Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 212 Sacrificial Pawn (1)

Chapter 212 Sacrificial Pawn (1)

Sacrificial Pawn (1)

Sacrificial Pawn (1)

A man shouted amidst the silence.

“We, we can’t all go together? What do you mean?!”

His voice was filled with the anxiety of being abandoned in this golden opportunity.

“I’ll explain.”

Versil, the vice-leader, continued calmly.

“Our scout said that explorers from Noark are stationed at all the passages leading to the dark zone. They’ve blocked it off so that no one can enter or leave.”

It means a much larger force is stationed ahead, compared to what we’ve encountered so far.

Another man shouted,

“…So you’re saying there will be sacrifices if we want to break through from now on!”

The true meaning of her words, ‘we can’t all go together’.

I also interpreted it the same way.


“It might be similar in some aspects.”

…the moment I heard that slightly bitter and meaningful mutter…


…my heart started to pound uneasily.

Versil continued without pause, skipping any unnecessary excuses and getting straight to the point.

“We’re going to use the Mass Teleportation spell.”

Mass Teleport.

A high-level special magic spell that only mages above 4th grade from certain schools can use.

Now I understood.

Why she said we couldn’t all go together.


A deeper silence than when I first heard those words weighed down on us.

“Bjo, Bjorn? If we use the teleportation spell, we can get through without fighting, right? But why are everyone’s expressions…”

The reason is simple.

“…The Mass Teleportation spell can only be used on up to twenty people.”

As Raven, a current mage, said…

…Mass Teleport can only be used on up to 20 people, but there are currently 35 of us.

In other words…

‘15 people.’

…three teams will be abandoned.

Right before reaching the safe zone in the center.

“Wh, why did you even tell us to join forces if you were going to abandon us at the end?!”

Someone shouted in anger.

But Versil just apologized briefly without changing her expression.

“I’m sorry about that. We didn’t expect this either.”

Her voice was gentle but firm.

I sighed silently.

Persuasion was meaningless against this type of person.

She probably wouldn’t change her mind no matter what I said.

“So how are you going to choose the 15 people who will be abandoned?”

Versil looked at me with a strange expression as I asked.

It seemed like she found it strange that I was so calm in this situation.

“We’ll draw lots for each team.”

“Everyone except for your team?”

“No. One more team will be excluded.”

Versil then looked in one direction.

It was where the team that had been fighting alongside them, clearing the path right behind them, was located.

“I apologize. It seems like she has a long-standing relationship with Vice-leader Versil.”

The leader of that team didn’t seem surprised and just expressed his regret to us, as if he already knew.

Right, so it was pre-arranged.

It wasn’t strange. They were also a team from a large clan.


‘Damn it.’

A headache throbbed in my temples.

Now there were only two tickets left for teleportation.

And three tickets for being left behind.

The probability of being abandoned here was higher if we drew lots.

But could it be that they realized that?

“Please take us with you.”

The expressions of the remaining teams all changed.


“I’ll give you 5 million… no, 10 million stones per person.”

Someone offered money.

“We’re a team under the Blue Wall Clan. If you take us with you, our Master will definitely reward you greatly…”

Someone promised future benefits through their connections.

“We, we don’t have a clan yet. And we’re all women. We’re currently operating on the 5th floor, but we used to be on the 6th. I heard the Lalel Clan is also recruiting members because they’ve lost some strength recently…”

Someone offered themselves as a bargaining chip.

No one volunteered to draw lots.

It was only natural.

No one would want to leave their only life to chance.


The bear-like man called out to me in a heavy voice.

He must be thinking that we should do something too.

But I decided to wait and see.

I judged that it wouldn’t be too late to offer something after seeing what kind of decision Versil Gowland made.

“I apologize. But I don’t think it’s right to do it that way.”

“Th, that means…!”

“Yes. The rest of you will be decided fairly through a lottery. I hope you understand my decision.”

Versil, having made an exception for just one team she had promised beforehand, stuck to her principles.

“Versil Gowland, the vice-leader of the Lalel Clan. She’s exactly as I heard.”

Raven muttered in admiration of her integrity, but I couldn’t relate.

‘She just didn’t receive any tempting offers.’

If she were truly fair, she wouldn’t have excluded that other team in the first place. Especially when she knew what kind of situation the remaining teams would be in.

‘Anyway, we have to decide by lottery…’

I don’t know if it’s a good thing.

I’ve never won a lottery in my life.

“Then let’s begin right away since we don’t have much time.”

Versil then prepared for the lottery by creating a pouch with five stones inside.

