Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 221 Like a Flame (1)

Chapter 221 Like a Flame (1)

Like a Flame (1)

Like a Flame (1)

One 3rd-grade explorer.

Nine 4th-grade explorers.

Fourteen regular knights capable of using Aura.


‘One 3rd-grade mage.’

These were the key members for this operation.

Well, considering the crisis we’re facing, even this number wasn't enough to be certain of anything…

‘But it’s practically a miracle that we were able to gather this many people.’

The core members had already escaped through Dimensional Gate.

It was only natural that we were lacking top-tier personnel.

After all, how many people would voluntarily stay behind like these people, refusing their survival tickets?

Realistically, this was probably all of them.

‘Not bad.’

I glanced to the side with that thought.

A 40-year-old Caucasian man with black hair, wearing a robe, was standing there.

He was the one I found most curious.

Kyle Pebrosk.

A 3rd-grade military mage from the royal family.

I was truly surprised when I learned about his rank.

It’s customary in this industry to treat a mage’s rank as +1.

Of course, it’s not out of respect for mages.

Raven was only 6th-grade, but she was doing the second most work on our team.

It’s more accurate to say that the criteria for ranking are different.

But a 3rd-grade mage?

‘A 2nd-grade explorer is practically a top-tier player.’

Honestly, I didn’t understand why the knight commander left this man here alone.

A 3rd-grade mage? Even if he screamed and protested, they should have taken him with them. He was a top-tier asset, someone whose loss would be greater than the loss of thousands of explorers to the royal family.

‘No, maybe that’s why the knight commander couldn’t take him by force?’

Hmm, that’s possible.

To the royal family, the death of this man would be a bigger loss than the death of thousands of explorers.

It’s plausible that the commander tried to take him, but failed.

‘It must be because of a grudge.’

I asked Kyle why he stayed behind right before we departed, and he answered coldly in a sharp voice.

[I can’t run away and leave him behind. It’s an opportunity that comes once in a blue moon.]

Unfortunately, he didn’t tell me who ‘him’ was.

But the atmosphere wasn’t right to pry further, and it was a good thing for me regardless of his motivation, so we immediately started our journey.

And time passed, and now…


…I’m running.

At the very forefront of hundreds of people.

Clank, clank.

The formation is simple.

We divided the thousand explorers into three groups, and they were following at a distance.

Although we distributed the forces evenly, most of the key members I mentioned earlier were in the first group.

There were no objections from the rear groups.

They understood too.

That if ‘he’ appeared, we would be the ones clearing the path amidst all the danger.


Only a solemn silence, broken only by the sound of running, continues.

Normally, I would have chatted with my companions to relieve the tension…

But it was impossible now.

Because my team members were in a different group.

Clank, clank.

Only warriors and knights, heavily armed like me, are behind me.

Our mission, including mine, is only one.

To open the path when the time comes.

It’s naturally the most dangerous position.

So I sent my companions to the back.

The situation was different from before.

It’s much safer in the back since there are many people.

[Anything strange back there?]

That’s when, as we’re running…

…I hear Kyle’s voice through the message stone on my waist.

It’s from Kyle, who’s about 70 meters behind me.

For reference, I placed all our team members near him.


I feel a bit awkward as I answer.

This type of communication is essential since we have to spread out and use the terrain effectively when moving in a large group…

…but I’ve never done it when we were in a team.

I wonder if I’ll get used to this once I form a clan.

[Okay, I’ll relay that to the back. Tell me immediately if something happens. It’s about to begin.]


I end the call and look straight ahead.

The fog that was thick a few days ago has completely disappeared, and there’s no sign of explorers from Noark.

Only traces of time, bloodstains, and corpses, fill the area.


‘It’s about time.’

My heart pounds uneasily as time passes.

It’s only natural.

It’s been over 30 minutes since the crystals on the cave walls started emitting a red light, signifying the appearance of the ninth Floor Master.

“This way.”

I suddenly turn right at a fork in the road.

And at the same time, a warrior behind me marks the wall.

It’s also the reason why I’m leading the way.

A vanguard with navigation skills is usually—


I clear my thoughts and stop everyone.

The crystal that was emitting a bright red light was losing its glow and turning black.

After about 3 seconds…

…the entire passage was plunged into darkness.


I light the torch I prepared beforehand and say,

“Everyone, brace yourselves.”

I suddenly remember a quote by Einstein.

He said he didn’t know what weapons would be used in World War III, but World War IV would be fought with sticks and stones.

Of course, it’s not a perfect analogy for my current situation.

But one thing is clear.


「Special condition - Nine Fears fulfilled.」

「The Lord of the Abyss, Verzak, starts to roam the floor.」

It’s time to return to the basics.

「Field effect - Abyssal Fog applied.」

「All usage effects are deactivated.」

「Mana efficiency reduced to 1/4.」

「Monsters exposed to the Abyssal Fog evolve into superior beings.」



I insert the torch into the slot on my helmet.

