Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 234 New Age (4)

Chapter 234 New Age (4)

New Age (4)


A title that’s just above ordinary knights.

“What the…”

“A Viscount?!”

The nobles were shocked by the Prime Minister’s bombshell declaration.

It was understandable.

“This is unprecedented! To grant a hereditary title to a barbarian!”

A Viscount could pass down their title.

Not forever, but to their son and grandson.

In a way, it could be considered even better than an honorary baron, whose title only lasted for their lifetime.

‘I never expected to get a title when I wasn’t even aiming for the noble route.’

Honestly, I’m a bit dumbfounded.

In the game, you could become a noble by clearing quests related to dukes or higher and accumulating achievement points.

It was a route with as many disadvantages as advantages.

Although you were a noble, you were practically a vassal of the duke, so there were restrictions on gameplay.

But what about the restrictions in this case?

‘…But it’s the same for commoners and nobles, you can’t refuse if the King orders you to do something, so it’s practically nonexistent, right?’

Hmm, it seems like that’s the case…

That’s when the Prime Minister shouted,

“Everyone, be quiet!”


“It’s His Majesty’s order.”


The commotion, which I didn’t think would subside easily, died down at the single mention of the King’s order.

That was the weight of the King’s name in this country.

“I’ll inform you of the date of the title bestowal ceremony later.”

Anyway, that was the end of my reward.

The Prime Minister didn’t even ask if I would accept the title. He probably didn’t even consider that possibility.

Well, I wasn’t planning to refuse anyway.

This wasn’t just a game.

In other words, becoming a noble meant I could enjoy all sorts of conveniences, and it would also increase my gameplay options.

“Portyan Miliant of the Nartel Clan, please step forward!”

The process of announcing rewards based on the other explorers’ achievements continued for a while after my turn ended.

My companions also stepped forward one by one, and they all received decent rewards, although not as much as me.

To summarize:

Misha, Ainar, and the bear-like man could choose between a 10 million stone reward and a 5th-grade essence or equipment of similar value.

And Raven, the mage, requested the Prime Minister and received the qualification to learn royal magic instead of the usual reward.

Erwen received the biggest reward among my companions, a 4th-grade essence or an item of similar value.

It was because she was recognized as the second most deserving person in the battle against the Corpse Collector, and it also included compensation for Daria’s death.

Although she wasn’t present, it wasn’t a problem since the rewards would be given later.

“Mr. Yandel, so Erwen is still at the sanctuary?”

“I heard the funeral ended a while ago, but she must still be feeling complicated.”

“I see…”

Raven, who asked about Erwen’s well-being, trailed off. I asked if she had something to say to her, but she didn’t answer.

After some time…

“It’s a wonderful day. Everyone, please enjoy this occasion with the heroes of our new age!”

…the long reward ceremony ended, and the banquet began.


The banquet was held in two separate locations since there were so many people.

The grand hall where the reward ceremony took place, and the outdoor garden, which was now filled with all sorts of delicacies.

Most of the explorers chose to enjoy the banquet in the outdoor garden.

Because of the atmosphere.

The indoor hall was quiet and solemn, with elegant music playing.

Most of the nobles chose to stay there, so the explorers probably felt uncomfortable.

“Mr. Yandel, what are you going to do?”

“Of course we’re going outside.”

We also chose the outdoor garden.

“We could expand our connections if we stayed here.”

Since my viscount title was already confirmed, I didn’t need to be here today if connections were my goal.

I didn’t want this to be that kind of occasion.

“Yandel! Yandel is here!”

“What? Why are you here when you’re becoming a noble?”

“Hahaha! Yandel wouldn’t do that!”

The explorers greeted me enthusiastically as I appeared, perhaps feeling a sense of distance because of my upcoming noble title.

Phew, I’m glad I came.

No matter how I think about it, my connections with these guys feel more precious than the nobles.

“Everyone is looking at you, how about saying something? I’ve heard enough of it inside, but your words will sound different to them.”

Kyle, who came with me, spoke from the side.

Right, he’s saying to give a toast or something.

I contemplated for a moment, wondering what to say…

‘Let’s just be a barbarian.’

…but my contemplation didn’t last long.

Was there even a need to think about it?

I’ve already heard enough fancy words of praise.


“Everyone, you’ve worked hard!!”

…this would be enough today.

“Let’s eat, drink, and be merry!!”

It was a shout that ended in an instant.

The barbarians, who naturally didn’t like long speeches, responded with cheers.


And it was the same for the explorers.

“I can’t believe I’m drinking in the royal palace!”