The rules were simple.

Two white stones were winners.

If you drew one of the three black stones, you were abandoned here.

“Which team wants to go first?”

“I will.”

The team that offered 10 million stones per person was the first to step forward.

“My fate is left to a damn stone…”

The dwarf warrior, clad in fancy equipment, nervously put his hand into the pouch.


“Ha, hahaha… I got it!!”

…he succeeded on his first try.

The dwarf’s team was filled with joy, while the expressions of the other teams darkened.

“Come over here. Then who’s next?”

No one stepped forward in the midst of the mixed emotions.

There was only one winning ticket left.

And three tickets to hell.

“Mr. Yandel, we have to wait. The probability of drawing a white stone is higher if we wait.”

25% chance of winning.

75% chance of losing.

But as always, probability was meaningless.

“Phew, we’ll go first.”

One of the teams that were awkwardly watching stepped forward.

It was a team composed entirely of women.


They drew the last white stone.


Damn it.


“Then it’s all over.”

The fate of five teams was decided with just two draws. The remaining three teams didn’t even have a chance to leave their fate to chance.


What was I doing while that female team was drawing the white stone?

I was contemplating whether to have Misha, Ainar, or Raven draw.

I didn’t expect it to end in just two draws.

‘Is this even possible?’

Just as that thought crossed my mind, Versil turned the pouch inside out and scattered the three black stones on the ground.

As if to prove that there was no foul play.

“Then everyone gather here. I’ll cast the spell as soon as we’re ready.”

The chosen ones quickly gathered at Versil’s words.

That’s when…

“Wa, wait!”

One of the three teams that were mentally broken.

Lantern Jaw, the leader of Erwen’s team, hurriedly approached them.

“Pl, please take us with you! I’ll do anything!”

A pathetic plea.

But she wasn’t the type to be swayed by something like that.

“There’s no more room.”

Lantern Jaw turned to the others at Versil’s emotionless words.

“I’ll give you 10 million stones! No, 20 million stones if you give me your spot!”

To buy a spot with money…

He’s truly pathetic.

Judging by how he didn’t even mention his teammates, he just wanted to survive on his own.


Daria, who was on the same team, frowned as if he was a bug, but Lantern Jaw didn’t stop.

He even approached each person and asked if they would take the deal, but they all ignored him.

“Is, is there really no one?”

Would you do it if you were them?

It wasn’t just about the money, but if they sold their spot, they would be separated from their companions.

“Would you please step back if you’re done talking?”


Lantern Jaw dejectedly turned around and returned to his team at Versil’s brief words.

And so, the commotion ended.

The mage from Versil’s team was drawing a magic circle on the ground to cast Mass Teleport.


“We’ll talk later.”

I ignored Misha’s call and spoke to the vice-leader.

“Versil Gowland.”

“Yes. What is it?”

Her voice was polite but devoid of any other emotion.

No pity or curiosity.

Hmm, maybe she thought I would whine like Lantern Jaw.

I chuckled and asked,

“Why did you put us in the safest position, the center, when we were moving?”

Versil tilted her head.

But she didn’t seem particularly curious about why I was asking.

She just answered as I wanted.

“We drew lots. To be fair.”

Right, so everything she said was a lie.

I expected it, but the reason we were placed in the center wasn’t because of Lantern Jaw.

‘Okay, so she’s a sly bitch.’

Whether I like it or not, we’ll have to work with the three abandoned teams from now on. It became clearer how I should treat Lantern Jaw.

“Is that all you wanted to ask?”

“No, one more thing.”

“Go ahead.”

“You said they’re stationed at the passage, right? I want to hear more details. How are they positioned, and how strong are they?”

“…Don’t tell me, you’re planning to break through on your own?”

Did she think we would just die here?

“If necessary.”

In the first place, my destination was that place, even though I met them and comfortably traveled here.

So nothing changes.

“So, what’s your answer?”

Versil stared at me for a moment at my urging.

“…You’re truly as they say. Alright. Jenia?”

“Yes, Vice-leader.”

“Go and answer all his questions.”


Versil then sent the scout from her team to me, and I listened to her briefing on the surrounding area.

And after about 5 minutes…

“Jenia, come here.”

All preparations for the spell were complete, and Versil left after saying one last thing to us,

“I hope you won’t resent us.”

It meant that we had to make our own way from now on.

Well, it’s nothing new.


“…They’re really gone.”

The empty space felt even bigger after more than half of the people disappeared.

But I focused on one thing.

What do I have to do right now?