It’s the Barbarian Candle Mode.

Although it’s a mode I haven’t used in a long time, I’m not embarrassed.

Because all the other warriors are doing the same.

“Huhu, it’s been a while since I used a torch.”

“I agree.”

Our vision is restored as everyone inserts torches into their helmets. And the black fog surrounding us becomes clearer.

It’s similar to the darkness of the labyrinth that appears from the 2nd floor onwards.

Darkness that devours light.

‘Visibility is about 2 meters.’

It’s shorter than I thought.

Well, in the game, I always brought several Archmages with me when I fought Verzak.

I never had to face this kind of situation because I summoned him after preparing a perfect environment.

“I heard about it, but it’s more dangerous than I thought.”

Tension fills the air among the experienced warriors.

That’s how important vision is in battle.

For example, in the United States, 21 feet (6.4 meters) is recommended as the ideal distance for confronting a criminal.

It’s difficult to react properly if the criminal is closer and charges with a knife.

For reference, that’s for ‘guns’.

They need that much distance to aim and pull the trigger at a ‘human’ charging at full speed.

But 2 meters…?

[We have to move quickly.]

I’m interrupted from my mental preparation as Kyle’s voice comes through the message stone.

“We were inserting torches. We’ll depart now.”

I inform the warriors and then move forward, covering my upper body with my shield.


Clank, clank.

…I gradually increase my pace.

It’s one of the reasons why the current situation is so difficult, and why I only included strong warriors and knights in the vanguard.

To have to run with a visibility of 2 meters.


I shout to shake off my fear and push off the ground.

We’ll never reach our destination if we just walk slowly.

Right, we already know it’s dangerous.

“Le, let’s go!!”

The warriors also gather their courage and follow as I run into the darkness first.

Well, they’ll be better off since I’m illuminating the path—


A beast roars and charges towards us from the darkness.

It’s much bigger than anything we’ve encountered on the 1st floor.

Well, it’s also because I’m not using [Gigantification] this time.


I smash the beast’s jaw with my shield.

And at the same time, the warrior to my right swings his double-edged axe at its neck.


The axe penetrates the flesh, but it gets caught on the bone.

I can’t help but feel a bitter taste in my mouth.

The dwarf who just swung that axe is a 4th-grade warrior. And he’s not even a guardian, but a melee damage dealer.

But he couldn’t kill it in one shot…


The beast charges towards us again, despite the deep wound on its neck.

I smash its head with my mace.


It probably didn’t die from this either.

I didn’t even use [Swing], my only attack skill.

Well, to be precise, I couldn’t use it.

「All usage effects are deactivated.」

Active skills are sealed in the ‘Abyssal Fog’.

Although I can still use the Corpse Golem’s [Acidic Fluid], I can’t use [Flesh Explosion].

That’s why I can’t use [Gigantification] right now.

‘It really feels like I’m back to the beginning.’

A strange sense of loss washes over me.

I remember the early days when I had nothing.

That’s probably the biggest reason why the other warriors are so afraid of the darkness beyond.

Because one of their greatest weapons is gone.


“What are you guys doing! Follow me!”

…the base stats from the essences are still there.

We can still use passives, and we have the equipment we worked hard to buy.

Well, we can’t use the equipment’s usage effects or scrolls…

…but permanent options like the 50% shock absorption from the Guardian Corps Insignia still apply.

“Leave the ones you can’t kill to the back!”

We ignore the beast and run into the darkness again. We’ll never reach our destination in time if we try to kill each and every one of them.


“Woof! Woof!”

Beasts appear in groups every few steps.

They’re about 1.5 times bigger than a lion.

But their appearance is the same as the Blade Wolves that commonly appear in the eastern district of the 1st floor.

Their strength is on a completely different level, though.

「Killed Abyssal Blade Wolf. EXP +5」

They’re 5th-grade monsters, the same level as trolls.

We have to break through them without active skills.

That’s why I focused on recruiting warriors.

Sorcerers, summoners, necromancers, and other classes that rely heavily on skills would be useless in this event.

On the other hand, warriors usually have high base stats.

“Aak, my arm…!”

“Priest, heal him quickly!”

But casualties start to appear as we break through.

Just like how my combat power has decreased significantly after losing [Gigantification], the other explorers aren’t used to their current selves.

Ah, and the Abyssal Blade Wolf’s skill also plays a part.

「Abyssal Blade Wolf has cast [Inner Madness].」

[Inner Madness], the active skill that Blade Wolves acquire after evolving in the Abyssal Fog.

The effect is simple.


The caster’s defense stats are all removed, and their offensive stats, like sharpness, destructive power, and penetration, are increased proportionally—


I hurriedly cover my face with my shield, clearing my thoughts.


I hear a grinding sound from beyond the shield as I block the claws.

But I’m more worried about my body than the repair costs.

4th-tier Moonstone is at this point?