“What’s there to worry about when we have Yandel, who’s becoming a Viscount? Let’s enjoy ourselves!”


The explorers also started to enjoy the banquet, letting go of their discomfort with the royal palace.

For reference, that also applied to us.

“Wow, Bjorn! Try this! I don’t know what kind of meat it is, but the bones are crunchy and delicious!”

“Uh, you’re not supposed to eat the bones…”

“Huh? Why?”

“Never mind. It’s fine if it tastes good…”

The greasy food had a different flavor from Misha’s home cooking.

The smooth alcohol.

And the countless comrades I could talk to about our past experiences.

‘This feels like an after-party.’

A joyful time, befitting a banquet, continued.

Although the atmosphere darkened whenever someone mentioned a dead companion, we all had a brief moment of silence and then returned to our cheerful mood.

That’s when, as the sun started to set…

“You guys seem to be having fun.”

…Melter, who was enjoying the banquet with the nobles inside, came out.

“Was it fun inside?”

“There’s no way. I barely endured it.”

“You’re having a hard time too.”

I could understand Melter’s position, having to enjoy the banquet with the nobles inside.

After all, he was leading a clan.

He wouldn’t have wanted to miss the opportunity to build connections with the nobles. He might need their help someday.

“Here, take a bottle.”

“A bottle…?”

“Why bother with glasses?”

“Haha, I should have come out sooner. But where are your companions?”

“Everyone except for Avman went somewhere else, saying it was boring.”

“Really? I thought that barbarian girl would be different.”

“Ah, she’s a lightweight.”

To be precise, she wasn’t a lightweight, but she kept chugging from the bottle and passed out after a while.

“Yandel, what are you doing? The bottle is empty. Don’t tell me you’re drunk?”

“There’s no way.”

I continued drinking with the warriors around me since Melter was here.

It’s one of the advantages of Bjorn Yandel’s body.

He can hold his liquor.

“Ugh, the smell of alcohol…”

Misha approached me as I was drinking like crazy, something I hadn’t done since waking up in this body.

“Ah, Misha, did you have fun?”

“Yeah. They had a performance, it was fun. It would have been nice if you came too…”

“There will be other opportunities. Where’s Raven?”

“She’s drunk and talking about difficult things with the other mages.”

Talking about difficult things while drunk? As expected, mages are beings to be avoided.

“I’m going to take a walk.”

I excused myself from Melter and took a walk in the garden with Misha.

Although it wasn’t as rowdy as the warriors’ drinking party, everyone was enjoying themselves.

I saw nobles here and there.

“Oh my, an army of thousands of corpses? I can’t even imagine.”

“That’s right. It must have been terrifying. You’re amazing.”

Just like how I was a popular star at the Count’s banquet before, nobles were approaching the explorers and expressing their interest.

Well, not all nobles were like the titled nobles who were stuck-up. The young, non-titled nobles were practically no different from middle-class commoners.

‘Huh? But why isn’t anyone coming to us?’

It was strange, but I soon understood.

How could they possibly approach us when there were dozens of burly warriors shouting?

“Bjorn, should we sit down and rest for a bit?”

“That would be good…”

Although I wasn’t that drunk, I was tired from walking for a long time since I hadn’t fully recovered from the last battle.

“…Why are you sitting on the ground? Why not next to me?”

“It seems like it will break.”

Misha sat on the bench, and I just plopped down on the grass.

And we spent time in silence.

Could it be because I drank so much?

The noise from the banquet sounded like background music, and various thoughts crossed my mind.

“Yandel! You’re Bjorn Yandel, the one who’s becoming a Viscount, right?”

A few nobles recognized me and approached us as we were enjoying the peaceful silence.

Viscount Yandel…

Are they already treating me like a noble?

I politely sent them away since I didn’t want to be interrupted.

But I couldn’t do that to everyone.

“Haha, you’re here?”

It was Count Perdehilt, a titled noble.

It would be troublesome if we became enemies, as it could affect future events…

And he was Dwarkey’s half-brother.

“…Baron Martoan.”

“I actually tried to see you a few times, but you seemed to be having fun, so I didn’t approach.”

Geez, what an excuse.

He probably just couldn’t bring himself to come through the warriors.

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“Haha, you’re welcome. You’re the main character of this banquet, after all.”

After exchanging formal greetings, I chatted with Baron Martoan for a while.

It was a surprisingly beneficial conversation.

He said that there was usually a lot of bullying when a commoner became a noble, but I would be different.


“Because it’s a title bestowed by His Majesty. He’s personally watching over you, so who would dare to touch you? Everyone will be desperate to get close to you.”

