shut their mouths at the same time as if they had made a promise.

And their gazes turn to one spot.

The only one here who can answer that question.

‘Okay, I think the aggro worked well.’

I speak amidst the heightened silence.

In a voice that betrays no expectations.

Without a single emotion.

“I hope it will be more interesting next time.”

I say that.

So that they’ll bring something more useful next time.


“…He’s gone.”

A heavy silence hangs in the air in the Round Table room where Lion left.

The reason was simple.

His last words.

To be precise, the emotion behind those words.

“…Is he angry at us?”

The Clown scoffs at Fox’s muttering.

“Pfft, Miss Fox, you overestimate us. Do you think we’re even worth him getting angry at?”


Fox shuts her mouth, unable to refute.

She remembers what the Master said earlier.

[Wouldn’t you have nothing to gain from participating here, at your level?]

A secret gathering that ordinary players wouldn’t even know about. Fox had been using the information she obtained here to her advantage.

So it was hard for her to accept it at first.

But after hearing even the Master’s words, there’s no point in denying it.

This place holds no merit for Lion.

‘No, it’s not that there’s nothing…’

Fox can’t help but smile bitterly.

[I hope it will be more interesting next time.]


Something that would alleviate his boredom, even a little.

In short, entertainment.

That’s the only thing Lion wants from this gathering.

But what have we been doing so far?

We couldn’t even do that properly.

And we’re just expecting him to tell us everything…

“…We must have seemed pathetic.”

“That’s right. He’s a different kind of person from the Master. Although they’re a bit similar.”

Fox tilts her head at Antler’s words.

“…Similar? In what way?”

Crescent Moon answers,

“At least since he came here, we haven’t felt the Master’s absence.”

She’s starting to understand what he means.

The Master was that special of an existence at the Round Table.

He was the one who gathered the current members, and he was the one who taught them valuable information and knowledge that no one else knew.

“The difference is that Mr. Lion isn’t the type to volunteer like the Master. Pfft.”


“What, am I wrong? Or do you really think the Master created this place to obtain information?”

Fox doesn’t refute.

No, she can’t.

Everything the Clown said is true.

The Master always knew everything.

And he shared it generously.

Like a teacher in a classroom full of students.

“Pfft, in the first place, that’s why Miss Fox follows the Master so devotedly.”

Fox doesn’t deny it this time either.

“…You’re right. If I didn’t think he was volunteering, I wouldn’t consider him as a benefactor.”

This gathering has been maintained thanks to the Master.

Just look at what happened recently.

There were only four regular members before Lion came. The members’ participation rate decreased significantly after the Master disappeared.

The other members would only occasionally enter the chat room to check if the Master had returned and then leave.

‘I guess the others will also participate regularly if they know someone like this joined. Just like Mr. Goblin.’

She feels a strange sensation.

But Fox pushes aside her emotions and focuses on the conversation the other members are having.

The topic is the Master, who reappeared after a year.

No, to be precise, it’s about Lion, who seems to be acquainted with the Master.

“Mr. Lion must be someone we’ve at least heard of. If the Master calls him ‘amazing’, he must be one of the best.”

“Well, he even treated the infamous ‘Corpse Collector’ like a child.”

“Child… Yes, he did say that. Pfft.”

It’s time for deduction again.

“His last piece of information is also meaningful. That the GM didn’t create this community… How could he even know that?”

“Well, maybe he knows the GM.”

“…You mean the GM who’s shrouded in rumors?”

“That might be the case for us, but he’s the one who calls the Master ‘old man’. There must be a world we don’t know about.”

“I see…”

The Clown asks Goblin, who seems genuinely impressed,

“But why are you acting like this today? Last time, you treated everything he said as an exaggeration.”

“…I didn’t know much about him back then.”

“Pfft, so your two eyes weren’t just for show?”

Goblin avoids the Clown’s gaze and coughs awkwardly.

That’s when Antler speaks.

“More importantly, am I the only one who felt it?”

“What do you mean?”

“I felt intent when the Master left.”

“Ah, if you’re talking about that, I felt it too.”

“Wait a minute, both of you. Intent? Are you saying he used ‘Whisper’?”

Fox is genuinely surprised.

‘Whisper’ refers to an ability that can only be used in this spiritual space, a kind of telepathy.

The principle is similar to killing intent.

It’s conveying your thoughts to the other person in the form of language.

“But the Master said even he has trouble using that…”

“Huhu, Miss Fox, why are you surprised again? Did you think Mr. Lion wouldn’t be able to do that?”


Although it’s an annoying tone…

…I have nothing to say.

Come to think of it, it’s not that surprising, as the Clown said. He’s a man who unleashed that much killing intent from our first encounter.

It would be strange if he couldn’t use ‘Whisper’.

“Anyway, so you’re saying that the Master and Mr. Lion had a conversation before he left?”

“Yes. They must have had something to talk about in secret.”

“And even Mr. Clown doesn’t know what they talked about?”

“Of course not. Both the Master and Mr. Lion are practically monsters!”

Fox clicks her tongue, unable to hide her disappointment.

If she could just know the content of their conversation, it might have been a clue to the Master’s situation…

“Kick, but it’s not like there were no gains.”

“Yes? Gains?”

Fox comes to her senses at the Clown’s words.

The Clown chuckles, pleased with her attentive posture.

“I, I didn’t feel anything at all.”

“Please, can you elaborate a bit more?”

“Mr. Lion’s intent! I couldn’t feel anything, even though he was clearly focusing it. Unlike the Master, whose intent I could at least faintly sense.”

Fox, who has some knowledge about ‘Whisper’, freezes.

It’s only natural.

Although he spoke in his usual playful tone, the content itself wasn’t lighthearted at all.

“Wait a minute. You’re saying…”

The Clown reveals the ‘gain’ he obtained today on behalf of Fox, who can’t even finish her sentence.

“Yes. Maybe Mr. Lion is an even bigger monster than the Master.”

Everyone is speechless at the shocking guess.

Silence falls.


That’s when Goblin cautiously speaks.

“Maybe the Master just spoke to him? Then it would explain why Mr. Clown couldn’t feel his intent… Ah, no, why are you all looking at me like that? I was just saying. Just saying. I didn’t really mean it!”

The silence continues for a while.

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