‘Even I wouldn’t be able to endure this with my bare body.’

It’s only natural that casualties are appearing.

Their claws can tear through 2nd-tier metal like paper.

‘Phew, if an essence drops, I’ll absorb it right away.’

I didn’t find their essences appealing when I triggered this event in the late game.

But it’s different for me now.

First, their base stats are high for a 5th-grade monster…

…and the skill is decent.

With this skill, I can temporarily change my position from a tank to a damage dealer.

Well, it’s a skill I can’t use in the current situation.

‘But their base stats are really high.’

Any increase in stats would be a big help.

I can just remove the essence later at the temple.

1 million stones isn’t that expensive anymore.


I shout to boost morale.

And it’s not just me.

Everyone is shouting, calling out to what they believe in to overcome their fear.

“For Lafdonia!”

The loyal knights call out to the royal family that abandoned them.


Someone calls out their wife’s name.

“May the starlight guide me!”

Someone asks for help from their god.

After some time…

[It’s time to switch.]

…Kyle’s voice comes through the message stone, and the warriors and knights who were conserving their strength in the rear switch places with the vanguard.

“…Are you okay?”

The dwarf warrior who was fighting the hardest next to me asks with concern.

Honestly, I want to rest too.


“Someone has to navigate at the front.”

“You can just call another scout and have them do it.”

“Another scout…”

I can’t help but chuckle.

Most scouts have low combat power.

And he’s saying to call them here, where even heavily armed warriors and knights are getting their flesh torn and their organs spilled?

“Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

“…I’ll be back soon.”

Geez, he’s loyal after just fighting together for a while.

“I’ll be waiting.”

The dwarf warrior also retreats, and new people fill the spots behind and next to me.

They’re not unfamiliar.

We already introduced ourselves before departing.

“Elbertin, Davers, Karkin, good to see you. I’ll be counting on you.”

“Haha, you look like a mess already.”

“How about you rest in the back? We’ll open the path from now on.”

The warriors offer their consideration, looking at my tattered equipment and the blood that’s still flowing.

“I can still endure. I’ll tell you when I need a break.”


“That’s why so many people gathered around him.”

“Damn it, those bastards don’t even give us time to greet each other.”

We’re forced to resume our journey before we can even finish our brief conversation as a beast appears in front of us.

“Everyone, be careful, they’re different from ordinary Blade Wolves.”

“We know.”

“As if they weren’t already jumping out from side paths enough.”

“It was intense back there too. Many have already died.”



“They don’t have a priest there.”

Right, that’s how it is.

We placed all the priests on the front lines.

But that doesn’t mean it’s safer here.

There were casualties even in that battle.


‘The divine power will eventually run out.’

We had the injured retreat and use potions to conserve divine power.

But it’s also just a matter of time.

Then this place will turn into an even worse hell.


I shake my head.

Although I’m worried about my companions who are in the back, if something happened, they would have contacted me through the message stone.

‘Let’s focus on what I have to do.’

I dismiss my thoughts and put my weight into my shield.

I swing my mace when necessary.

Sometimes I shout, sometimes I lose my balance and fall, but I quickly get back up.

Thwack! Thwack! Slash! Kwaaang!

Beasts bleeding black blood, cut by maces, swords, or Aura unleashed by knights.

Their blood covers my body over and over again.

Time passes.

“Huff, huff.”

The warriors, who focused on physical stats, breathe heavily and groan.

It’s that kind of battle.

Even I, who prided myself on experiencing all sorts of chaos, am struggling to maintain my composure.

Is that why?

When I come to my senses, another warrior is standing next to me.

Since when?

“Davers, when did Elbertin go back?”


“Is he dead?”


…I see.

We were supposed to have a drink together later.


I keep moving forward, as if fueling myself by burning away even fleeting emotions.

And I give the priests orders to prioritize healing others, not me.

Potions are enough for me since I have Pain Resistance, and besides…


…honestly, I don’t even know anymore.

Is my judgment clouded because I’ve been fighting so much?

Or have my barbarian instincts awakened because I’m surrounded by warriors?

Because we’ve become acquainted?

Well, maybe it’s because I’ve seen too many deaths recently.

I was a sacrificial pawn to someone.

And I also treated others as sacrificial pawns.

It was a natural fact until a few days ago.

I didn’t feel any resentment or unfairness.

That was the world, and I chose to adapt.



…what is this feeling?

I wasn’t this kind of person.



…my heart is burning.

My head.

The warmth of the flowing blood.

The stickiness.


Right, it’s only natural for me to be insane.


I stop trying to find a reason.

I don’t know why, but something stirs inside me every time someone following me dies.

It’s a desire I’ve never felt before.


I want to…

Save my companions.

And the countless people following me.


I want to return alive.

「Character’s health is below 20%.」

「All resistance and defense stats are increased to their maximum due to the passive skill [Hero’s Path].」

Even if it means burning everything I have.

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