Dwelling on my feelings of emptiness wouldn’t be the right way to spend this precious time.

“Mr. Yandel, what are we going to do now?”

“Let me think for a moment.”

There were two options.

To break through the route that Versil gave up on and head towards the center, our original destination.

Or to turn back and find another way.

The latter wasn’t a bad option either.

‘We can survive if we just stay in the outer areas.’

The war is raging in the center.

And Noark’s strongest explorers are blocking the paths in the outermost areas.

But there would be relatively few people in the outer areas.

And the area is vast, so we could somehow endure if we just avoided them and hid.


‘We won’t know what’s going on.’

That’s the biggest disadvantage.

Every second is precious in this chaotic situation.

If we just hide, we won’t be able to get any information about what’s happening.

And besides…

‘The Floor Master appears on Day 3.’

We can’t defeat the 1st-floor Floor Master on our own.

If it’s summoned while we’re waiting, we’ll definitely be wiped out.

“I need to check our strength first.”


“Can everyone gather here?”

I put my decision on hold and gathered the other two teams who were in the same situation.

And I immediately got to the point.

“Tell me your explorer rank, the essences you’ve absorbed, and your specialties, one by one.”

“You’re saying to reveal everything?”

“Is that important in this situation? We have to join forces now.”

“You’re talking like you’re the leader.”

Lantern Jaw frowned at my suggestion.

Even he didn’t seem to like the fact that I was naturally speaking like a leader.

Geez, how annoying.

“Does it matter who the leader is? To be worried about something like that in this situation, you’re a real idiot.”

“…Wh, what? What the hell are you—”

“If you want, we can decide on a leader first. Should we vote?”

I naturally led the conversation towards voting.

Because Erwen was here.

If she, a member of another team, voted for me, I wouldn’t lose.

However, the situation took an unexpected turn.

“There’s no need to vote.”


“If we were to vote, our team would vote for you.”

It was the man who was the leader of the remaining team.

“With our team, it’s already 10 votes, so there’s no need to waste time.”

Hmm, so it’s like this?

Honestly, I’m a bit flustered.

But could it be that Lantern Jaw was also flustered? He helpfully asked the reason for me.

“…What do you mean? You’re saying you’ll make the barbarian the leader? Are you insane?”

“First of all, I’m not good at leading.”

“Then it should obviously be me—”

“If we had to choose between the two of you, he’s much more trustworthy.”

I think I understand their reasoning.

They judged that I was better than Lantern Jaw, who tried to save himself by abandoning his team.

But there was another reason.

“And most importantly, he was the only one who asked that woman for information when everyone else was in denial.”

…This is a bit embarrassing.

“What’s your name?”

“Takelan Arbenon.”

“I’m Bjorn, son of Yandel.”

After formally exchanging names with Takelan, I returned to the original topic.

“Anyway, it’s decided. Now tell me your explorer rank, the essences you’ve absorbed, and your specialties, one by one. So that we can decide what to do—”

“Wait, who said it’s decided?”

Ha, this bastard again.

“Do you have a problem?”

“Of course I—”

“Then get lost. Our two teams will move together.”

I cut him off and said firmly, not wanting to waste any more time.

“…Damn it.”

Lantern Jaw clenched his fists in frustration, but he didn’t leave.

Well, where would he go in this situation?

I chuckled and said to him,

“If you interrupt me or disobey my orders one more time, that’s it. Got it?”


“Answer me.”

“…Got it.”

Okay, then the hierarchy is established.

I then quickly finished what I was trying to do.

Who’s in what position and what essences they have.

‘Hmm, this is a bit ambiguous.’

Although I checked their approximate strength, my worries deepened.

I still wasn’t sure.

So I went through an additional confirmation process.

“Let’s at least introduce ourselves. We should be able to call each other’s names in an emergency.”

I made up an excuse and listened to each of their names.

Honestly, it would be difficult to remember them all…

‘But there’s no Hans.’

Fortunately, there was no Hans.

It was a positive sign.

It meant that the probability of success increased, regardless of what decision I made.

“What are we going to do now?”

14 pairs of eyes turned towards me at Raven’s question.

It’s time to make a decision.

I spoke, erasing my doubts about my choice.

“We’re heading towards the safe zone.”

“What are the chances of success?”

I just smiled wryly at Takelan’s question.

I had just witnessed how meaningless probability was, but…

One thing was certain.

Not everyone would survive even if we succeeded.

‘About half will probably die.’

We have to risk our lives to reach a place where some people were able to get to with just one spell.

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