The King…

I always feel a sense of unease whenever the King is mentioned.

The chieftain’s words also came to mind.

‘Anyway, if what he’s saying is true…’

I looked at the butler next to Baron Martoan and greeted him.

“It’s been a while, butler.”

The butler’s face turned pale.

Well, it’s understandable for him to be scared.

The barbarian who smashed his head and crunched his bones had now gained fame and power.

“I, I apologize for my rudeness back then…”

The butler trembled and apologized as I looked at him with a smirk.

I wasn’t particularly happy.

‘Tsk, this feels like I’m bullying a weakling.’

Even a punching bag needs to have some impact for it to be fun to hit. I stopped messing with the butler and continued talking to Baron Martoan.

And Dwarkey naturally came up in the conversation.

“By the way, where’s my brother?”

Baron Martoan, as if wanting to get close to me, used the term ‘my brother’, which he didn’t even use back then.

Misha and I both froze.

‘Damn it, what?’

Is he kidding?

“Where’s he…?”

The butler’s face turned even paler as I barely managed to control my expression and asked.

I could glean one piece of information from this.

It seemed like he knew the situation.

And two…

“Sir, like I said before, Liol Wobu Dwarkey…”

…the Baron also knew.

He just forgot after hearing it once.

“Ah, right. My memory isn’t what it used to be now that I’m old. Haha.”

The Baron laughed awkwardly.

I felt nauseous, even though I had just chugged several bottles of alcohol without any problems.

Is that why?


When I came to my senses, Misha was holding my arm tightly with a worried expression. I patted the back of her hand to reassure her and then pulled my hand away.

I wasn’t the powerless person I used to be.

I had too many responsibilities now.


“Right, I understand, so don’t worry. People can have memory problems when they get old.”

“…Huh? Ah, well, I guess you could say that. Hahaha.”

I extended my hand and offered the Baron a handshake.

“I have somewhere to be, so I’ll be going now. It was nice meeting you.”

“Really? That’s a shame. See you later.”

Baron Martoan shook my hand, clicking his tongue in disappointment.

He asked one last question.

“Ah, but where are you going?”

I answered, dusting off my hand as if there was something on it,

“Ah, I suddenly feel like washing my hands.”

I have to wash off the dirt.


Baron Martoan wasn’t very perceptive.

“…Really? Anyway, I’ll call you later, so don’t refuse. You’ve become a noble now, so there are many things you need to learn.”

He let me go without any fuss.

Maybe the problem was me.

He probably couldn’t imagine a barbarian subtly mocking him like that.

‘It might be one of a barbarian’s few weaknesses.’

“You did well.”

Misha patted my head as if I was a good boy.

I got up and headed inside.

Although I could have just asked a passing mage to wash my hands…

…I also wanted to use the bathroom.

“Don’t you need me to come with you?”

“…Do you think I’m a child?”

I parted ways with Misha and went to the bathroom with the guide’s help. And as I was about to return to the banquet hall after using the bathroom…

…someone who recognized me called out.

“Oh, you’re here?”

It was Count Perdehilt, the host of the last banquet I attended. He said something strange when he gave me the winning prize, ‘No. 7777 Garpas’s Necklace’.

[I’ll call you separately when you’re more prepared.]

I hadn’t received a separate summons until today.

“You’re talking as if you were looking for me.”

“Because I was.”

“How about we go over there and have a drink? It won’t take long.”


I readily followed him inside since he was someone with much greater power than Baron Martoan.


The Count poured me a drink as soon as we sat down at the table, and I downed it in one gulp.

“My companions are waiting, so can I hear your business first?”

“Haha, of course.”

Fortunately, the Count didn’t seem offended and got straight to the point.

“This is my youngest daughter, Arabella. You’ve met her before, right?”

This feels strange…

“How is she? Isn’t she pretty?”

As expected, the Count wrapped his arm around his daughter’s shoulder and pushed her towards me.

“Ah, I, I’m Arabella…”

The Count’s daughter, who seemed to be in her early teens, trembled as she looked at me and introduced herself.

Ha, I never thought I would experience something like this.

“How is she?”

My mind went blank, and I couldn’t answer, as it was my first time experiencing this.

But did he think I was contemplating?

“Ah, don’t worry too much if you have a girlfriend. You can just take her as a concubine.”


“Ah, you didn’t know?”

The Count laughed and said at my mutter,

“It’s also a noble’s duty to have many descendants and contribute to the country. You can have up to three concubines besides your legal wife if you become a noble.”

Duty, my ass.

I suddenly felt like using the bathroom again.

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