Surviving the Game as a Barbarian

Chapter 287 Cause and Effect (3)

Chapter 287 Cause and Effect (3)

I thought about following Raven after she left the library to find out where her house was, but I decided against it.

It wouldn't be right to do that to a companion. She hadn't told me about her family situation because she didn't want to. If I was really curious, I could just ask her directly later when we returned to our original time.

'…Then what should I do?'

I tried to continue organizing my plans, but I couldn't focus, so I just left. I ate and then rolled around in bed, and then Amelia returned.

“…You were doing that all day?”

“What about it?”

You told me to stay home.

Amelia shook her head at my gaze and tossed me a heavy pouch.



“I sold the equipment and items we took from the looters. We split it evenly, so go buy some equipment tomorrow.”

“Oh, this is quite a lot.”

“There aren't many blacksmiths in Noark, so it's difficult to get new equipment. Don't waste it, spend it on things you need.”

Geez, the nagging.

“How's your work going?”

“It's still in progress.”

Amelia said she would tell me when there was progress and then disappeared.

It seemed like she just stopped by to give me the money.

‘I should go eat some grilled meat tomorrow.’

I went out early the next morning and headed towards Commelby, the commercial district also known as the 'free market'. And I placed orders for a few pieces of equipment at the blacksmith I usually went to.

They said it would take about three weeks…

‘This place was doing well even twenty years ago.’

Well, it made sense.

There weren't many places in Commelby that offered high-tier equipment at a good price.

‘I should look around while I’m here.’

I wandered around and enjoyed myself since I didn't have anything else to do.

I checked the prices at the central exchange, asked other explorers about the best restaurants from twenty years ago, and enjoyed myself until it was almost time for the last carriage.

I returned to the inn, had a drink, and went to bed.

And the next morning, on Day 3…

‘Phew, I'm nervous.’

…I visited the sanctuary.

I was worried that someone might talk to me, not recognizing me…

‘But maybe because of the large population? The atmosphere in the sanctuary is completely different from twenty years later.’

…but fortunately, that didn't happen.

They were different from my generation, who memorized the names and faces of everyone in their year, even those above and below them.

‘Okay, let’s just leave the letter and get out of here.’

I sneaked into the chieftain's tent while he was away and left the letter I had written the day before, then left the sanctuary.

And then I visited the Leathlas Church.

Coincidentally, there was a suitable request.

It was a building maintenance job for the church.

The only reward was achievement points, so it was practically volunteer work.

“Your application has been accepted.”

The work started in three days, so I just submitted the application form and left.

I went to the library since I had some time left.

As I was sitting there quietly, organizing my thoughts, the chair across from me was pulled out.


Yeah, you're here again.

“Hey, Arrua.”


I greeted her, even calling her by name, but Raven frowned.

“Why didn't you come yesterday?”

She's acting like we had an appointment.

She was the one who left without looking back.

“Whatever, did you eat?”


Raven said she had a piece of bread she brought from home.

Geez, is that a meal?

“Let's go eat some meat.”


“Don't you like it?”

“I don't know.”

“You don't know?”

“I've never had it.”

Damn, this kid is breaking my heart.

“Then you can try it today. Come on, get up. You can study later.”


“Don't worry, we're just going to the restaurant in front of the library.”

“I'm not worried.”

Raven got up from her chair, annoyed at being treated like a child. And she moved one seat over, creating some distance between us.

“Don't pity me. I can buy meat with my own money later.”

It seemed like my offer to buy her food hurt her pride.

Damn it, my bad.

There's a way to approach this type of person.

“Ah, I'm sorry if you thought that way.”

Raven got up from her chair again as I apologized sincerely.


“It's my first time seeing an adult apologize. I'll let it slide.”

...she sat back down in her original seat.

What the hell, she's like a cat.

“I'm going to read now, so don't bother me.”

Raven then said firmly and started reading.

I was a bit dumbfounded.

When did I bother her…?



Anyway, time passed quietly as we maintained a comfortable distance.


Raven spoke again when she turned the last page of the book she was reading.

“…Are you an explorer?”

It was a question I had been expecting.

Kids love this kind of stuff.

“Yeah, I'm an explorer.”

“What rank are you?”

“6th grade.”

I corrected myself quickly.

I decided to answer based on 'Nibels Enche', just in case.

“Is that high?”

“It's average. Most of the explorers in the books you read would be at least 4th grade.”

“Hmm, I see.”

Surprisingly, Raven didn't tease me for having a low rank or ignore me.

She was just curious.

“Can you tell me about it?”

“About the labyrinth?”


I then told her stories about the labyrinth, about my life as an explorer, exaggerating some parts.

Ah, I tried to avoid the bad stories.

Raven was different from Dwarkey.

Damn, I have to protect children's innocence.

“That's interesting. Are all barbarians like you?”

“My name is Nibels Enche.”

“Ah, sorry. I'll call you by your name from now on.”

Contrary to my first impression that she was a crazy kid, Raven was surprisingly mature.

She was considerate and tried not to do things that she didn't like to others.

But she had one flaw.

“But why do you pick fights with adults?”

“I wasn't picking a fight.”

“A smart kid like you wouldn't not know that there are better ways than electrocuting people.”

“…I don't know.”

As we talked, I realized that Raven had a strong desire to be acknowledged.

Well, who doesn't?

But it was much stronger in her than in other children her age.

Maybe the reason she electrocuted those people who were blocking the way was because of that. She probably wanted to show off her magic.

Well, she probably never got the reaction she was hoping for.

Based on my experience, there's only one thought that comes to mind when you're suddenly electrocuted.

Is this kid crazy?

“Then I'll be going. See you later.”

Raven left the library as if running away from an uncomfortable topic.

So I also returned to the inn.

Three days passed.


The past, twenty years ago.

Although I had been excitedly exploring the city every day, I quickly lost interest.

After all, what's so special about twenty years ago?

It's still just a place where people live.

So I had spent most of the past three days at the inn, except for chatting with Raven at the library.

'Ah, come to think of it, I didn't tell her I couldn't go today.'

I had become quite close to Raven after meeting her every day for the past few days.

She even started talking about her family.

'…It was unexpected.'

Raven was from a single-parent household.

But it wasn't because her father had died, he had left a year ago.

Ah, for reference, her father was also a mage.

No wonder she was able to learn magic just from reading books at the library. Her father had taught her the basics.

[Anyway, that's why my mom doesn't like me learning magic. She even sold all the books we had at home. It reminds her of him.]

I was surprised by her sudden family story, but Raven said it was nothing special.

But I thought it was also part of her defense mechanism.

If she pretended it didn't bother her, maybe it would really become nothing to her.

'Damn it, this is heartbreaking...'

So I had a new goal now.

To help Raven enter the Magic Tower. Well, she would become a member of the Magic Tower someday, even without my help…

'But the sooner she enters, the better.'

Maybe Raven would be an even greater mage when I returned to the future.

Hmm, but would our first meeting be different then?

'Eh, how much could it change?'

It would probably just make the Vampire fight easier, and even if it wasn't, it didn't matter.

The past had already changed.

I had left a letter at the sanctuary.

And I would be going down to Noark with Amelia in three weeks to save someone who was supposed to die.

'If it's going to change anyway, it's better to guide it in a way that's beneficial to us.'

Right, in that sense...


I took a deep breath at the entrance.

'I'm a bit nervous.'

The Leathlas Church orphanage.

The place where Dwarkey spent his childhood.

"Ah, Mr. Nibels Enche?"


"Please wait here for a moment, the foreman will explain what we're doing today. Would you like something to drink?"

"No, it's fine."

I entered the orphanage, said I was there for volunteer work, and waited for a while. A tough-looking man then came and led me and a few other volunteers to the work site.

"As you can see, the building is a bit old, so there are many places that are uncomfortable and dangerous for the children. I've divided you into groups, mixing experienced volunteers with newbies, so let's all work hard today."

My job for the next week was to repair the old building.

It was a bit of a strange feeling.

The last time I was here, I was moving luggage before it was demolished.

"Hey, barbarian! Morning work is over, go take a break!"

I diligently followed his instructions, and then I went to the playground where the children were playing during my break.

It wasn't difficult to find Dwarkey.

He was the only one reading a book under a tree while everyone else was playing.

'...He didn't have any friends even back then.'

I drank water from my canteen and sat down next to him. But the lines I had prepared to become friends with him didn't come to mind.

I could only think of his last moments.

There were many things I wanted to say to him if we ever met again.

"I'll... move. Please rest..."

Dwarkey, as if uncomfortable with my gaze, got up.

I came to my senses.

I had to do what I had to do.

"Sit down."

"Ye, yes!"

"...You can speak informally. I won't bite."


Dwarkey sat back down, but he kept looking at me nervously.

Damn it, I didn't expect him to be this timid.

"What's your name?"


"Last name?"

"I don't want to tell you."

"My name is Nibels Enche. I'm a 6th-grade explorer."

"I see..."

Damn it, this feels like bullying.

Don't kids usually like it when someone who looks like an explorer approaches them?

Like these kids.

"Wow, a barbarian!"

"Is that a tattoo? Did it hurt?"

The children who were playing came over to me, curious. And when I told them I was an explorer, they begged me to tell them about the labyrinth.

I looked at Dwarkey, who had moved to a corner.

'He could have just left, but he's still here, so he must be curious too.'

Dwarkey was also looking at us from afar, as if he wanted to hear about the labyrinth. So I started talking.

Ah, of course, it was a different version from the dream-like stories I told Raven.

"Goblin! Have you ever fought a goblin?"

"Of course I have. I crushed its eyeballs like this with my hand, and then I smashed its head with my fist. Its skull was pretty hard, so I had to hit it three times."


"I also remember the time I stepped on a trap. I thought I was going to die. My muscles and tendons were torn, and I couldn't even use one of my legs. I crawled through the darkness for hours, looking for someone to save me."

"Uh oh..."

"Yeah. It was a tough experience. My shin bone was sticking out, so it hurt every time it touched the ground. And then the goblin's paralysis poison wore off, and I thought I was going crazy. I didn't realize it back then, but I lost one of my molars."


The children's faces darkened as the story continued.

Well, who would tell them this kind of story?

"Ah, and one more thing. People usually think that monsters turn into magic stones as soon as they die, but that's a misconception. They stare at me for about three seconds, even while their brains are spilling out of their noses and ears. With this kind of look."


"Is this boring? Then I'll tell you about humans. I once met a looter who wore human ears as a necklace..."


A little girl who was trembling at the front ran away crying.

But I continued my story.

"This isn't good? Then I'll tell you about the first time my arm was torn off."


"This isn't good either? Then... hmm, I guess I should tell you about the time the guild tried to frame me and kill me."



"Is, is that all you have?"

One of the kids asked me, trembling, as I was about to continue.

I nodded without hesitation.

"What do you expect? I don't know what kind of stories you've heard, but these kinds of horrible things happen every day during exploration."

That was the truth.

Although you smiled and said it was a good thing you became an explorer...

It was definitely a horrible experience.

"So... that's why..."

I looked at Dwarkey and said,

"Don't do this. Okay?"

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